Cancer patient sues the Halifax for harassment after 762 calls about loan – The Times

Posted September 25th, 2007 in banking, harassment, news by sally

“A lung cancer patient has gone to court to stop his bank contacting him about repayment of a loan after he was called 762 times in ten months.”

Full story

The Times, 25th September 2007


Muslim dentist “made patient cover her head” – The Times

Posted September 25th, 2007 in dentists, news, professional conduct by sally

“A Muslim dentist insisted that a young woman wear an Islamic headscarf before he would agree to treat her for toothache, the General Dental Council was told yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 25th September 2007


New laws give shareholders more power to sue directors for negligence – The Times

Posted September 24th, 2007 in company directors, negligence, news by sally

“Disgruntled shareholders in Northern Rock and other troubled British companies looking to pin blame on senior management will receive a boost next month with the introduction of new laws making it easier to sue individual company directors. ”

Full story

The Times, 24th September 2007


BPP handed degree-giving breakthrough

Posted September 24th, 2007 in legal education, news by sally

“BPP Law School has been granted degree-awarding status in a move that makes the group the UK’s first private-sector company able to award the qualification.”

Full story

Legal Week, 24th September 2007


BSB ups compensation levels – The Lawyer

Posted September 24th, 2007 in barristers, compensation, news by sally

“The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has increased the amount of compensation consumers can get when barristers provide inadequate services, from £5,000 to £15,000.”

Full story 

The Lawyer, 24th September 2007


Multimillion pound “shambolic” penal agency to be axed – The Observer

Posted September 24th, 2007 in news, prisons, probation, rehabilitation by sally

“The government was accused last night of presiding over a ‘shambolic penal policy’ after it emerged it is to dismantle its multibillion pound flagship programme to protect the public and cut crime.”

Full story

The Observer, 23rd September 2007


NHS is facing £4.5bn compensation bill over babies damaged at birth by hospital “blunders” – The Observer

Posted September 24th, 2007 in birth, compensation, doctors, midwives, negligence, news by sally

“The NHS is facing £4.5bn in compensation claims over alleged blunders by midwives and doctors that have left babies suffering severe brain damage, The Observer can reveal.”

Full story

The Observer, 23rd September 2007


Inheritance tax “snaring 135 homes a day” – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 24th, 2007 in inheritance tax, news by sally

“More than 135 homes a day will be trapped in the inheritance tax net over the next year, according to research by Britain’s biggest mortgage lender.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th September 2007


eBay “sells software that spies on your PC” – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 24th, 2007 in computer crime, news, privacy by sally

“Hacking kits, enabling criminals to break into personal email and bank accounts, are being sold on eBay, online security experts have warned. Anyone wanting to obtain private information from a computer can buy the spying software for as little as £10.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th September 2007


Sex offender doctors “free to treat patients” – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 24th, 2007 in doctors, news, sexual offences by sally

“Eleven doctors are still free to work in the NHS despite being convicted of sex and child pornography offences, The Daily Telegraph can reveal today.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th September 2007


Change to powers of attorney keep solicitors busy – The Guardian

Posted September 24th, 2007 in news, powers of attorney, solicitors by sally

“Solicitors will be working flat out this week to draw up powers of attorney for sick or elderly people before a more complex replacement costing up to 10 times as much comes into force next Monday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th September 2007


Tough new penalties come into force for driving offences – The Guardian

Posted September 24th, 2007 in news, road traffic offences by sally

“Drivers who fail to identify who was behind the wheel when a speeding offence is committed face a heavier penalty under law changes that come into force today. The clampdown on driving offences includes higher maximum fines for careless driving and refusing to stop when flagged down by police.”

Full story

The Guardian, 24th September 2007


Royal Mail set to close its final-salary pensions to all employees – The Times

Posted September 24th, 2007 in news, pensions, postal service by sally

“Royal Mail plans to close its final-salary pension scheme to all employees in a move that could plunge the business further into industrial turmoil.”

Full story

The Times, 24th September 2007


Brown lifts ban that prevented ministers from taking seat on company boards – The Times

Posted September 24th, 2007 in company directors, ministers' powers and duties, news by sally

“Gordon Brown was under pressure last night to explain why he has lifted a ban on ministers holding directorships as it emerged that his trade minister was listed on the board of a cleaning company, The Times can disclose.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd September 2007


Failure to save dying boy prompts call to scrap “community” police – The Times

Posted September 24th, 2007 in community support officers, news by sally

“As police chiefs publicly defended the actions of two community support officers who stood by while a ten-year-old boy drowned, calls grew from inside the force for the posts to be scrapped.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd September 2007


No-win, no-fee lawyers say rising claims are just start of the deluge

Posted September 21st, 2007 in equal pay, fees, news, tribunals by sally

“Stefan Cross, the solicitor behind the rise of no-win no-fee equal-pay claims clogging the tribunal system, said yesterday that the cases against local authorities were the beginning of a deluge. The former care home worker estimates that there are 50,000 claims currently waiting to be heard at tribunal with just 25 independent experts working on them.”

Full story

The Times, 21st September 2007


Cautions and spot fines lead to big fall in cases reaching court – The Times

Posted September 21st, 2007 in cautions, crime, fines, news, police by sally

“Only one in eight crimes recorded by police in England and Wales ended with a suspect being charged or appearing in court, according to official figures released yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 21st September 2007


Alarm at rising tide of sex-bias litigation – The Times

Posted September 21st, 2007 in equal pay, news, women by sally

“The number of women taking employers to court claiming unfair pay is rising so quickly that it has left the system unfit for purpose, according to the head of Britain’s equality watchdog.”

Full story

The Times, 21st September 2007


Taxman to question families over gifts that beat death tax – The Times

Posted September 21st, 2007 in gifts, inheritance tax, news, tax avoidance by sally

“The taxman has begun a crackdown on people who try to avoid the burden of inheritance tax by making gifts to friends or relatives before they die.”

Full story

The Times, 21st September 2007


Court to rule on tied election – BBC News

Posted September 21st, 2007 in elections, news by sally

“The result of a local election in Burnley which ended with the winner being drawn by lots is to be decided by the High Court in London later.”

Full story

BBC News, 21st September 2007
