Justice reforms focus on prostitution and jail numbers – The Guardian

Posted June 27th, 2007 in criminal justice, news, prostitution by sally

“After nearly 200 years the stigmatising legal term “common prostitute” which dates back to the 1824 Vagrancy Act is to be removed from the statute book, under a package of criminal justice reforms unveiled yesterday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 27th June 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Inquiry into torture of Iraqis by British troops -The Times

Posted June 27th, 2007 in armed forces, Iraq, news, torture by sally

“The Attorney-General yesterday demanded an inquiry into the use of torture by British soldiers in Iraq in 2003 which led to the death in custody of Baha Musa, an Iraqi civilian arrested during an arms search. Lord Goldsmith, QC, said it was “inexplicable” that banned techniques were being used when soldiers and officers must have realised they breached the Geneva Conventions.”

Full story

The Times, 27th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Old Square race case sees Appeal Court consider two-tier system – The Lawyer

Posted June 26th, 2007 in news, race discrimination by sally

“Old Square Chambers is heading to the Court of Appeal in a case that could see a two-tier approach to the enforcement of claims in respect of the Race Relations Act 1976.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 25th June 2007

Source: www.thelawyer.com

Highest paid barristers and solicitors firms in legal aid 2005/06 – Ministry of Justice

Posted June 26th, 2007 in barristers, law firms, legal aid, news, remuneration by sally

“A breakdown of the ten highest paid criminal and civil barristers and solicitor firms from the criminal defence service and the community legal service. The information covers 2005 and 2006. A section on frequently asked questions about legal aid fees is also included in the document.”

Highest paid barristers and solicitors firms in legal aid 2005/06 (PDF)

Ministry of Justice, 25th June 2007

Source: www.justice.gov.uk

College of Law strikes key deal with 30 firms – The Lawyer

Posted June 26th, 2007 in law firms, legal education, news by sally

“The College of Law’s plan to dominate legal education has moved up a gear after it struck a major deal with 30 law firms to provide a pioneering training programme for its junior corporate lawyers.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 25th June 2007

Source: www.thelawyer.com

NICE challenged over Alzheimer’s drugs – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2007 in medicines, news by sally

“The government’s medicines watchdog was accused today of “irrationally and unlawfully” withholding drugs which could help thousands of people suffering from early-stage dementia.”

Full story

The Times, 25th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Barristers get go-ahead to entertain clients – The Lawyer

Posted June 26th, 2007 in barristers, news by sally

“The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has decided against explicitly restricting the extent to which barristers can offer hospitality to solicitors and clients.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 25th June 2007

Source: www.thelawyer.com

Will new conduct guidelines be a burden on smaller firms? – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2007 in news, professional conduct, solicitors by sally

“The code is the most fundamental change introduced so far by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which has regulated the profession in England and Wales since January this year. The code replaces the Guide to the Professional Conduct of Solicitors (1999) and the Guide Online together with 10 other codes and rules (including the Solicitors’ Practice Rules 1990 and the Law Society’s Code for Advocacy) and introduces various changes. Although welcomed by larger firms, its requirements are onerous for smaller firms.”

Full story

The Times, 26th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Father jailed for refusing to pay child maintenance despite ex-wife’s support – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2007 in child support, news, sentencing by sally

“A lawyer was jailed yesterday for refusing to pay child support to his former wife, despite her pleas that he should not be given a custodial sentence.”

Full story

The Times, 26th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Families given chance to explain impact of crime – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2007 in dangerous driving, news, road traffic offences, victims by sally

“Families of people who are murdered or killed by dangerous driving will be able to have a statement about their loss read out in court, it was announced today.”

Full story

The Times, 25th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Call for appeal over ‘pathetically lenient’ rape sentence – The Guardian

Posted June 26th, 2007 in news, rape, sentencing by sally

“The attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, is considering an appeal against a sentence given to a man for raping a 10-year-old girl.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Woman’s payout over ginger taunts – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 26th, 2007 in harassment, news, unfair dismissal by sally

“A red-headed waitress who was taunted about the colour of her hair was awarded £17,618 compensation by an employment tribunal yesterday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th June 2007

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Barrister gets £1.1m in a year from legal aid – The Guardian

Posted June 26th, 2007 in barristers, legal aid, news, remuneration by sally

“A lawyer from Birmingham has become the most highly paid legal aid barrister in the country after pulling in more than £1.1m last year.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

3m crimes a year ‘left out of official figures’ – The Guardian

Posted June 26th, 2007 in corporate manslaughter, criminal justice, news, statistics by sally

“A fresh row over the government’s crime statistics broke out last night after two criminologists said the authoritative British Crime Survey excludes 3 million offences a year.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Rail crash trauma ‘made me a killer’ – The Times

Posted June 26th, 2007 in mental health, news by sally

“A man who claims he was turned into a killer by the trauma that he suffered in the Ladbroke Grove rail crash began an unprecedented claim for £300,000 in compensation yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 26th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Why Middle England is the new criminal class – The Times

Posted June 25th, 2007 in fraud, news, theft by sally

“They look down on council-estate dwellers as welfare-fiddling, light-fingered hoodies and chavs but it is the middle classes who are exposed today as Britain’s real habitual criminals.”

Full story

The Times, 25th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

End attack on freedom of information, MPs tell ministers – The Independent

Posted June 25th, 2007 in freedom of information, news by sally

“Ministers must scrap controversial plans aimed at preventing the public obtaining damaging or embarrassing information about the Government and other public bodies, a parliamentary committee says.”

Full story

The Independent, 25th June 2007

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Judge dies after fall from window of flat in exclusive London square – The Times

Posted June 25th, 2007 in judges, news by sally

“A Crown Court judge has died after falling from the window of his flat in an exclusive London square.”

Full story

The Times, 25th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Risk checks ditched to ease jail crowding – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 25th, 2007 in news, probation, violent offenders by sally

“Tens of thousands of prisoners will be released without any checks on whether they pose a threat to the public.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 25th June 2007

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Demand grows for full Lockerbie inquiry – The Times

Posted June 25th, 2007 in evidence, news, terrorism by sally

“Pressure is growing for a full public inquiry into the Lockerbie disaster, in response to new evidence that suggests a miscarriage of justice took place in the trial of the Libyan convicted of the bombing.”

Full story

The Times, 25th June 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk