General Dental Council v Fajemisin – WLR Daily

Posted November 22nd, 2013 in dentists, disciplinary procedures, jurisdiction, law reports by tracey

General Dental Council v Fajemisin: [2013] EWHC 3501 (Admin);   [2013] WLR (D)  447

“In addition to cases in which a previous decision could be revisited under the equivalent of the slip rule, a public body had jurisdiction to revisit a decision which had been made in ignorance of the true facts when the factual basis on which it had proceeded had amounted to a fundamental mistake of fact. That power existed irrespective of whether the decision fell to be classified as judicial or administrative in nature.”

WLR Daily, 19th November 2013


Maletic and another v and another – WLR Daily

Maletic and another v and another (Case C-478/12); [2013] WLR (D) 444

“The concept of ‘other party to the contract’ laid down in article 16(1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (OJ 2001 L12, p 1)also covered the contracting partner of the operator with which the consumer concluded that contract and which had its registered office in the member state in which the consumer was domiciled.”

WLR Daily, 14th November 2013


Cotter (Respondent) v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (Appellant) – Supreme Court

Cotter (Respondent) v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (Appellant) [2013] UKSC 69 | UKSC 2012/0062 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 6th November 2013


W H Newson Holding Ltd and others v IMI plc and others – WLR Daily

Posted November 14th, 2013 in appeals, competition, conspiracy, jurisdiction, law reports, striking out, tribunals by tracey

W H Newson Holding Ltd and others v IMI plc and others [2013] EWCA Civ 1377:   [2013] WLR (D)  432

“On its true interpretation, section 47A of the Competition Act 1998, which permitted a claimant to bring a follow-on claim to recover damages based on a finding of an infringement of competition law by the Commission of the European Union, permitted a claimant to bring a conspiracy claim provided that all the ingredients of the cause of action could be established by infringement findings in the Commission’s decision.”

WLR Daily, 12th November 2013


Police spies case: women lose fight for public human rights hearing – The Guardian

“A group of women who are taking legal action against police chiefs over claims they were tricked into forming long-term relationships with undercover spies have lost their fight to have part of their case heard in public.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th November 2013


Power of sale – can the mortgagee be forced to wait? – New Square Chambers

Posted November 5th, 2013 in Crown, jurisdiction, mortgages, news, sale of land, Turks and Caicos Islands by sally

“In Temple Mortgage Fund Ltd v Att-Gen for the Turks and Caicos Islands (unreported, Supreme Court of the Turks and Caicos Islands, 26 July 2013), until just before the trial the only issue appeared to be the timing of the mortgagee’s exercise of its power of sale. However, at a very late stage the Defendant raised a further issue, namely whether certain provisions in the Plaintiff’s charge were binding on the Crown at all. Both issues were determined in favour of the Plaintiff.”

Full story (PDF)

New Square Chambers, 31st October 2013


British American Tobacco Switzerland SA and others v Exel Europe Ltd and others; British American Tobacco Denmark A/S and others v Exel Europe Ltd and another – WLR Daily

Posted November 4th, 2013 in carriage of goods, contracts, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

British American Tobacco Switzerland SA and others v Exel Europe Ltd and others; British American Tobacco Denmark A/S and others v Exel Europe Ltd and another [2013] EWCA Civ 1319; [2013] WLR (D) 417

“Where the English court had jurisdiction pursuant to article 31.1 of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (as scheduled to the Carriage of Goods by Road Act 1965) in respect of a claim by the cargo owner against the primary carrier under the contract of carriage, article 36 of the Convention permitted the cargo owner to bring proceedings in England not only against the primary carrier, but also against successive carriers, whether or not the English court would have had jurisdiction over the successive carriers individually applying the provisions of article 31.1.”

