The law in Wales – making it clearer, more modern and easier to use – Law Commission

Posted July 14th, 2015 in consultations, Law Commission, press releases, Wales by tracey

‘Throughout the UK the law can be difficult for professionals and the public to find and understand. The volume of legislation in England and Wales, the number of amendments and the way in which legislation is presented, make it increasingly difficult to find out what the law is and what it means. In Wales, the process of devolution has made matters even more complicated. In a consultation opening on 9 July the Law Commission is asking what can be done to simplify legislation relating to Wales and make it more accessible.’

Full press release

Law Commission, 9th July 2015


Providing protective care to people unable to consent to treatment – Law Commission

‘The Mental Capacity Act aims to protect people who lack mental capacity but need to be deprived of liberty in order to receive appropriate care and treatment in hospitals and care homes. But the safeguards are not meaningful for disabled and older people and their families, local councils and the NHS are struggling to meet their obligations under the law, and people who live in other settings – such as supported living – are being left unprotected.’

Full story

Law Commission, 7th July 2015


Patel v Mirza: Illegal Cats and a Place of Repentance – Family Law Week

‘John Wilson QC of 1 Hare Court analyses a Court of Appeal judgment on the illegality defence which may prove very pertinent to cohabitation and financial remedy cases.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 15th April 2015


Government accepts case to exempt lawyers from ‘groundless threats’ laws – Legal Futures

‘Lawyers who act on instructions in threatening potential intellectual property infringers with action are to be exempt from being sued when the threat turns out to be groundless, after the government recently gave the go-ahead for law reforms.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 13th April 2015


Are too few convictions overturned? – BBC News

‘There is room for argument over whether the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) is too cautious in referring suspected miscarriages of justice to the Court of Appeal, as the Commons Justice Committee has said.’

Full story

BBC News, 27th March 2015


The Insurance Act 2015: practical changes for insurers to consider –

Posted March 25th, 2015 in contracts, disclosure, fraud, insurance, Law Commission, legislation, news, Scotland by sally

‘The 2015 Insurance Act will, subject to an 18-month transition period, introduce what the UK government has described as “the biggest reform to insurance contract law in more than a century”.’

Full story, March 2015


Enforcing family financial orders – Law Commission

Posted March 19th, 2015 in consultations, enforcement, financial provision, Law Commission, news by sally

‘Every year, thousands of separating couples apply to the courts for financial orders, either because they cannot agree or to turn an agreement into an order so as to make it enforceable. The courts can order a person to make financial provision for a former spouse or civil partner. Sometimes the courts also make orders for the benefit of the children. The orders are made to help make sure that the needs of both partners and their children are met and, where possible, to maintain their living standards.’

Full story

Law Commission, 11th March 2015


Juliet Wells: Reforming Electoral Law: a Comment on the Law Commission’s Joint Consultation Paper – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted February 25th, 2015 in constitutional law, elections, Law Commission, news, reports by sally

‘Electoral policy is constantly on the march. Given that the rules prescribing the voting systems to be used in different elections, the extent of the franchise, constituency boundaries, and eligibility to stand play a major part in shaping government and the broader exercise of public power by those within it, it is hardly surprising that macro-electoral policy regularly appears as the subject of vigorous political debates. There are, indeed, no less than seven Bills (including Private Members’ Bills) currently before Parliament relating to significant aspects of the voting system in the UK – including the Recall of MPs Bill, the Voting Age (Comprehensive Reduction) Bill, the Voting (Civic Obligation) Bill, and the Overseas Voters Bill. Other key issues at the forefront of public discussion include proposed changes to the voting system itself, especially in an era of party proliferation, and the suggested inclusion of ‘None of the Above’ as an option on ballot papers, as one response to entrenched (and seemingly increasing) popular disengagement from politics.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 25th February 2015


Reforming Electoral Law – UCL Constitution Unit

Posted February 23rd, 2015 in consultations, elections, Law Commission, news, referendums by sally

‘Electoral law in the UK has grown complex, voluminous, and fragmented, with many statutes and secondary legislation governing a long list of elections and referendums. The twin aims of the project are to ensure, first, that electoral laws are presented within a rational, modern legislative framework, governing all elections and referendums under statute; and second, that the law governing the conduct of elections and referendums is modern, simple, and fit for purpose. The Law Commission have recently published the Electoral Law Consultation Paper, which sets out provisional proposals and consultation questions for reform of electoral law.’

