Court sanctions Part 26A restructuring plan – Mills & Reeve

‘The court considered whether it could make an order sanctioning a Part 26A restructuring plan (“Plan”) where the company was incorporated in England to rely on the English court’s jurisdiction to sanction a Plan.’

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Mills & Reeve, 8th June 2021


Withdrawal of life sustaining treatment v profound religious beliefs in sanctity of life – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Alta Fixsler was born with catastrophic brain injury. She now two years old, currently a patient at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Paediatric Intensive Care Unit on intensive life sustaining treatment. In this case the court was asked to decide whether it would be in Alta’s best interests for that life-sustaining treatment to be continued. The inevitable consequence of it being discontinued will be the death of Alta.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 3rd June 2021


English court has ‘broad jurisdiction’ to grant access to documents –

‘A recent decision by the High Court of England and Wales highlights the breadth of its jurisdiction to grant access to documents that have been referred to in a public hearing, according to experts at Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law.’

Full Story, 25th May 2021


Case Preview: Harcus Sinclair LLP v Your Lawyers Ltd – UKSC Blog

‘In this post, Sarah Day, a senior associate with CMS, previews the decision awaited from the UK Supreme Court in the matter of Harcus Sinclair LLP v Your Lawyers Limited. This case centres around a non-compete clause contained within a non-disclosure agreement between two firms of solicitors. It is an important case in the sphere of solicitors’ professional indemnity insurance as it sees the issues of (i) the Court’s inherent jurisdiction over solicitors as officers of the Court, (ii) the interaction of that jurisdiction with the restraint of trade doctrine and (ii) the interpretation and enforcement of solicitors’ undertakings, to be considered at the highest level since 1940.’

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UKSC Blog, 25th May 2021


LB Barking and Dagenham & Ors v Persons Unknown & Ors [2021] EWHC 1201 (QB) – Radcliffe Chambers

‘On 12 May Nicklin J handed down judgment in LB Barking and Dagenham & Ors v Persons & Ors [2021] EWHC 1201 (QB), in which Traveller Injunctions and the issue of whether final injunctions against Persons Unknown bind only the parties to the proceedings and not ‘newcomers’ was considered. Caroline Bolton and Natalie Pratt appeared on behalf of eight of the Claimant Local Authorities.’

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Radcliffe Chambers, 13th May 2021


Buckland wants “most accessible justice system in the world” – Litigation Futures

Posted May 17th, 2021 in dispute resolution, jurisdiction, Ministry of Justice, news by sally

‘Lord Chancellor Robert Buckland declared yesterday that he aims to deliver a justice system across the UK “that is more accessible than any other jurisdiction on this planet”.’

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Litigation Futures, 14th May 2021


No overlap between substance and jurisdictional issues – Local Government Lawyer

Posted April 26th, 2021 in contracts, enforcement, housing, jurisdiction, local government, news by tracey

‘Clare Mendelle and James Goldthorpe examine the implications of Ex Novo Limited v MPS Housing Limited [2020] EWHC 3804 (TCC)].’

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Local Government Lawyer, 23rd April 2021


Brexit and what it means for the conflict of laws – St John’s Chambers

Posted April 14th, 2021 in brexit, chambers articles, conflict of laws, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘The ‘B’ word and the ‘C’ word in one article… Brexit and the Conflict of laws. Those familiar with private international law will appreciate the central role played by various EU regulations in harmonising the conflict of laws rules governing jurisdiction, applicable law and the recognition and enforcement of judgments across EU Member States (“MSs”). In the commercial context, “Brussels I”, “Rome I” and “Rome II” have (for the most part) worked very well in furthering that objective of harmonisation.’

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St John's Chambers, 29th March 2021


The role of courts at the seat of arbitration – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted April 14th, 2021 in appeals, arbitration, case management, courts, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘It is well established in international commercial arbitration that the courts at the seat of arbitration will have supervisory jurisdiction over the arbitral proceedings, including hearing any challenges to the validity of the arbitral award. In the recent case of Minister of Finance (Incorporated) and 1 Malaysia Development Berhad v International Petroleum Investment Company and Aabar Investments PJS [2019] EWCA Civ 2080, the Court of Appeal (Sir Geoffrey Vos, chancellor of the High Court, Newey and Males LLJ) considered the issue of the courts’ powers in section 67 (challenging the award: substantive jurisdiction) and section 68 (challenging the award: serious irregularity) of the Arbitration Act 1996. This article focuses on the Court of Appeal’s important discussion of the role and functions of the court at the seat of arbitration and the impact this has on the law and practice of international commercial arbitration.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 12th April 2021


Deprivation of liberty and writs of habeas corpus – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Protection has found that if a local authority does not apply for an order under the inherent jurisdiction, a parent can challenge the deprivation of liberty of their child in a specialist school by bringing a writ of habeas corpus. Joshua Swirsky analyses the ruling.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 1st April 2021


Capacity to marry: NB v MI – Law & Religion UK

Posted March 29th, 2021 in families, family courts, Islam, islamic law, jurisdiction, marriage, news by tracey

‘In NB v MI [2021] EWHC 224 (Fam), Mostyn J set out a series of propositions on the legal nature of marriage in England & Wales.’

