Leaseholders’ legal victory over offshore landlord – BBC News

Posted March 5th, 2025 in landlord & tenant, leases, loss of chance, news, sale of land by tracey

‘A group of leaseholders have won a legal battle to prove they were unlawfully deprived of the chance to take control of their own building when their landlord sold it to an offshore firm.’

Full Story

BBC News, 5th March 2025


Barrowfen Properties Limited v Patel – 4 New Square

Posted January 30th, 2025 in chambers articles, costs, damages, loss of chance, news by tracey

‘In this article, Shail Patel KC and John Williams analyse the recent Court of Appeal decision in Barrowfen Properties, with a focus on the court’s findings on loss of a chance. It’s a must-read for any practitioners dealing with loss of a chance claims; and the case gives important guidance on how loss of a chance principles interact with the rules on mitigation, causation, and the quantification of damages.’

Full Story

4 New Square, 29th January 2025


Resources Professional Liability and Coverage Update: what happened in 2024 and what’s in store in 2025? – 4 New Square

‘Professional Liability and Coverage Update: what happened in 2024 and what’s in store in 2025?’

Full Story

4 New Square, 6th January 2025


Norman Hay v Marsh – Henderson Chambers

Posted June 13th, 2024 in causation, chambers articles, insurance, loss of chance, negligence, news by sally

‘In a brokers’ negligence claim, when is causation decided on the balance of probabilities and when is a loss of a chance analysis appropriate? Alice Nash considers this question in the light of a recent decision of Picken J in the context of a claim for failure to obtain insurance cover, where he said the loss of a chance approach should arguably prevail.’

Full Story

Henderson Chambers, 14th May 2024


No retainer between law firm and businessman in £2.5m dispute – Legal Futures

Posted May 6th, 2022 in damages, law firms, loss of chance, news by tracey

‘There was no express or implied retainer between a Buckinghamshire law firm and a businessman with a “colourful commercial career” suing it for £2.5m in damages, the High Court has ruled.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 6th May 2022


Loss of Chance with Sarah Lambert QC and Dominic Ruck Keene – Law Pod UK

Posted December 1st, 2021 in chambers articles, loss of chance, news, podcasts by sally

‘Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks with Sarah Lambert QC and Dominic Ruck Keene about what practitioners need to know when they encounter loss of chance cases.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 29th November 2021


The (Rebuttable) Presumption of Honesty – Hailsham Chambers

Posted November 2nd, 2021 in causation, fiduciary duty, loss of chance, negligence, news, set-off, solicitors by sally

‘The claim related to an opportunity to develop a Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) dealership in Wolverhampton (the Wolverhampton Opportunity), which the claimants alleged was lost due to the negligence of the defendant solicitors.’

Full Story

Hailsham Chambers, 8th October 2021


Assetco v GT: A chink in SAAMCo’s armour? And a lost chance to sort out loss of a chance? – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted November 19th, 2020 in accounts, auditors, damages, duty of care, loss of chance, negligence, news by sally

‘The recent decision of Assetco Plc v Grant Thornton UK LLP [2020] EWCA Civ 1151, in which judgment was handed down at the end of August, is well worth professional liability lawyers paying attention to whether they are predominantly claimant practitioners, defendant ones or, like me, act for either side. It is a useful illustration of the application of the SAAMCo principle/doctrine (and also contains an interesting, if not entirely novel, analysis regarding loss of a chance).’

Full Story

Hardwicke Chambers, 5th November 2020


Case Preview: Edwards v Hugh James Ford Simey (a firm) – UKSC Blog

‘Rory Thomson, a senior associate in the Insurance and Reinsurance Group at CMS, previews the appeal pending in the case of Edwards v Hugh James Ford Simey (a firm). The case concerns the correct approach to the assessment of damages in a claim for loss of chance arising from solicitors’ negligence, and the extent to which a court should admit evidence obtained after the date of settlement of the original claim as part of that assessment. The appeal was heard by the UK Supreme Court on 25 July 2019, and its judgment is currently awaited.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 30th September 2019


How helpful is witness evidence anyway? The impact (or not) of evidence from a third party in loss of chance cases – Hardwicke Chambers

‘A solicitor makes a negligent error in a negotiation between a client and third party. The error leads the client to agree something different to the agreement the client had envisaged. What difference does the error make to the outcome and how should this translate into damages? Does the analysis change where the third party gives evidence and is adamant that the error made no difference to the outcome? These questions arose in Moda International Brands Ltd v Gateley LLP (1) & Gateley Plc (2). Against the background of the Commercial Court’s consultation on witness statements, this case offers an illustration of witnesses’ diminished role.’

Full Story

Hardwicke Chambers, 21st June 2019


Claim over solicitors’ negligence fails to establish loss of chance – Legal Futures

‘A married couple has largely failed in a claim of negligence against a firm of solicitors which had admitted that it failed to advise properly on a separate negligence case against another law firm.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 29th April 2019


New Judgment: Perry v Raleys Solicitors [2019] UKSC 5 – UKSC Blog

‘Considers liability and damages where the appellant solicitor negligently failed to advise a client of a potential claim against a third party. Held: allowing the appeal, loss of chance damages have been developed by the courts to deal with the difficulties arising from the assessment of counter-factual and future events. In both types of situation, the courts at times depart from the ordinary burden on a claimant to prove the facts required for a successful claim on the balance of probabilities. However, this does not mean that the basic requirement that a negligence claim requires proof that loss has been caused by the breach of duty is abandoned. Applying this approach, the respondent needed to prove that, properly advised, he would have made a claim within time. Further, the judge was correct to impose the additional requirement of the claim having to be an honest claim.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 13th February 2019


Raleys ruling “good news for law firms and their insurers” – Legal Futures

‘Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on solicitors’ professional negligence is good news for both law firms and their insurers, and should stem the flow of claims about the under-settlement of personal injury claims, experts have said.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 14th February 2019


Damages for loss of chance in professional negligence cases – Park Square Barristers

Posted April 26th, 2016 in damages, loss of chance, negligence, news, professional conduct by sally

‘I should make it clear that I am not dealing with loss of a chance in the field of medical negligence. In that regard reference must be made to the complex reasoning in the House of Lords case of Gregg v Scott in 2005. Also, in that regard I commend a reading of the address Lord Neuberger gave to the Professional Negligence Bar Association in 2008. The reference is given in the handout materials and it can be found if you search Westlaw under “Loss of a Chance.”

Full story

Park Square Barristers, 24th March 2016


Assessing loss of a chance – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted November 27th, 2014 in appeals, employment tribunals, law firms, loss of chance, negligence, news by sally

‘In Chweidan v Mischon de Reya Solicitors [2014] EWHC 2685 (QB) Mrs Justice Simler considered the principles to be applied when assessing claims for loss of a chance and provided a helpful overview of a number of the leading authorities.’

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 17th November 2014


HarperCollins sued by former death row prisoner over ditched book – The Guardian

Posted March 13th, 2013 in contracts, loss of chance, news, publishing by sally

“Nick Yarris, who was wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death for murder, sues publisher over abandoned life story.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th March 2013


Loss of a Chance and a Chance of Loss – Lecture by Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe

Posted October 29th, 2009 in lectures, loss of chance by sally

Loss of a Chance and a Chance of Loss (PDF)

Lecture by Lord Walker of Gestingthorpe

The Law Reports Annual Lecture, 19th October 2009
