The IALS Think Tank on Law Reform – Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Posted October 29th, 2013 in consultations, Law Commission, news, universities by sally

“The IALS Think Tank is an initiative aiming to collect the valuable expertise of the many Fellows and staff of the IALS, invite proposals for law reform, selecting the most appropriate one, offering feedback and advice for its refinement, endorsing the final product, and submitting it to the Commission in time for its consideration in the public consultation for its programmes.”

Full story

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 22nd October 2013


Strengthening the legal duties on financial professionals to act in the best interests of savers – Law Commission

Posted October 29th, 2013 in consultations, fiduciary duty, financial advice, Law Commission, news, pensions, trusts by sally

“Today [22 October] the Law Commission publishes a consultation paper reviewing how ‘fiduciary duties’ apply to investment intermediaries. The paper traces a chain of intermediaries from an individual, saving for a pension, to the registered shareholder of a UK company. It looks at the obligations of those in the chain to act in the interests of savers.”

Full story

Law Commission, 22nd October 2013


Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries – Law Commission

Posted October 22nd, 2013 in consultations, fiduciary duty, Law Commission, pensions, trusts by tracey

“Consultation reviewing the obligations on investment intermediaries to act in the interests of savers.”

Full consultation

Law Commission, 22nd October 2013


Modernising wildlife law – Law Commission

Posted October 16th, 2013 in animals, bills, birds, EC law, environmental protection, Law Commission, news, penalties by sally

“The Law Commission has today [15 October] set out its proposed principles for a new regulatory regime for wildlife.”

Full story

Law Commission, 15th October 2013


A generational duty – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 8th, 2013 in consultations, Law Commission, news by sally

“‘Each generation has its duty to keep the law in conformity with the needs of the time.’ So said Lord Denning, speaking in support of the Law Commissions Bill during its second reading in the House of Lords in 1965. Since its subsequent establishment under the Law Commissions Act 1965, the Law Commission has sought to do exactly that.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 7th October 2013


Draft Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill – Law Commission

Posted September 27th, 2013 in bills, charities, consultations, Law Commission, press releases by tracey

“In a consultation launched today, the Law Commission for England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission invite comments on the draft Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill as it stands at 26 September 2013.”

Full press release

Law Commission, 26th September 2013


Reforming the law on level crossings – Law Commission

Posted September 25th, 2013 in health & safety, Law Commission, news, railways, regulations, reports by sally

“The Law Commission for England and Wales and the Scottish Law Commission have published a joint report on the law governing level crossings.”

Full story

Law Commission, 25th September 2013


Sharing data between public bodies. What are the barriers? – Law Commission

Posted September 17th, 2013 in consultations, data protection, Law Commission, news by sally

“Public bodies often report that they are not always able to share the data they need to and, as a result, miss out on opportunities to provide better services to citizens. At the same time, there is a need to ensure that the security of data and privacy of individuals are not put at risk. In a consultation opening today, the Law Commission asks what are the obstacles to sharing data between public bodies, and are those obstacles desirable?”

Full story

Law Commission, 16th September 2013


Reform out of date laws on fitness to plead, ministers urged – The Independent

Posted August 15th, 2013 in defences, fitness to plead, insanity, Law Commission, mental health, news, reports by sally

“Mentally ill people are routinely forced to stand trial because the rules on fitness to appear in court are out of date, legal reformers have told the Government.”

Full story

The Independent, 14th August 2013


Insanity and Automatism – Law Commission

Posted July 23rd, 2013 in automatism, defences, insanity, Law Commission, reports by tracey

“We have published a discussion paper examining the rules governing the defences of insanity and automatism.”

Full paper

Law Commission, 23rd July 2013


12th Programme – Law Commission

Posted July 3rd, 2013 in consultations, Law Commission, news by sally

“We are consulting on our 12th Programme of law reform. We expect to submit our proposals to the Lord Chancellor in summer 2014. If approved, they will make up the main part of our law reform work in the following three years.”

