Final Report of the Vulnerable Witnesses and Children Working Group – Judiciary of England & Wales
‘Final Report of the Vulnerable Witnesses and Children Working Group.’
Judiciary of England and Wales, 17th March 2015
‘Even in a profession as traditional as law, technology is powerful enough to kill and create a range of roles.’
The Guardian, 25th November 2014
‘It’s not just the academic side of studying law that’s important – you need to build the skills employers value.’
The Guardian, 23rd September 2014
‘The University of Law has unveiled plans to dramatically change its bar professional training course (BPTC) in a move to set it apart from its competitors.’
The Lawyer, 1st September 2014
‘What range of career options are out there for those attending law school? In this series of podcasts, Martin Partington talks to influential figures in the law about topics ranging from restorative justice to legal journalism.’
OUP Blog, 19th August 2014
‘Following on from the success of last year’s inaugural Conference on the Teaching of Public Law at the University of Manchester, City Law School ably assumed hosting duties to allow the discussions to be advanced further. The enthusiasm that was so evident at last year’s event showed no sign of waning a year on, as interesting perspectives from contributors and stimulating discussion from attendees continued throughout the day’s four panel sessions. This post briefly summarises some of the key points that were raised by contributors and during discussions.’
UK Constitutional Law Association, 2nd July 2014
‘A law graduate who falsely accused her boyfriend of rape as an excuse for failing her exams has been jailed for three-and-a-half years.’
BBC News, 26th June 2014
‘Yesterday was Magna Carta Day. It is now only 364 days until the 800th anniversary of the sealing of England’s oldest charter of rights, and one of the world’s most influential legal documents.’
UK Human Rights Blog,
‘Most law students believe the legal profession will be resistant to change during their careers, according to research that suggests the next generation of lawyers may be significantly more conservative than many commentators are predicting.’
Legal Week, 6th June 2014
‘The Legal Services Board (LSB) consulted in September 2013 on proposed statutory guidance for
education and training, in advance of regulators proceeding with detailed plans for implementation
of the Legal Education and Training Review (LETR) which itself was initiated following the LSB
Chairman’s Upjohn Lecture of October 2010.’
Legal Services Board, 4th March 2014
‘When it comes to securing a training contract, it’s often not what you know but who you know that matters.’
The Guardian, 21st January 2014
‘This paper is written by representatives of the Council of the Inns of Court and the Advocacy Training Council to assist the ‘Review of the Provision of Independent Criminal Advocacy’ currently being undertaken by Sir Bill Jeffrey at the request of the Secretary of State for Justice.’
The Inner Temple, December 2014
‘Law is everywhere providing answers to almost everything. Ever larger numbers of students want to be part of the legal mechanisms that control us, regulate us and take over from politicians when politicians sense their own incapability. It is almost a new religion. In this lecture – and in the discussion to follow – some of the issues dealt with in earlier years by Professor Bogdanor (such as in his lectures, Judges or Legislators: Who Should Rule?, The Judges and the Constitution and The Human Rights Act: Cornerstone of a New Constitution) will be reviewed as will the effect of Europe on our law.’
Gresham College, 4th December 2013