Tell me why – ‘Minded to’ letters and reasons – Nearly Legal

Posted October 12th, 2020 in appeals, homelessness, housing, local government, news, notification by sally

‘This was a section 204 Housing Act 1996 appeal following Lambeth’s review decision that Ms S had made herself intentionally homeless. This was the trial of a preliminary issue concerning Lambeth’s “minded to” decision letter sent during the course of the review.’

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Nearly Legal, 11th October 2020


Court of Appeal dismisses challenge to increase in state pension age – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In Delve and Anor v SSfWP [2020] EWCA Civ 1199, the Court of Appeal dismissed the challenge brought against the series of Pensions Acts between 1995 and 2014 which equalised the state pension age for women with that of men by raising the state pension age for women from 60 to 65 and then raising the age at which both men and women can claim their state pension.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 9th October 2020


Possession claims – More new things and yet more to come – Nearly Legal

‘ now has a “Reactivation Notice” (one for claimants, one for defendants). Note this is not a statutory or prescribed form. There is no set format for a reactivation notice.
The page says “Please do not use these documents before 20 September 2020. There is no need to rush to reactivate – you have until 4pm on 24 January 2021.” Which is not necessarily the case. Any possession claim with a hearing already listed requires a reactivation notice to be filed and served at least 42 days before the hearing – Practice Direction 55C 2.5.’

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Nearly Legal, 15th September 2020


Court of Appeal dismisses legal challenge over confiscation orders and costs of removing contaminated waste – Local Government Lawyer

Posted August 28th, 2020 in appeals, confiscation, Crown Court, environmental health, news, notification, waste by sally

‘The Court of Appeal has rejected a case in which two men argued that a Crown Court judge miscalculated confiscation orders made following a prosecution by the Environment Agency.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 27th August 2020


Eviction ban extended by four weeks – Local Government Lawyer

‘The ban on tenant evictions, which was set to expire on Monday 23rd August, has been extended for a further four weeks until 20th September.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st August 2020


Court of Appeal upholds “unparalleled” Housing (Wales) Act 2014 eviction rules – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 10th, 2020 in appeals, housing, landlord & tenant, licensing, news, notification, repossession, Wales by sally

‘Welsh law means that a landlord who is unlicensed cannot lawfully serve an eviction notice on tenants, the Court of Appeal has found.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 9th July 2020


Trecarrell House Ltd v Rouncefield [2020] EWCA Civ 760 – Tanfield Chambers

‘The Court of Appeal held that the failure to serve a gas safety certificate on a tenant before the tenant took up occupation of the demised premises was not fatal to the landlord’s later ability to serve a section 21 notice.’

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Tanfield Chambers, 30th July 2020


We don’t do that in Wales – Nearly Legal

Posted July 8th, 2020 in housing, landlord & tenant, news, notification, repossession, Wales by sally

‘The question for the Court of Appeal on this second appeal was does failing to be licensed under the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 prevent a landlord from serving any notice seeking possession, or just a section 21 notice?’

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Nearly Legal, 7th July 2020


Running out of gas… Housing Update – Section 21 Notices – St Ives Chambers

‘In a long-awaited judgment handed down on 18th June 2020, the Court of Appeal held (2:1) in Trecarrell House Limited v. Patricia Rouncefield [2020] EWCA Civ 760 (“Rouncefield”) that a failure to provide a gas safety certificate to a new tenant prior to them taking up occupation can be rectified by later service so as to enable the landlord to serve a section 21 notice.’

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St Ives Chambers, 23rd June 2020


The Trecarrell Conundrum – Nearly Legal

Posted June 19th, 2020 in appeals, health & safety, housing, landlord & tenant, news, notification by sally

‘It is fair to say this Court of Appeal decision has been widely and keenly awaited. Unfortunately, for reasons I will explain in my comment at the end, I think it leaves us with a lot of further questions.’