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Law & Religion UK, 26th March 2021


The jurisdictional challenge of internet regulation – OUP Blog

Posted March 24th, 2021 in data protection, international law, internet, jurisdiction, news, privacy by sally

‘We live in an increasingly automated, data-driven world where choices and decisions are made for us, and sometimes, against us, and in which we are being subconsciously manipulated, based on the data trail we leave behind us. As a consequence, increasingly humanity is losing agency in favour of globally operating technology and media companies, who are building empires based on big data, data mining, and artificial intelligence. Their wealth and power stems from targeted advertising, but increasingly rests on the wealth of data and profiles of individuals which can be packaged and re-packaged to be sold to the highest bidder. The data collected is not just used for advertising, but also for surveillance, differential pricing, influencing elections, targeted misinformation, predicting sentiments in investment markets, and selling the data for managing corporate risk to the detriment of the consumer, particularly in respect of credit and insurance. Likewise, cybercrime uses techniques of profiling and exploitation of the vulnerable. The global data-driven economy is wide-ranging, has many benefits, but equally, high risks.’

Full Story

OUP Blog, 24th March 2021


Capitalisation of Child Maintenance: a very rare bird – Family Law Week

‘Jo Carr-West, partner with Hunters, considers the implications of Mr Justice Mostyn’s recent judgment in AZ v FM.’

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Family Law Week, 16th March 2021


High Court: restructuring plans are ‘insolvency proceedings’ –

Posted March 15th, 2021 in banking, brexit, company law, EC law, insolvency, jurisdiction, news by tracey

‘A recent High Court decision on the legal status of a UK statutory restructuring plan may impact on the way in which these proceedings are viewed by European courts post-Brexit.’

Full Story, 12th March 2021


‘Not a mini-trial’: Supreme Court explains the correct approach in jurisdiction challenges – Littleton Chambers

‘In The Spiliada [1987] AC 460, 465 Lord Templeman hoped that in jurisdiction disputes, “the judge will be allowed to study the evidence and refresh his memory of [the legal principles] in the quiet of his room without expense to the parties; that he will not be referred to other decisions on other facts; and that submissions will be measured in hours and not days.”‘

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Littleton Chambers, 3rd March 2021


The Effect of Foreign Jurisdiction Clauses on the Summary Enforcement of UK Adjudication Awards in Construction Contracts – 39 Essex Chambers

‘In the very interesting case of Motacus Constructions Ltd v Paolo Castelli SPA [2021] EWHC 356 (TCC), handed down on 22 February 2021 Judge Hodge QC determined:

“the apparently novel question whether the inclusion within a construction contracts for works in England of an exclusive jurisdiction clause in favour of a foreign court precludes the English court from entertaining proceedings for breach of the term implied by paragraph 23 of the Scheme [i.e. the Scheme for Construction Contracts] that the decision of an adjudicator binds the parties until the final determination of the dispute”.’

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39 Essex Chambers, 24th February 2021


Capacity to consent to marriage, nullity and declarations under the inherent jurisdiction considered (NB v MI) – 1GC: Family Law

Posted February 25th, 2021 in consent, family courts, islamic law, jurisdiction, marriage, news by sally

‘The High Court was presented with an application for a declaration of nonrecognition of a Muslim marriage and a petition for nullity. The parties were married in Pakistan under Sharia law in June 2013. The applicant sought to argue, relying on two expert reports, that she did not have capacity to consent to marriage at the time. The court had to consider the issue of her capacity and then consider whether to make a declaration of non-recognition, or alternatively annul the marriage. The High Court refused the applications as it considered, on the facts of this case, the applicant had capacity to consent at the relevant time. The marriage was therefore valid under English law at its formation. Even if he had formed the opposite view, Mr Justice Mostyn made clear the court would still not have made a declaration under the court’s inherent jurisdiction as he was prevented by statute. Tahmina Rahman, barrister at 1GC Family, considers the case.’

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1GC: Family Law, 16th February 2021


Case Note: Município de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group plc, BHP Billiton plc and BHP Group Ltd – Blackstone Chambers

‘This note considers the judgment of Turner J in the Technology and Construction Court of 10 November 2020 in the case of Município de Mariana & Ors v BHP Group plc, BHP Billiton plc and BHP Group Ltd. In that judgment, Turner J struck out a claim by a very large group of claimants for compensation for damage caused by the 2015 collapse of the Fundão Dam in South Eastern Brazil, in which over 40 million cubic metres of tailings washed into the Doce River with massive human, environmental, and economic cost. This note presents the factual background of the case and sets out the most relevant features of the judgment for the practice of mass tort litigation in the multinational context.’

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Blackstone Chambers, 15th February 2021


New Judgment: Okpabi & Ors v Royal Dutch Shell Plc & Anor [2021] UKSC 3 – UKSC Blog

‘Royal Dutch Shell Plc (‘RDS’) is the parent company of the Shell group of companies, incorporated in the UK. The Shell Petroleum Company of Nigeria Limited (‘SPDC’, the other Respondent) is an exploration and production company incorporated in Nigeria and is a subsidiary of RDS.’

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UKSC Blog, 12th February 2021


Principle of finality in litigation – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 19th, 2021 in delay, enforcement, judgments, jurisdiction, news, sanctions by sally

‘A judgment made in open court takes effect when it is made and not when it is subsequently sealed. The lapse of time between the making of an order in open court and sealing it may be taken by the unsuccessful party as an opportunity to rehearse legal arguments or to produce new evidence to persuade the court to revisit and amend its order before it is sealed.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 18th January 2021