Henni Ouahes – Reforming Electoral Law

Nicholas Paines QC – Reforming Electoral Law

UCL Constitution Unit, 28th February 2015


Law Commission to codify sentencing procedure – Law Commission

Posted January 27th, 2015 in consultations, Law Commission, news, sentencing by sally

‘Modern sentencing procedure is complex, and the law that governs it is unclear and difficult to understand.’

Full story

Law Commission, 26th January 2015


Reforming electoral law across the UK – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted December 12th, 2014 in consultations, elections, Law Commission, news, referendums by sally

‘In a consultation opening today the Law Commissions of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland set out provisional proposals for reforming the law that governs the conduct of elections and referendums across the UK.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 12th December 2014


Reforming electoral law across the UK – Law Commission

Posted December 10th, 2014 in consultations, elections, Law Commission, news, referendums by sally

‘In a consultation opening today [9 December] the Law Commissions of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland set out provisional proposals for reforming the law that governs the conduct of elections and referendums across the UK.’

Full story

Law Commission, 9th December 2014


Rights to light – making the law more transparent – Law Commission

Posted December 4th, 2014 in human rights, Law Commission, news, planning, reports by sally

‘In a report published today, the Law Commission is recommending reforms to the law governing rights to light that will strike a balance between the interests of landowners and the law’s recognition of the need for appropriate development.’

Full story

Law Commission, 4th December 2014


Simplification of Criminal Law: Kidnapping and Related Offences – Law Commission

Posted November 20th, 2014 in child abduction, false imprisonment, kidnapping, Law Commission, reports by tracey

‘A report recommending reforms to the law relating to kidnapping, false imprisonment and child abduction.’

Full report

Law Commission, 20th November 2014


Government gives green light to level crossing reform – Law Commission

Posted November 6th, 2014 in health & safety, Law Commission, news, railways, road safety, roads by sally

‘The Government has accepted the majority of the reforms to level crossing law recommended by the Law Commission and Scottish Law Commission, and has committed to review the remainder.’

Full story

Law Commission, 5th November 2014


Jackson calls for single limitation period – Litigation Futures

Posted November 4th, 2014 in contracts, judges, Law Commission, limitations, news, reports, speeches by sally

‘Lord Justice Jackson has called on the government to create a “single core limitation regime” for all claims in contract and tort, as recommended by the Law Commission.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 4th November 2014


Are juries being blinded by science? – The Guardian

Posted October 15th, 2014 in criminal justice, expert witnesses, forensic science, juries, Law Commission, news by sally

‘Expert witnesses are being subjected to greater scrutiny by the criminal courts, despite the government’s refusal to implement safeguards recommended by its own law reform advisers.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th October 2014


Clarifying the legal framework for social investment by charities – Law Commission

Posted September 24th, 2014 in charities, Law Commission, news by sally

‘In a paper published today the Law Commission explains the existing legal framework for social investment by charities and recommends measures to simplify and clarify the law.’

Full story

Law Commission, 24th September 2014


Law Commission urges full reform project on data sharing and public bodies – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 22nd, 2014 in consultations, data protection, Law Commission, news, privacy, reports by sally

‘The Law Commission has this month recommended that a full law reform project should be carried out “in order to create a principled and clear legal structure for data sharing, which will meet the needs of society”.’

Full story

Local Government Lawyer, 21st July 2014


Data sharing rules must be reformed – Law Commission

Posted July 14th, 2014 in data protection, disclosure, Law Commission, news, privacy by sally

‘The law that governs how public bodies share data must be modernised, simplified and clarified, according to the Law Commission. Law reform will help to create a principled and clear legal structure for protecting individual privacy and for the data sharing required by today’s public bodies and the people they serve.’

Full story

Law Commission, 11th July 2014
