Couple lose £4,000 legal battle with neighbour over ‘noisy’ pond – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 17th, 2016 in complaints, costs, news, noise, nuisance by michael

‘A couple have lost a costly legal battle with their neighbour over claims his garden pond is too noisy. ‘

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17 February 2016


Is that the sound of change to NIHL claims? – Zenith PI Blog

Posted September 29th, 2015 in Civil Justice Council, costs, news, noise, personal injuries by sally

‘The Civil Justice Council has set up a working group, to be chaired by Andrew Parker of DAC Beachcroft, to advise the present government as to the handling of noise induced hearing loss claims. Membership of the working group will represent solicitors, claims managers, insurers, the Ministry of Justice and the judiciary.’

Full story
Zenith PI Blog, 28th September 2015


MoJ tells noise-induced hearing loss working group to focus on fixed fees – Litigation Futures

Posted September 28th, 2015 in costs, fees, Ministry of Justice, news, noise, personal injuries by sally

‘The Civil Justice Council (CJC) group asked by the Ministry of Justice to investigate noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) claims is to look at how a fixed-costs regime might work, it has been announced.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 28th September 2015


Hazard? What Hazard? – Nearly Legal

Posted September 9th, 2015 in homelessness, housing, local government, news, noise, statutory duty by sally

‘When do local authorities have to conduct Housing Act 2004 hazard assessments as part of their homelessness duties?’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 9th September 2015


Owners of dog which barked 43 times a minute fined – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 4th, 2015 in dogs, fines, news, noise, nuisance by sally

‘The owners of a dog which barked 43 times a minute for 20 minutes have been fined.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd September 2015


Government calls in Civil Justice Council to investigate NIHL claims – Litigation Futures

Posted July 27th, 2015 in Civil Justice Council, compensation, insurance, news, noise by sally

‘The Ministry of Justice has asked the Civil Justice Council (CJC) to investigate the number and cost of claims for noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), it has announced.’
Full story

Litigation Futures, 29th July 2015


Woman sent to jail for noisy sex – The Guardian

Posted June 2nd, 2015 in ASBOs, news, noise, sentencing by sally

‘A woman who breached a court order barring her from causing nuisance by making loud sex noises has been sent to jail.’

Full story

The Guardian, 1st June 2015


Dalton and others v British Telecommunications plc – WLR Daily

Posted March 20th, 2015 in costs, fees, law reports, news, noise, personal injuries by tracey

Dalton and others v British Telecommunications plc; [2015] EWHC 616 (QB); [2015] WLR (D) 125

‘The term “disease” in section V of the former CPR Pt 45 included any illness (whether physical or physiological), disorder, ailment, affliction, complaint, malady or derangement other than a physical or physiological injury solely caused by an accident or other similar single event.’

WLR Daily, 13th March 2015


Judge criticises insurer bid to cut costs by reclassifying noise-induced hearing loss – Litigation Futures

‘A High Court judge has criticised the insurance industry over a failed attempt to have noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) reclassified as an injury rather than a disease, in a bid to reduce the level of pre-Jackson success fees defendants would have to pay.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 16th March 2015


Noise-induced hearing loss a disease, High Court rules – Law Society’s Gazette

The High Court has ruled that noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) should be treated as a disease rather than an injury for the purpose of claims – and therefore be subject to higher success fees.

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 17th March 2015


Woman guilty of assault for throwing water – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 22nd, 2015 in assault, children, conditional discharge, costs, news, noise by sally

‘Michelle Dodd convicted after Stockport magistrates hear of her long-standing dispute with neighbour over ‘noisy’ children playing outside on trampoline.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st January 2015


Regina (Joicey) v Northumberland County Council – WLR Daily

Posted December 2nd, 2014 in disclosure, documents, energy, law reports, local government, noise, planning by sally

Regina (Joicey) v Northumberland County Council [2014] EWHC 3657 (Admin); [2014] WLR (D) 506

‘As in failure to take account of relevant material consideration cases, so also in a case involving a breach of statutory duty to disclose information, relief would be granted unless the decision-maker could demonstrate that the decision in question would inevitably have been the same had the decision-maker acted as he was required to do.’

WLR Daily, 7th November 2014


Of cricket balls and Velux windows – a victory for Lord Denning and the common law right to hit a good six – Sports Law Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers

‘Flying cricket balls and noisy motorbikes have a long history of testing the legal balance between the public interest in sport and the private interest in the peaceful enjoyment of land or the avoidance of injury.’

Full story

Sports Law Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers, 13th November 2014


Wind turbines, noise and public information – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted November 10th, 2014 in consultations, delay, judicial review, local government, news, noise, planning by sally

‘An interesting decision about a Council not supplying some key information about a wind turbine project to the public until very late in the day. Can an objector apply to set the grant of permission aside? Answer: yes, unless the Council can show that it would have inevitably have come to the same conclusion, even if the information had been made public earlier.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 7th November 2014


Miners’ deafness claims against government on the rise – Litigation Futures

‘Compensation payouts to miners suffering from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) are rising sharply, government figures have shown.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 20th October 2014


The 13 obscure UK laws you didn’t know you were breaking – The Independent

‘Forget the urban myths about dying in Westminster or eating mince pies on Christmas Day: these are real rules you could be breaking without even realising it’

Full story

The Independent, 26th August 2014


Coventry and others (Respondents) v Lawrence and another (Appellants) – Supreme Court

Coventry and others (Respondents) v Lawrence and another (Appellants) [2014] UKSC 46 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 23rd July 2014


Lawrence and another v Fen Tigers Ltd and others (No 2) – WLR Daily

Posted July 24th, 2014 in appeals, landlord & tenant, law reports, noise, nuisance, sport, Supreme Court by sally

Lawrence and another v Fen Tigers Ltd and others (No 2) [2014] UKSC 46; [2014] WLR (D) 332

‘In order for the landlord to be liable for nuisance caused by the tenant of a property the circumstances had to be such that the landlord either (i) could be said to have authorised the nuisance by letting the property in question or (ii) had participated directly in the commission of the nuisance, and it was not enough that the landlord was aware of the nuisance but took no steps to prevent it.’

WLR Daily, 23rd July 2014


Chicken breeder faces court over noisy cockerel – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 15th, 2014 in animals, news, noise, prosecutions by tracey

‘A chicken breeder is being prosecuted after villagers complained her crowing cockerel keeps them awake at night.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th April 2014


The Supreme Court reconsiders nuisance and the power to award damages in lieu of an injunction – Henderson Chambers

Posted March 26th, 2014 in appeals, damages, injunctions, news, noise, nuisance, planning, Supreme Court by sally

‘In the case of Coventry and others (Respondents) v Lawrence and another (Appellants) [2014] UKSC 13 the Supreme Court has addressed five key matters which will play an important role in informing future claims for nuisance.’

Full story

Henderson Chambers, 25th March 2014
