Post-CSR Legal Aid Notice from the Bar Council – The Bar Council

Posted October 21st, 2010 in barristers, budgets, legal aid, news by sally

“Following today’s (20 October) statement by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the Comprehensive Spending Review, we have spoken with Jonathan Djanogly, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, about the Ministry’s contribution to reducing the deficit.”

Full story

The Bar Council, 20th October 2010


Lawyers issue warning over Lord Young’s compensation proposals – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 21st, 2010 in compensation, costs, legal aid, news, personal injuries by sally

“The government must not hinder access to justice for personal injury victims as it takes forward Lord Young’s report on the ‘compensation culture’, lawyers’ groups have warned.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 21st October 2010


Lawyers put forward alternatives to legal aid cuts – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 20th, 2010 in budgets, legal aid, Ministry of Justice, news by sally

“The Law Society has warned the government against hitting the most vulnerable by making legal aid bear the brunt of the Ministry of Justice cuts.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 19th October 2010


Chancery Lane publishes Jackson review response – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 14th, 2010 in civil justice, costs, legal aid, news by sally

“The Law Society today warned against piecemeal implementation of Lord Justice Jackson’s proposals on civil litigation costs, telling the government that this could be ‘very damaging’ to access to justice. Jackson himself has said that his reforms will not succeed unless they are implemented as a whole.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 14th October 2010


Kenneth Clarke reveals what cuts will mean for the courts – The Guardian

Posted October 7th, 2010 in budgets, costs, legal aid, news by sally

“This month, the justice secretary, Kenneth Clarke, is expected to outline ways in which he could cut around a quarter of his department’s annual budget. Making prisoners work for 40 hours a week — the policy Clarke outlined at the Conservative conference on Tuesday — won’t go very far towards producing the £2bn or so of savings that he needs.”

Full story

The Guardian, 7th October 2010


Feuding parents could be refused legal aid unless they mediate – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 7th, 2010 in custody, dispute resolution, legal aid, news by sally

“Feuding parents could be refused legal aid in custody battles unless they try mediation first, the justice minister signalled yesterday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th October 2010


Bar Council Calls for Access to Justice in an Age of Austerity – The Bar Council

Posted October 4th, 2010 in barristers, legal aid, news by sally

“Speaking at two fringe meetings at the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham, the Chairman-Elect of the Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, Peter Lodder QC, will stress the importance of the legal profession working with Government to maintain access to justice, despite forthcoming budget cuts. He will also call on the Government to ensure that any reforms to the legal aid system maintain high quality representation for all those eligible to receive it, particularly the most vulnerable members of society.”

Full story

Bar Council, 4th October 2010


Law Society wins family tender challenge – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 1st, 2010 in family courts, Law Society, legal aid, news, tenders by sally

“The Law Society has won its High Court challenge to the Legal Services Commission’s family tender process.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette. 30th September 2010


Law Society puts legal aid tender case to the High Court – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 23rd, 2010 in human rights, legal aid, legal services, news, tenders by sally

“The Law Society warned that the Legal Services Commission’s family tender process will restrict access to justice for victims of domestic abuse, forced marriage and children, as its judicial review of the tender process began in the High Court today.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 23rd September 2010


Baby P mother denied inquest representation funding – BBC News

Posted September 22nd, 2010 in inquests, legal aid, legal representation, news by sally

“Baby Peter’s mother and her boyfriend have been denied public funding to be represented at any resumed inquest into the child’s death.”

Full story

BBC News, 21st September 2010


Quality of legal aid is as important as access to a lawyer – The Guardian

Posted September 20th, 2010 in legal aid, legal representation, news by sally

“Justice for vulnerable clients can be frustrated when lawyers are not up to the job.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th September 2010


Solicitors queue up to sue LSC – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 16th, 2010 in law firms, legal aid, legal services, news, solicitors, tenders by sally

“Pressure is mounting on the Legal Services Commission over its handling of the tender for civil legal aid contracts, as it faces a growing number of judicial review challenges to the process, and talks with the Law Society broke down.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 16th September 2010


Firm claims sex discrimination in legal aid tender – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 10th, 2010 in law firms, legal aid, news, sex discrimination, tenders by sally

“A London firm has claimed sex discrimination in judicial review proceedings challenging the Legal Services Commission’s refusal to award it immigration and community care contracts.”

Full  story

Law Society’s Gazette, 9th September 2010


LSC reverses contract decision following judge’s warning – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 9th, 2010 in law firms, legal aid, legal services, news, tenders by sally

“The Legal Services Commission has averted one legal challenge to its tender process by awarding a social welfare contract to a Birmingham firm which sought a judicial review of the LSC’s initial decision not to make an award.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 9th September 2010


Regina (Patel) v Lord Chancellor – WLR Daily

Posted September 7th, 2010 in inquests, law reports, legal aid, terrorism by sally

Regina (Patel) v Lord Chancellor [2010] EWHC 2220 (Admin); [2010] WLR (D) 240

“An applicant for exceptional funding by way of legal aid had to meet a high threshold to satisfy the test of ‘significant wider public interest’ in para 27.2.8 of the Legal Services Commission’s Funding Code Decision Making Guidance, subject to the latitude (or margin of discretion) accorded to the Lord Chancellor in the exercise of his judgment. There had to be the potential for client’s involvement in the proceedings to produce real benefits for individuals other than the client and for those benefits to be substantial.”

WLR daily, 6th September 2010


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Law Society commences court action over tender process – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 3rd, 2010 in judicial review, Law Society, legal aid, news, tenders by sally

“The Law Society is taking the Legal Services Commission to court seeking a declaration that the family tender process and outcome are ‘unlawful’, and asking for a suspension of the new contracts.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 27th August 2010


7/7 bomber’s widow loses legal aid bid – The Independent

Posted August 27th, 2010 in appeals, inquests, legal aid, news, terrorism by sally

“The widow of one of the 7/7 suicide bombers today lost her High Court bid to overturn a decision refusing her legal aid for representation at the upcoming inquest into the deaths of 52 people in the attacks in London in 2005.”

Full story

The Independent, 27th August 2010


High Court judge brands welfare tender ‘irrational’ – Law Society Gazette

Posted August 27th, 2010 in judges, legal aid by sally

“A High Court judge has … branded some of the criteria used by the Legal Services Commission in its recent social welfare tender ‘utterly absurd and totally irrational’.”

Full story

Law Society Gazette, 26th August 2010


Firms seek to launch High Court challenge to LSC tender process – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted August 20th, 2010 in judicial review, law firms, legal aid, legal services, news, tenders by sally

“Some 31 firms across the north-east have joined forces in a bid to launch a High Court challenge to the Legal Services Commission’s recent family tender process, the Gazette has learned.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 19th August 2010


Legal aid is in tatters and only long-term thinking can mend it – The Guardian

Posted August 19th, 2010 in asylum, legal aid, legal representation, news by sally

“The legal aid budget for asylum seekers is bloated because poor and rushed decisions are made early on – only radical reform, not cuts, can trim the bill.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th August 2010
