Guidance to barristers undertaking civil legal aid work – The Bar Council

Posted June 7th, 2011 in barristers, legal aid, news, solicitors by michael

“When an assisted (legally aided) person succeeds in a civil case and recovers a costs order against the unassisted (privately funded) party, the assisted person’s solicitor will then submit a bill to the paying party which will include fees for solicitors and counsel at full inter-partes rates (not at restricted legal aid rates). That bill will then be agreed or assessed. The sum due will be paid to the assisted person’s solicitor and the solicitor should pay counsel.”

Full text of guidance

The Bar Council, 6th June 2011


Legal aid cuts of £350m will bring chaos to courts, judges fear – The Guardian

Posted June 7th, 2011 in civil justice, legal aid, litigants in person, news by michael

“The number of people who represent themselves in the civil courts – because they cannot afford a lawyer and fall outside the limits that are set for legal aid funding – is about to rise because of government funding cuts, leaving courts braced for a growing number of vulnerable people fighting their own, often chaotic, cases.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th June 2011


Protesters hold day of action against legal aid cuts – The Guardian

Posted June 4th, 2011 in budgets, demonstrations, legal aid, news by sally

“Opponents fear impact on women trying to leave violent partners.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd June 2011


National protests against legal aid cuts – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 2nd, 2011 in bills, demonstrations, legal aid, news by sally

“Legal aid campaigners are to step up the pressure on government by holding marches across the country tomorrow in protest at the legal aid reforms to be outlined in the Justice Bill, expected next week.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 2nd June 2011


Legal aid faces threat of further cuts following rape backlash – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 27th, 2011 in budgets, legal aid, legal services, news by sally

“The government is considering fresh legal aid cuts, the Gazette has learned, because Kenneth Clarke’s politically maladroit remarks about rape sentencing have jeopardised its bid to save money by cutting the prison population.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 27th May 2011


Campaigners against Jackson litigation reforms vow to fight on – The Guardian

Posted May 23rd, 2011 in costs, fees, legal aid, news by sally

“The fight against the proposed Jackson reforms to litigation costs will go on, the former Labour MP leading the Access to Justice Action Group (Ajag) has vowed.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd May 2011


Lawyers demand pause in legal aid reforms – The Guardian

Posted May 18th, 2011 in Law Society, legal aid, news by tracey

“Law Society accuses ministers of ignoring consultation by pressing ahead with plans to remove legal help for vulnerable.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th May 2011


Prisoners’ lifeline celebrates 20 years – The Guardian

Posted May 17th, 2011 in elections, human rights, legal aid, news, prisons, sentencing by sally

“Earlier this month the great and the good and a few ex-cons (not to mention the odd great and good ex-con) came out to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Prisoners’ Advice Service (Pas) and debate prisoners’ rights at the City law firm Hogan Lovells.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th May 2011


MPs split over legal aid reforms – The Guardian

Posted May 16th, 2011 in legal aid, news by sally

“Proposals caricature our current system of aid and disadvantage most vulnerable, ministers are warned.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th May 2011


Torture legal aid case is a triumph of the rule of law – The Guardian

Posted May 13th, 2011 in judicial review, legal aid, news, public interest, torture by tracey

“The high court ruling condemning the MoD for restricting funding for litigation underlines the importance of judicial review.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th May 2011


Activist wins legal aid battle – The Independent

Posted May 12th, 2011 in human rights, judicial review, legal aid, news, public interest by sally

“Peace activist Maya Evans has won a dramatic High Court victory in her battle to block cuts to legal aid funding for human rights cases brought ‘in the public interest’.”

Full story

The Independent, 12th May 2011


Judges accuse Ministry of Defence of stifling challenges over treatment of detainees – The Guardian

“The Ministry of Defence has been condemned by the high court for stifling legal challenges over the treatment of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th May 2011


Public will be ‘barred’ from justice in legal aid reform, warn lawyer group – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 26th, 2011 in education, hospitals, judicial review, legal aid, local government, news by sally

“The public will be effectively barred from fighting incompetent doctors and councils in the courts under plans to cut legal aid, the body representing lawyers warned yesterday.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st April 2011


Lawcast 183: Nichola Higgins, Chairman of The Young Barristers Committee on the new CPS panel – Career at the Criminal Bar – Legal aid issues – Charon WC

Posted April 21st, 2011 in barristers, Crown Prosecution Service, legal aid, podcasts by sally

“Today I am talking to Nichola Higgins, Chairman of the Young Barristers Committee. On the 30th March of this year, the CPS announced:

‘The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is today (30/3/2011) launching a new scheme for the delivery of prosecution services in court. All advocates undertaking prosecution work in the Crown Court (and Higher Courts) from October must be members of new, quality-controlled CPS Advocate Panels. The panels will be open to all barristers and solicitor advocates, and panel members will complement and work alongside CPS in-house advocates. Although the overall number of advocates on the panels will be reduced compared to the current lists, selected advocates will have more opportunity to undertake prosecution work. All current counsel lists will be abandoned when the panels commence on 1 October.’

We also looked at the broader health of the Criminal Bar, the impact of legal aid and the prospects for students contemplating a career at the Criminal Bar.”


Charon QC, 21st April 2011


“Charon QC” is the blogging pseudonym of Mike Semple Piggot, editor of insitelaw newswire.

Legal aid cuts will harm children, says champion of justice for the poor – The Guardian

Posted April 18th, 2011 in budgets, legal aid, news, poverty by sally

“Tireless Pauline McIntyre, who works in one of the UK’s most deprived areas, says family law is unfairly seen as a soft target.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th April 2011


Lawyers claim £645 million family breakdown legal aid bill – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 18th, 2011 in divorce, fees, legal aid, legal profession, news by sally

“Legal aid lawyers are making £645 million from taxpayers over family breakdowns each year – £28 for every household in England and Wales.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th April 2011


Attorney General: keynote speech to Minority Lawyers’ Conference – Attorney General’s Office

Posted April 15th, 2011 in equality, legal aid, legal profession, minorities, speeches by sally

“Opening the 2011 conference at the Law Society in London, the Attorney spoke of the coming challenges and opportunities for lawyers.”

Full speech

Attorney General’s Office, 9th April 2011


The era of the high-rolling criminal barrister is over – The Guardian

Posted April 14th, 2011 in barristers, crime, legal aid, legal profession, news by sally

“A handful of criminal barristers still make big money, but the rest may have to diversify if they want to eat.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th April 2011


MoD lobbied secretly to cut legal aid for cases against its treatment of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan – The Guardian

Posted April 6th, 2011 in Afghanistan, disclosure, Iraq, legal aid, news, terrorism, torture by sally

“The Ministry of Defence lobbied behind closed doors to restrict the provision of legal aid to claimants questioning the treatment of military detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, the high court has heard.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th April 2011


Society defends solicitors over legal aid – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted April 5th, 2011 in Law Society, legal aid, media, news, solicitors by sally

“The Law Society president has reacted to negative news coverage concerning the growth in the number of solicitors.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 5th April 2011
