David Cameron to face inquiry into resignation honours list – The Independent

‘David Cameron is to face a Commons inquiry into his resignation honours list, which has been widely criticised for the way he used it to reward friends and financial backers.’

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The Independent, 9th August 2016

Source: www.independent.co.uk

UK government tests whether ‘online activity history’ can serve to verify identity – OUT-LAW.com

Posted July 27th, 2016 in data protection, internet, news, parliament, privacy, statistics by sally

‘The UK government has tested whether internet users’ “online activity history”, including data from social networks, can be used to verify their identity when they use online public services.’

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OUT-LAW.com, 26th July 2016

Source: www.out-law.com

Survivors must have a stronger voice in Goddard abuse inquiry – The Guardian

Posted July 27th, 2016 in child abuse, evidence, inquiries, news, parliament, sexual offences, victims by sally

‘Justice Lowell Goddard will be unable to deliver justice or tackle child sex abuse if her inquiry sidelines survivors.’

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The Guardian, 26th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Five things you may have missed about the Chilcot inquiry – The Guardian

‘Much of the furore surrounding the Iraq war report focused on the failings of Tony Blair. But there were other, crucial findings that shouldn’t be ignored.’

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The Guardian, 26th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

High court challenge could derail Labour leadership race – The Guardian

Posted July 27th, 2016 in elections, news, parliament, political parties, statistics by sally

‘Labour could be forced to reopen its nomination process for the leadership contest if a high court judge rules on Thursday that Jeremy Corbyn must have the support of his MPs to appear on the ballot.’

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The Guardian, 26th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

FCA branded ‘inadequate’ as MPs call for new bank watchdog – The Independent

Posted July 26th, 2016 in banking, financial regulation, news, parliament, select committees by sally

‘Britain needs a new financial watchdog to punish wrongdoing in order to win public confidence, further reshaping a regulatory structure that was overhauled just three years ago, the Treasury Select Committee has said.’

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The Independent, 26th July 2016

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Attorney General Speech at the Royal Courts of Justice – Attorney General’s Office

Posted July 25th, 2016 in attorney general, legal history, lord chancellor, news, parliament, speeches by sally

‘Attorney General Jeremy Wright QC MP’s speech at the Lord Chancellor’s swearing in ceremony.’

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Attorney General’s Office, 21st July 2016

Source: www.gov.uk/ago

MPs reject bill to change Britain’s voting system to proportional representation – The Independent

Posted July 21st, 2016 in bills, constitutional reform, elections, news, parliament by tracey

‘MPs have rejected a bill that would have changed Britain’s voting system to a form of proportional representation.’

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The Independent, 20th July 2016

Source: www.independent.co.uk

MPs to debate motion declaring Tony Blair in ‘contempt’ of parliament in September – The Independent

Posted July 21st, 2016 in deceit, Iraq, news, parliament, reports, war by tracey

‘MPs are to debate a motion on whether to declare Tony Blair in “contempt” of Parliament because of his role in the Iraq War.’

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The Independent, 20th July 2016

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Hanningfield acquitted of expenses fraud after parliament intervenes with court – The Guardian

‘Former Tory peer accused of submitting false expenses has been formally acquitted after parliament made an unexpected intervention in the case. Lord Hanningfield, who served a jail sentence for expenses fraud in 2011, was accused in Southwark crown court of claiming around £3,300 in House of Lords allowances in July 2013 to which he was not entitled.’

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The Guardian, 18th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Stephen Laws: Article 50 and the political constitution – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted July 18th, 2016 in bills, constitutional law, news, parliament, referendums, treaties by sally

‘The only relevant question now left for the UK about the Art 50 notification is what needs to be done before it is given. It is politically inevitable that the referendum result will be accepted and the notification given, perhaps in January next year.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 18th July 2016

