Asylum lawyers warned over disclosure – BBC News

Posted November 19th, 2012 in asylum, disclosure, injunctions, law firms, news, professional conduct by sally

“Lawyers could be disciplined for not disclosing ‘all material facts’ in legal bids to halt removal of asylum seekers, a senior judge has said.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th November 2012


Hooper: call police over ‘corrupt’ referral fees – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 15th, 2012 in corruption, fees, law firms, news by sally

“A former Court of Appeal judge earlier this week called for lawyers who pay or receive ‘corrupt’ referral fees to be reported to the police. Lord Justice Hooper told the bar conference that the growth of referral fees, which ‘corruptly’ influence the choice of trial advocate, is the most pernicious consequence of the government’s ‘savage’ legal aid cuts.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 15th November 2012


Pro bono: do we need to rethink the formula post legal aid? – The Guardian

Posted November 6th, 2012 in law firms, legal profession, news, pro bono work by sally

“A survey shows that most law firms have not planned to change their pro bono activity to respond to the cuts in legal aid.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th November 2012


Pro bono – minding the gap – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 25th, 2012 in law firms, news, pro bono work by sally

“The tough economic climate, coupled with the threat to frontline advice agencies from local authority and legal aid cuts, has dramatically increased demand for free legal help. National Pro Bono Week, which starts on 5 November, will focus attention on the question ‘is something better than nothing?’ as law firms of all sizes explore how they can best respond, and in-house counsel press for regulatory change so they can offer more pro bono support.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th October 2012


LASPO and the domestic violence gateway – LegalVoice

Posted October 16th, 2012 in domestic violence, families, law firms, legal aid, news by tracey

“As a solicitor, who set up a firm with two other family lawyers in 2005 primarily to deal with family legal aid cases for the mixed housing area of Shirley in Southampton where we practice, I was very concerned when I heard of the proposed new reforms for family legal aid work, writes Wendy Hewstone. I am a member of the Legal Aid Practitioner Group committee and have the Law Society council seat for the group so was probably more aware of the proposed changes than many and have seen and responded to numerous consultation papers.”

Full story

LegalVoice, 15th October 2012



Don’t be afraid to complain about your lawyer says Legal Ombudsman – The Guardian

Posted October 16th, 2012 in complaints, law firms, legal ombudsman, legal profession, news by tracey

“Clients of law firms are scared to complain when things go wrong and are confused about the complaints system.”

Full story

The Guardian, 15th October 2012


IBA 2012: former president of American bar dismisses ‘risky’ ABS model – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 5th, 2012 in alternative business structures, law firms, news, professional conduct by tracey

“The immediate past-president of the American Bar Association has strongly denounced alternative business structures, arguing that non-lawyer investment in law firms compromises the client’s best interests and undermines professional independence.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 4th October 2012


Complaints data naming law firms goes live today – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 17th, 2012 in complaints, law firms, legal ombudsman, news by sally

“The Legal Ombudsman has today published an online list of complaints relating to 770 law firms across England and Wales.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 17th September 2012


Calm in a crisis: lawyers and the internet age – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 6th, 2012 in internet, law firms, legal profession, media, news by sally

“There are events in the life-cycle of any business that have the potential to snowball into a crisis of unforeseen proportions. It could be a bad set of financial results or a scuppered merger. Or perhaps employee lay-offs, a high-profile desertion to a rival or allegations of misconduct by senior staff. Or it might be a testing issue with a client. But while difficult business decisions may not be avoidable, especially in this tough economic climate, a crisis played out in the media can be managed or averted by taking the right steps.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 6th September 2012


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it – The Bar Council

Posted July 26th, 2012 in competition, law firms, legal profession, news, tenders by sally

“A tribute to outgoing Law Society President, John Wotton; a welcome to his successor, Lucy Scott‐Moncrieff, defender of the High Street law firm; examining the aims of Price Competitive Tendering and the likely results both for the Bar and for justice.”

Full story (PDF)

The Bar Council, August 2012


ABS offers barristers at £75 an hour – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 24th, 2012 in alternative business structures, fees, law firms, news by tracey

“A new law firm which promises clients fixed fees and immediate face-to-face meetings with barristers has become the latest alternative business structure (ABS). Red Bar Law was formed in September last year and applied to the Solicitors Regulation Authority for ABS status in January. Today the SRA confirmed it has become the ninth organisation to be granted a licence, which will be effective from 10 July.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 23rd July 2012


Lawyers must do better – The Guardian

Posted July 19th, 2012 in fees, insurance, law firms, legal profession, news by tracey

“Legal insurance and conditional and fixed-fee arrangements aren’t serving people’s best interests.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th July 2012


Lawyers may face regulation as MPs reject lobbyist register – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 13th, 2012 in law firms, lobbying, news by sally

“Lawyers who lobby professionally for their clients should be subject to regulation, according to a Commons committee report out today.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 13th July 2012


Shifting the burden: support for stress – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 21st, 2012 in law firms, legal profession, mental health, news, solicitors by sally

“The suicide last year of a senior local authority solicitor who felt unable to cope with the demands placed on him following a 30% cut to his department’s budget shocked the profession.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 21st June 2012


Lawyers gear up for rush on domain names – but firms fail to register – The Lawyer

Posted June 18th, 2012 in domain names, internet, law firms, news by sally

“The scramble for new domain names is likely to bring a rash of work for specialist IP, media and technology lawyers.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 18th June 2012


Consultation paper on extending the SRA’s compensation fund for ABS beyond the end of the year – Legal Services Board

“The intention of this consultation document is to ensure that there are adequate compensation arrangements for SRA regulated ABS firms after 31 December 2012.

Also included in the document is a draft Order published in accordance with section 70 of the LSA.”

A consultation paper under section 70 of the Legal Services Act 2007 on proposals to modify the Solicitors Act 1974 for the purposes of the Law Society making compensation arrangements (PDF)

Legal Services Board, 14th June 2012


New licence will allow law firm clients free access to publishers’ work –

Posted June 8th, 2012 in copyright, internet, law firms, licensing, news by sally

“Organisations will be able to obtain free access to some publishers’ digital content through their law firm under a new licensing option on offer by the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA).”

Full story, 8th June 2012


Call for curbs on legal lobbyists – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 8th, 2012 in law firms, lobbying, news, parliament by sally

“MPs have called for tighter restrictions on law firms that act as lobbyists for their clients. Firms should be forced to sign up to a new register for lobbyists if they are acting beyond simply advising their clients, they have urged.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 8th June 2012


Team Move Update – 11 KBW

Posted June 7th, 2012 in contract of employment, employment, law firms, news by sally

“What developments have there been now that the dust has settled on the Tullett litigation?”

Full story (PDF)

11 KBW, 1st June 2012


SARs ruling brings relief to law firms – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 24th, 2012 in appeals, banking, damages, law firms, money laundering, news by sally

“A Court of Appeal ruling on anti-money-laundering obligations will bring relief for businesses, including law firms, and remind lawyers of the importance of having appropriate systems to evidence concerns leading to suspicious activity reports (SARs).”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 24th May 2012