Full story

Law Commission, 2nd July 2013


Hate Crime: The Case for Extending the Existing Offences – Law Commission

“This project came to the Law Commission by a reference from the Ministry of Justice, following the Government’s publication of its three-year hate crime action plan in 2012.”

Full story

Law Commission, 27th June 2013


Law Commission welcomes Draft Consumer Rights Bill – Law Commission

Posted June 13th, 2013 in bills, consumer protection, Law Commission, news, unfair contract terms by sally

“The Law Commission welcomes the new Consumer Rights Bill published today, which incorporates many of our recommendations.”

Full story

Law Commission, 12th June 2013


Anonymity Before Charge – Part I – Criminal Law and Justice Weekly

Posted May 7th, 2013 in anonymity, Law Commission, news, rape, sexual offences by sally

“In our article ‘Rape Defendant Anonymity’ last year ((2012) 176 JPN pp.5-8 and 24-26) we suggested that there was a strong case for banning the publication of the identities of rape defendants prior to any conviction. We included this as part of our submission to Lord Justice Leveson’s inquiry into the press, suggesting that he should consider the issue as part of his remit. Tucked away in the depths of the report (The Report into the Culture, Practices and Ethics of the Press, November 29, 2012 at G Ch 3 para.2.39), whether or not in response to our submission the relevant text does not make clear, Leveson proposes that, other than in exceptional circumstances, the names of suspects and arrested people (referred to as ‘arrestees’) should not be published and that police guidance relating to publication should be tightened up to reflect this. The Law Commission disagreed (Contempt of Court: A Consultation Paper, Number 209, Law Commission) but in a judicial response to the Consultation Paper, Lord Justice Treacy and Mr Justice Tugendhat – supported by many other senior Judges, including the President of the Queen’s Bench Division and the Senior Presiding Judge – backed Leveson (A Judicial Response to Law Commission Consultation Paper no.209, March 4, 2013, released April 9, 2013).”

Full story

Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 4th May 2013


Law Commission proposes changes to ‘groundless threats’ IP laws –

“A law reform body has proposed changes to the law that would make it easier for businesses seeking to protect their trade marks and design rights to make threats of legal action against alleged infringers of their rights without fear that those threats could be the subject of court action.”

Full story, 22nd April 2013


Put away the measuring tape – it’s time for greater codification – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted April 15th, 2013 in Law Commission, legislation, news, taxation by sally

“Ever since I was a law student, it has been an annual ritual of the newspapers to buy a copy of the Tolley Tax Handbook and measure how much fatter the tax laws have become. Red tape seems inevitable, regulation grows by half an inch or so each year and business bemoans this lack of simplicity. So why does no-one ask the same thing of statutes and case law? Couldn’t this all be simplified by codification?”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 12th April 2013


Law Commissions call for consumer protections to be extended to end user licence agreements –

Posted March 26th, 2013 in consumer protection, Law Commission, news, unfair contract terms by sally

“Legal protections preventing the inclusion of unfair contract terms in consumer contracts should be extended to apply to less formal notices, such as those included as part of software end user licence agreements (EULA), law reform bodies have said.”

Full story, 25th March 2013


Intestacy and Family Provision Claims on Death – Law Commission

Posted March 22nd, 2013 in intestacy, Law Commission, news, reports, trusts by sally

“Government has accepted, in part, the recommendations we made in our report Intestacy and Family Provision Claims on Death.”

Intestacy and Family Provision Claims on Death

Law Commission, 21st March 2013


Unfair terms in consumer contracts – Law Commission

“The Law Commission and the Scottish Law Commission have today recommended reforms to provide better protection for consumers from unfair charges in small print.”

Full report

Law Commission, 19th March 2013


Law commissions urge tougher action on hidden charges – BBC News

“Consumers need more protection against hidden charges often tucked away in the
small print, according to two bodies responsible for promoting law reform.”

Full story

BBC News, 19th March 2013