Source: www.ukconstitutionallaw.org

Yossi Nehushtan: Why Is It Illegal for the Prime Minister to Perceive the EU Referendum’s Result as Morally-Politically Authoritative? – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘On the legal front, the current debate focuses on the question of who has the legal authority to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and begin the Brexit process. Some argue (quite convincingly) that only Parliament has this authority (and see Barber, Hickman, and King’s post). Others argue that Government, and in fact the Prime Minister, acting under the Royal Prerogative, can act without the approval of Parliament. The latter is, apparently, the view of Government’s lawyers.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, July 2016

Source: www.ukconstitutionallaw.org

‘Should Vote Leave be prosecuted over its referendum propaganda?’ – Church Court Chambers

‘On 23 June 2016 over 33 million people voted in the EU referendum. Since that date there has been widespread anger from those who believe that the organisation ‘Vote Leave’ misled members of the public. Vote Leave is said to have done so by promoting two claims. First, that the UK sends £350 million to the European Union every week and this money would be spent on the National Health Service if the UK voted to leave the European Union. Second, that remaining in the European Union would lead to unrestricted immigration.’

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Church Court Chambers, 7th July 2016

Source: www.churchcourtchambers.co.uk

Robert Craig: Triggering Article 50 Does not Require Fresh Legislation – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Considerable public interest has recently been focused on the ‘trigger’ mechanism for exit from the EU which is set out in Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty. Expert opinion has divided between those who believe that the power to trigger Article 50 rests with the Executive using the legal authority of the royal prerogative from the Crown with no further parliamentary involvement necessary and those who argue that fresh legislation is required to confer statutory authorisation on the Executive to do something which could render nugatory rights under the European Communities Act 1972 (‘ECA’). An ingenious third way involving section 2(2) of the ECA has also been suggested.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 8th July 2016

Source: www.ukconstitutionallaw.org

First legal attempt to prevent Brexit set for preliminary hearing – The Guardian

‘The first legal attempt to prevent the prime minister initiating Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union is to be heard later this month.’

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The Guardian, 8th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Colm O’Cinneide: Why Parliamentary Approval for the Triggering of Article 50 TEU Should Be Required as a Matter of Constitutional Principle – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘The argument that Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) cannot be lawfully triggered without the consent of Parliament has generated plenty of excited discussion over the last week, both in specialist legal circles and in the wider world. The announcement by Mishcon de Reya that that legal action was pending to ‘ensure the UK Government will not trigger the procedure for withdrawal from the EU without an Act of Parliament’ has brought this debate to boiling point. Some commentators have talked excitedly about a ‘legal dream team… launching a last gasp legal bid to preserve Britain’s European Union membership’. In response, there has been a visceral backlash in pro-Leave ranks against what they see as an attempt by conniving lawyers to thwart the will of the people. The front page of the Daily Express on 4 July 2016 led with the banner headline ’Top Lawyers in Threat to Referendum Vote & Democracy’, going on to warn about ‘outrage and rioting on the streets’. Similarly, Professor Frank Furedi commenting on Twitter described the proposed legal action as nothing less than an ‘authoritarian attempt at a “legal” coup’, with Brendan O’Neill indulging in similar hysteria in the Spectator.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 7th July 2016

Source: www.ukconstitutionallaw.org

Chilcot’s lessons on going to war must be enshrined in law – The Guardian

Posted July 7th, 2016 in constitutional reform, Iraq, news, parliament, reports, war, weapons by sally

‘A robust and agreed framework should be followed by future cabinets before decisions on military action are taken.’

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The Guardian, 6th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Brexit: Legal steps seek to ensure Commons vote on Article 50 – BBC News

‘A law firm is taking action to ensure the formal process for the UK leaving the EU is not started without an act of Parliament.’

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BBC News, 4th July 2016

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

A radical moment for Britain’s sex workers – The Guardian

Posted July 5th, 2016 in crime, news, parliament, prostitution, select committees by sally

‘The Commons inquiry into prostitution has recommended legalising brothels and soliciting as quickly as possible. So, what happens now?’

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The Guardian, 4th July 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Brexit legal challenge launched as businesses move to block EU exit without Act of Parliament – The Independent

‘A group of businesses has launched a legal challenge to prevent the Government from launching Brexit without a formal Act of Parliament.’

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The Independent, 4th July 2016

Source: www.independent.co.uk