Widower hopes for answers as surgeon inquests loom – BBC News
‘Catherine Coyne’s death is one of 62 being investigated, external in inquests opening in Birmingham into deaths of Paterson’s patients.
BBC News, 7th October 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Catherine Coyne’s death is one of 62 being investigated, external in inquests opening in Birmingham into deaths of Paterson’s patients.
BBC News, 7th October 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Senior doctors and scientists have told the BBC they have concerns about how crucial evidence was presented to the jury at Lucy Letby’s trials.’
BBC News, 1st October 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘A mother has won a 12-year battle for compensation against an NHS hospital after successfully claiming her child suffered brain damage as a result of a botched surgery.’
The Independent, 25th September 2024
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘A coroner has raised concerns about how local anaesthetic is administered after a woman was given too much during an operation and later died.’
BBC News, 3rd September 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Some 140 women who experienced distressing side effects after getting vaginal mesh implants have won payouts expected to stretch into millions of pounds in England.’
The Independent, 19th August 2024
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘The critical report into the mental healthcare given to Valdo Calocane – a paranoid schizophrenic who fatally stabbed three people in Nottingham last year – is damning.’
BBC News, 14th August 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘The death of a mother at the hospital where she gave birth to her fifth baby was “avoidable and contributed to by neglect”, a coroner has ruled.’
BBC News, 12th August 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘After 40 years of campaigning, thousands of people affected by the infected blood scandal gathered on 20 May in Westminster Central Hall to give the chair of the Infected Blood Inquiry what can only be described as a ‘rock star’ welcome.’
Landmark Chambers, 16th July 2024
Source: landmarkchambers.co.uk
‘McCulloch v Forth Valley Health Board concerned an allegation of negligence, in failing to consider treating pericarditis with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as a reasonable alternative treatment and not discussing this option with the patient. Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board held that a medical professional must disclose to a patient material risks and any reasonable alternative treatments. The materiality of a risk is to be decided by reference to a reasonable person in the patient’s position, or where the medical professional should be reasonably aware that the particular patient is likely to attach significance to that risk. However, Montgomery did not define the legal standard relating to the assessment of whether an alternative treatment is reasonable. McCulloch held the correct legal test to be applied as to whether an alternative treatment is reasonable is the professional-practice test in Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee. There are practical, doctrinal and normative reasons to question whether Bolam is the correct legal test in respect of the assessment of reasonable alternative treatments. Additionally, the conceptualisation of Bolam in McCulloch is overly deferential. McCulloch fails to fully consider Montgomery’s emphasis that autonomy-respecting principles are the values that risk disclosure practices are sensitive to.’
Modern Law Review, 4th July 2024
Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com
‘When medical treatment can be considered to be a futile is an important, but sometimes difficult, question. What can make it difficult in the context of those with impaired decision-making capacity is the potential for it to start “coding” judgments about other matters, above all judgments about the quality of life of the patient. In Re XY [2024 EWCOP 37 (T3), the issue of futility arose in the context of a decision whether continuing life-sustaining treatment was in the best interests of a man who in a prolonged disorder of consciousness. The treating Trust wished to cease mechanical ventilation and the provision of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration on the basis that its continuation was no longer in XY’s best interests.’
Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 28th July 2024
‘An alternative healer has been found guilty of gross negligence manslaughter following the death of a woman at one of his workshops.’
BBC News, 26th July 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust & Anor v KAG & Ors [2024] EWCOP 38 (T3) is a case confirming the hard-edged nature of s.63 Mental Health Act 1983. It concerned a woman, KAG, who developed severe depression and in consequence was not eating or drinking. For extremely complicated reasons, including potentially crossed wires as to what the Official Solicitor’s position, the case ultimately came before Victoria Butler-Cole KC (sitting as a Deputy Tier 3 judge), who was asked to declare that it was lawful for a PEG to be inserted to provide KAG with clinically assisted nutrition and hydration.’
Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 27th July 2024
‘In Re XY [2024] EWCOP 37 Mr Justice Hayden was called on to consider the best interests of a patient at the end of his life. XY, a 66-year-old man, was admitted to the hospital in December 2023 with pneumonia, and whilst there he suffered a cardiac arrest. Had that happened at home he would likely have died, but the medical staff at the hospital were able to resuscitate him. Over the subsequent days, however, he suffered from significant multi-organ failure and entered a prolonged disorder of consciousness.’
Law & Religion UK, 29th July 2024
Source: lawandreligionuk.com
‘Staff at a hospital in Nottingham missed two opportunities to treat a woman found dying under a coat in a crowded emergency department, a coroner has concluded.’
The Guardian, 25th July 2024
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘The Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service’s hearing concluded on Thursday [18 July] that a six-month suspension was “appropriate”.’
BBC News, 18th July 2024
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Vanessa Cashman considers the judgment of the Part 20 claim brought by D2 against D1 for a contribution towards the claim it settled with C.’
12 King's Bench Walk, 2nd July 2024
Source: clinicalnegligence.blog
‘In the first of a series of articles on the Infected Blood Inquiry, we set out key elements relating to patient safety more widely.’
Mills & Reeve, 10th June 2024
Source: www.mills-reeve.com