Eight Britons have control orders – BBC News
“More than half of terror suspects under house arrest-like conditions in the UK are now British, according to figures.”
BBC News, 17th September 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“More than half of terror suspects under house arrest-like conditions in the UK are now British, according to figures.”
BBC News, 17th September 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“The UK government has been accused of trying to reclassify two kinds of cluster bombs so they can still be used after a proposed global ban begins.”
BBC News, 18th September 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“The law must be changed to stop the police keeping DNA samples from innocent people, an influential committee said today.”
The Independent, 18th September 2007
Source: www.independent.co.uk
“Organised criminals are increasingly targeting online communities such as social networking sites and multi-player computer games, a security report has warned.”
The Times, 17th September 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“Thirteen judges signalled bad luck for so-called superdominant companies yesterday and confirmed Europe as the world’s most hostile arena for private sector titans.”
The Times, 18th September 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“A new technique for testing DNA could transform civil litigation cases by supporting or refuting people’s claims that their health has been damaged by exposure to toxic chemicals.”
The Times, 17th September 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“The Government has been forced to house more than 45,000 prisoners in police cells under emergency measures to ease the jail overcrowding crisis.”
Daily Telegraph, 16th September 2007
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“A review of human rights laws in Britain and Europe has been demanded by John Reid amid fresh fears that they are hindering the fight against crime and terrorism.”
Daily Telegraph, 17th September 2007
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“Internet crime has become a major commercial activity, reveals a report by computer security company Symantec.”
BBC News, 17th September 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“A leading children’s charity has warned ministers that they must reverse the law that allows parents to smack their children, amid evidence that it is fuelling ‘invisible abuse’.”
The Observer, 16th September 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“A 39-year-old woman and her two younger siblings have won a total of £100,000 in an out-of-court settlement with Hackney council in east London because it failed to remove them as children from their abusive home.”
The Guardian, 17th September 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“One of the longest child custody cases in British legal history is to return to the high court as an infertile African couple make a new attempt to recover the child they claim as their ‘miracle’ baby.”
The Guardian, 15th September 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The family of heroin addict Rachel Whitear said yesterday they would never be able to prove the truth about their daughter’s death because of the ‘incompetence’ and ‘negligence’ of the initial investigation.”
The Guardian, 15th September 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“Cannabis use among Britain’s young offenders is ‘out of control’, up by 75 per cent in some areas and fuelling a crime epidemic, with youngsters stealing to fund their addictions, according to two studies.”
The Independent, 17th September 2007
Source: www.independent.co.uk
“The actor Chris Langham broke down in tears yesterday as he was sentenced to 10 months in prison for downloading child pornography.”
The Independent, 15th September 2007
Source: www.independent.co.uk
“Judges face having their performance in court assessed under plans to ensure that their skills in handling cases are up to scratch and that they treat people fairly and courteously.”
The Times, 17th September 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“He gave away his last album free with a newspaper, but Prince has now taken a stance to defend the rights of the artist by launching a legal action against internet sites that he claims have infringed his copyright.”
The Independent, 14th September 2007
Source: www.independent.co.uk
“A coroner yesterday called for ‘insult chatrooms’ to be regulated after members of one site encouraged a man to commit suicide while dozens watched live over the internet.”
Daily Telegraph, 14th September 2007
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“A ‘landmark’ measure to outlaw unfair genetic discrimination should be included in a new Equality Bill, the country’s leading human DNA watchdog will say tomorrow.”
Daily Telegraph, 13th September 2007
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“The accident-prone home information packs regime suffered another blow after it emerged yesterday that a main trainer of energy assessors has been stripped of its status as an approved centre.”
The Guardian, 14th September 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk