Finance & Divorce Update July 2015 – Family Law Week

Posted July 21st, 2015 in divorce, financial provision, news, parental rights by tracey

‘Edward Heaton, Principal Associate and Jane Booth, Associate, both of Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the financial remedies and divorce news and cases from June 2015.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 19th July 2015


UK parents to get power to cancel children’s passports over Isis fears – The Guardian

‘Parents worried that their children may be about to travel to Syria or Iraq to join Islamic State (Isis) will be able to apply for their child’s passport to be cancelled, David Cameron has announced in a speech setting out his five-year counter-extremism strategy.’

Full story

The Guardian, 20th July 2015


Surrogacy agreement breakdowns–what are the issues? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘Are new laws needed to cover surrogacy arrangements and modern family set-ups? Mai-Ling Savage, a barrister and specialist in surrogacy, same-sex parenting and fertility law at Fourteen, a specialist family chambers, analyses a recent case which highlights the lack of a clear legal framework to enforce agreements made before the birth of a child.’

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Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 4th June 2015


Men are treated fairly when trying to get access to their children in courts, study says – The Independent

Posted June 2nd, 2015 in family courts, news, parental rights, residence orders by sally

‘Men are not unfairly represented in family courts and are just as likely to have contact applications approved as women, an academic study of nearly 200 child custody cases from 2011 has concluded.’

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The Independent, 2nd June 2015


The role of the law, in the matter of Ashya King – OUP Blog

‘Parents of a child diagnosed with a serious illness are immediately required to make decisions about their child’s medical treatment which, in order to save life, may cause pain, unpleasant side-effects and risk damaging their child’s future quality of life. The actions, last summer, of the parents of five year old Ashya King offer just one example of the lengths to which parents will go to secure the best possible treatment for their child; researching alternative treatments, securing second opinions, finding a treatment centre offering innovative or experimental treatment, travelling abroad, selling belongings or otherwise raising funds for treatment. The Internet provides access to a host of information about the side effects and risks of conventional treatment, alternative treatments available across the world – if you can pay for them – and stories of their success.’

Full story

OUP Blog, 22nd May 2015


The Court of Appeal and the Birth Family: Making Certain Justice is Seen to be Done – Family Law Week

Posted May 7th, 2015 in adoption, appeals, guardianship, news, parental rights, residence orders by sally

‘David Bedingfield, barrister of 4 Paper Buildings, considers two recent Court of Appeal judgments which had cause to consider the significance of a child’s family ties.’

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Family Law Week, 6th May 2015


The Law and Parenthood – BBC Unreliable Evidence

Posted May 7th, 2015 in children, news, parental rights by sally

‘In the first of a news series, Clive Anderson and a panel of senior lawyers, judges and other experts discuss how the law balances the sometimes conflicting interests of parents and their children.’


BBC Unreliable Evidence, 6th May 2015


Shared parental leave rules come into force in UK amid small business fear – The Guardian

Posted April 7th, 2015 in adoption, employment, maternity leave, news, parental rights, paternity leave by sally

‘New rules heralding Scandinavian-style shared parental leave of up to 50 weeks come into force this weekend as concerns continue that many employers are not ready for the “complicated and challenging” changes.’

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd April 2015


Father who insisted he had a right to smack his children has son and daughter taken into care – Daily Telegraph

‘The father, from Rotherham, was completely open with social workers about his conviction that children benefit from corporal punishment.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th March 2015


Non-genetic parentage under the HFEA 2008 – Tanfield Chambers

Posted March 20th, 2015 in assisted reproduction, embryology, news, parental rights by sally

‘Where a child is conceived with donor sperm, parentage is normally determined under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008. S.33 provides that the woman who bears the child will be the mother, regardless of whether the egg was hers or came from a donor. If she is married or in a civil partnership, her spouse or civil partner will be the other parent, unless it is shown that the spouse or civil partner did not consent to the treatment – s.35 and s.42. Otherwise, ss.36 and 37 provide that a man (who will normally be the mother’s partner) will be the child’s father if:

(i) the treatment is provided by a clinic in the UK under a licence from the HFE Authority; and

(ii) both parties give written notice to the clinic consenting to such parentage.’

Full story

Tanfield Chambers, 20th February 2015


Victim told to write to vicious attacker or face jail herself – Daily Telegraph

‘A mother who was tortured for seven hours and had her throat slashed in front of her twin sons has been forced to write to her attacker, and could face jail herself if she refuses.’

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Daily Telegraph, 15th February 2015


Judge rules Jehovah’s Witness boy can receive blood transfusion – The Guardian

Posted December 8th, 2014 in children, consent, medical treatment, news, parental rights by sally

‘A high court judge has ruled that the son of two devout Jehovah’s Witnesses can be given a blood transfusion despite religious objections from his parents.’

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The Guardian, 8th December 2014


High Court judge refuses application by Treasury to lift automatic suspension – Local Government Lawyer

Posted November 5th, 2014 in children, contracts, delay, employment, news, parental rights, public interest, taxation by sally

‘A High Court judge has dismissed an application by the Treasury and two of its agencies to lift an automatic suspension under the Public Contracts Regulations 1996.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 5th November 2014


Sperm deal children ‘irredeemably marred’ by four-parent feud – Daily Telegraph

‘Judge warns of trauma ‘unleashed’ by fallout from ‘known-donor fertilisation’ arrangement between former friends.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd November 2014


Mother cleared of poisoning teenager daughter with hormones supplied by Belgian doctor says case should be landmark for parents’ rights – The Independent

Posted October 31st, 2014 in children, medical treatment, medicines, mental health, news, parental rights, poisoning by sally

‘A mother cleared of poisoning her daughter after taking desperate measures to treat a chronic condition has said that the case should be used as a landmark for other parents finding care for their children outside the NHS.’

Full story

The Independent, 30th October 2014


Parents of severely ill toddler threatening ‘legal action to keep her alive’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 9th, 2014 in children, hospitals, medical treatment, news, parental rights by sally

‘The parents of Amelia Rose claim a hospital ethics committee ruled staff can refuse to send the 23-month-old to the intensive care unit if her condition deteriorates.’

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Daily Telegraph, 9th July 2014


Couple who kept 19 dogs lose fight to have children returned from foster care – The Guardian

Posted May 29th, 2014 in appeals, care orders, dogs, news, parental rights by michael

‘A couple who kept 19 dogs have lost a family court fight for the return of their two children.’

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The Guardian, 29th May 2014


In re KP (A Child) (Abduction: Rights of Custody) – WLR Daily

In re KP (A Child) (Abduction: Rights of Custody): [2014] EWCA Civ 554; [2014] WLR (D) 181

‘The role of a judge meeting a child who was the subject of abduction proceedings under the Hague Convention should be largely that of a passive recipient of whatever communication the child wished to transmit, which the judge should not probe or seek to test.’

WLR Daily, 1st May 2014


Father wins damages after social worker falsely accused him of abusing daughter – Daily Telegraph

‘A father was arrested and banned from seeing his six-year-old daughter after a social workers falsely accused him of child abuse.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 22nd April 2014


Don’t email in capital letters, court tells ‘insensitive’ father in custody dispute – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 15th, 2014 in contact orders, electronic mail, news, parental rights by tracey

‘An “insensitive” father banned by the courts from seeing his children has been warned by a judge not to type his emails to them in capitals – because it looks like he is shouting.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 14th April 2014