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Nearly Legal, 18th June 2020


CQC under fire from care home body for failing to report true death toll to ministers – The Guardian

Posted May 27th, 2020 in care homes, coronavirus, elderly, news, notification, statistics by sally

‘The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has been accused of failing to alert ministers to the mounting death toll caused by the coronavirus crisis, despite having access to daily information about deaths.’

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The Guardian, 24th May 2020


Woman who makes involuntary sounds fails in judicial review challenge over noise abatement notice – Local Government Lawyer

‘A 67-year-old retired primary school teacher who has a neurological disorder that causes her to make involuntary sounds and noises has failed in a judicial review challenge over a noise abatement notice.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 26th May 2020


Contracting Covid-19 at work – who needs to know? Chief Coroner’s Guidance 37 & RIDDOR – Park Square Barristers

Posted May 7th, 2020 in coronavirus, coroners, employment, health & safety, news, notification by sally

‘The vast majority of deaths from Covid-19 will not be referred to the Coroner and even fewer will result in an inquest into the death. However, when an employee dies from Covid-19 it may have to be reported to both the Health and Safety Executive (“HSE”) and the Coroner.’

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Park Square Barristers, 29th April 2020


R (Simon Halabi) v The Crown Court at Southwark and others – Blackstone Chambers

‘The Divisional Court has handed down judgment in an important case concerning whether the regime for the imposition of notification requirements on sexual offenders is compatible with rights under Article 8 ECHR.’

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Blackstone Chambers, 1st May 2020


Not signed, not sealed, not delivered – Nearly Legal

‘A first instance county court judgment on a possession claim, but with a range of interesting issues. The Ratcliffes were the landlords, Ms Patterson was the tenant and Mr Porter a guarantor, who played no part in proceedings. The tenancy was an assured shorthold tenancy with the most recent fixed term beginning in June 2018. Rent arrears accrued (on which more later) and the Ratcliffes brought a claim for possession under grounds 8, 10 and 11 Schedule 2 Housing Act 1988.’

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Nearly Legal, 26th April 2020


Coronavirus – new forms 3 and 6A for s8 and s21 – Nearly Legal

‘Now that the Coronavirus Act is in force (as of today 26 March 2020), the three month notice period applies to assure and assured shorthold tenancies (as well as secure, introductory, etc).’

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Nearly Legal, 26th March 2020


Upper Tribunal cuts £572k civil penalties in housing case by 70% – Local Government Lawyer

Posted March 27th, 2020 in appeals, housing, local government, news, notification, penalties, tribunals by sally

‘The Upper Tribunal has allowed in part an appeal over civil penalties of £236,000 imposed on each of two defendants for housing offences, reducing the total amount to be paid to £174,000.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 25th March 2020


The Court of Appeal reviews the right to silence in cases of contempt – Doughty Street Chambers

Posted March 26th, 2020 in appeals, chambers articles, contempt of court, news, notification by sally

‘The Court of Appeal today [17 March] handed down judgment in Andreewitch v Moutreuil [2020] EWCA Civ 382. The courts have long since recognised the “absolute right of a person accused of contempt to remain silent” (Comet v Hawkex [1971] 2 QB 67). The Andreewitch judgment establishes that a judge must warn alleged contemnors of that right before they give oral evidence.’

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Doughty Street Chambers, 17th March 2020


Valid or not valid? – Local Government Lawyer

‘Does an obvious mistake in a Notice of Seeking Possession invalidate it…or not? Steven Eccles reports on the lessons for housing associations and local authorities from an important recent ruling.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 13th March 2020


Court of Appeal clarifies UK Construction Act treatment of hybrid contracts –

Posted March 10th, 2020 in building law, contracts, news, notification by tracey

‘The Court of Appeal in London has ruled that UK construction law does not require hybrid contracts to include distinct notifications with separate break downs for construction operations and non-construction operations.’

Full Story, 9th March 2020
