Gordon Brown to keep 24-hour drinking law – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 3rd, 2008 in licensed premises, licensing, news by sally

“Gordon Brown may be forced to keep controversial 24-hour drinking laws after it emerged that his own review of the measures had found little evidence that they had fuelled Britain’s alcohol culture.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd January 2008

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Warning on high-risk transfers to open jails – The Observer

Posted January 3rd, 2008 in news, prisons by sally

“Increasing numbers of high-risk prisoners are now being moved to open jails after they have served only small portions of their sentences in secure conditions, in an apparent breach of official guidelines.”

Full story

The Observer, 30th December 2007

Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/

Police shoot man dead on village road in Kent – The Observer

Posted January 3rd, 2008 in firearms, news, police by sally

“An investigation has been launched after a man was shot and killed by police on a quiet road in Kent yesterday.”

Full story

The Observer, 30th December 2007

Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/

Civil rights fears over DNA “census” – The Observer

Posted January 3rd, 2008 in DNA, news by sally

“More than 100,000 people, including children as young as 10, will be asked to provide saliva tests and DNA samples in a new annual survey of the lives, behaviour and beliefs of people in the United Kingdom.”

Full story

The Observer, 30th December 2007

Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk

Christmas Break

Posted December 21st, 2007 in news by sally

There will be no posts during the Inner Temple Library’s Christmas closed period which starts on 21st December. We will resume posting on 3rd January 2008.

See you in the new year!

House manager wins claim over flexible work – The Guardian

Posted December 21st, 2007 in flexible working, news, sex discrimination, unfair dismissal by sally

“A former Barbican house manager who said she was refused flexible working time stands to receive a six-figure payout after winning her claims for sex discrimination and unfair dismissal.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st December 2007

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Anger as pension reform rejected – BBC News

Posted December 21st, 2007 in national insurance, news, pensions, women by sally

“The government has rejected a plan to let women boost their state pensions by buying up to nine years’ worth of extra National Insurance (NI) contributions.”

Full story 

BBC News, 20th December 2007

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Man jailed for heart attack – BBC News

Posted December 21st, 2007 in news, public order, sentencing by sally

“A man has been jailed for blocking the path of an ambulance carrying a dying heart attack victim to hospital.”

Full story

BBC News, 20th December 2007

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Shotgun licences issued to eight-year-olds – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 21st, 2007 in children, firearms, news by sally

“Children as young as eight are being issued gun licences by the police, figures showed yesterday. Forces granted 1,291 shotgun certificates to those aged 16 and under in England and Wales during the 12 months to October.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st December 2007

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Foreign criminals “won’t be deported” – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 21st, 2007 in deportation, news by sally

“Thousands of foreign drug dealers, sex offenders and burglars will be allowed to stay in Britain every year despite Gordon Brown’s pledge to deport them.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st December 2007

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Channel 4 chiefs kept competition phone lines open despite knowing no one could win – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in media, news, telecommunications by sally

“Channel 4 was fined £1.5 million by the broadcasting watchdog Ofcom after it emerged that executives knew that viewers were entering phone-in competitions they could not win.”

Full story

The Times, 21st December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

New law to solve diplomatic row over cancelled art show – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in artistic works, diplomats, news, Russia by sally

“An art exhibition that has become a pawn in the diplomatic game between London and the Kremlin could go ahead after the British Government agreed to fast-track legislation to appease Moscow.”

Full story

The Times, 21st December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

War crimes inquiry into Tamil rebel living in UK – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in news, war crimes by sally

“A Sri Lankan guerrilla leader living in London is being investigated for possible war crimes charges, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 21st December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Police chief in legal battle to take pension on top of pay – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in news, pensions, police by sally

“One of the front-runners for the top job in British policing threatened High Court action in pursuit of a pension payment in addition to his six-figure chief constable’s salary, The Times has learnt.”

Full story

The Times, 21st December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Family angry as sister who tried to kill dying father is spared jail – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in euthanasia, news, sentencing by sally

“A woman who tried to smother her terminally ill father in a ‘mercy killing’ was spared jail yesterday, to the anger of her sisters, who wanted her imprisoned.”

Full story

The Times, 21st December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Guantanamo duo face extradition to Spain after release – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in extradition, news, terrorism by sally

“Two of the three British residents who returned from Guantanamo Bay yesterday have been arrested in London over Spanish extradition warrants on terrorism-related charges today, while the third was released without charge.”

Full story

The Times, 20th December 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Shaken babies: are the experts wrong? – The Times

Posted December 21st, 2007 in child abuse, expert witnesses, homicide, news by sally

“Expert witnesses are on trial — again. This time their role has been put under the spotlight by two jurors who broke cover to speak out and question the conviction of a childminder for killing an 11-month-old baby in her care.”

Full story

The Times, 20th December 2007

Source: www.timesonline.co.uk

Man not guilty of Omagh murders – BBC News

Posted December 20th, 2007 in murder, news by sally

“A Northern Ireland man has been cleared of the murders of 29 people who died in the Omagh bomb attack in 1998.”

Full story

BBC News, 20th December 2007

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Lawyer condemns ‘lies’ over Guantanamo detainees’ release – The Independent

Posted December 20th, 2007 in detention, news by sally

“The lawyer for three British residents arrested hours after returning to the UK from the US Guantanamo Bay detention centre today condemned the Government for ‘lying’ about their release.”

Full story

The Independent, 20th December 2007

Source: www.independent.co.uk

UK ‘should outlaw paying for sex’ – BBC News

Posted December 20th, 2007 in news, prostitution by sally

“Commons Leader Harriet Harman has told the BBC she wants the law to be changed to make it illegal to pay for sex.”

Full story

BBC News, 20th December 2007

Source: www.bbc.co.uk