WLR Daily, 30th October 2013


Commercial Court upholds worldwide freezing order in support of English arbitration against foreign nonarbitrating parties – 11 Stone Buildings

Posted October 30th, 2013 in arbitration, Commercial Court, freezing injunctions, jurisdiction, news by sally

“In PJSC Vseukrainskyi Aktsionernyi Bank v Sergey Maksimov and others [2013] EWHC 3203 (Comm), Blair J dismissed an application to discharge a worldwide freezing order made against non-arbitrating parties in support of an LCIA arbitration in long-running commercial court proceedings. Charles Samek QC lists three reasons why the case is of importance.”

Full story (PDF)

11 Stone Buildings, October 2013


Regina (Gleeson Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another – WLR Daily

Posted October 23rd, 2013 in appeals, judicial review, jurisdiction, law reports, planning by tracey

Regina (Gleeson Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and another: [2013] EWHC 3166 (Admin);   [2013] WLR (D)  395

“Service on the relevant interested parties of a direction by the Secretary State to recover jurisdiction over a planning appeal pursuant to paragraph 3 of Schedule 6 to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 was not required before such a direction would be deemed effective, the making of the direction and its service being two separate and distinct actions under the scheme of the legislation.”

WLR Daily, 21st October 2013


The Intellectual Property Enterprise Court – not just a new name – Technology Law Update

Posted October 23rd, 2013 in courts, intellectual property, judiciary, jurisdiction, news by tracey

“On 1 October 2013, the Patents County Court (‘PCC’) was renamed the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court (‘IPEC’). Many practitioners just note it, in passing, as part of the effort by the Government to enhance the popularity of the PCC/IPEC – part of their agenda promoting innovation (particularly for small and medium sized enterprises), rather than a change with a significant impact on the law. However, to dismiss it as ‘just a new name’ would not be quite accurate.”

Full story

Technology Law Update, 22nd October 2013


Mittal v. Mittal: English Family Courts Still Open for Business in the Wider World – Family Law Week

“Tim Amos QC and Duncan Brooks of Queen Elizabeth Building, counsel for the respondent, consider the issues and implications of the Court of Appeal’s important judgment in Mittal v Mittal.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 20th October 2013


Legal claims ‘could paralyse’ armed forces – BBC News

“A ‘sustained legal assault’ on British forces could have ‘catastrophic consequences’ for the safety of the nation, an influential right-leaning think tank has warned.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th October 2013


van der Helder and another v College voor zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) (Healthcare Insurance Board) – WLR Daily

Posted October 14th, 2013 in benefits, EC law, interpretation, jurisdiction, law reports, pensions by sally

van der Helder and another v College voor zorgverzekeringen (CVZ) (Healthcare Insurance Board) (Case C-321/12); [2013] WLR (D) 375

“On the proper interpretation of article 28(2)(b) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of 14 June 1971 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons, to self-employed persons and to members of their families moving within the Community, (as amended), ‘legislation’ to which a pensioner had been subject for the longest period of time, for the purpose of that provision, referred to legislation concerning pensions.”

WLR Daily, 10th October 2013


Regina (Uddin) v Crown Court at Leeds – WLR Daily

Posted October 11th, 2013 in bail, indictments, judicial review, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Regina (Uddin) v Crown Court at Leeds [2013] EWHC 2752 (Admin); [2013] WLR (D) 372

“Pursuant to section 29(3) of the Senior Courts Act 1981, as amended, a decision to revoke the bail of a defendant during the course of a trial on indictment before the Crown Court was not amenable to judicial review by the High Court, such a decision ‘relating to trial on indictment’ within the meaning of the subsection.”

WLR Daily, 11th July 2013


Pinckney v KDG Mediatech AG – WLR Daily

Posted October 7th, 2013 in conflict of laws, copyright, internet, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Pinckney v KDG Mediatech AG (Case C-170/12); [2013] WLR (D) 367

“In the event of alleged infringement of copyrights protected by the member state of the court seised, the latter had jurisdiction to hear an action to establish liability brought by the author of a work against a company established in another member state and which had, in the latter state, reproduced that work on a material support which was subsequently sold by companies established in a third member state through an Internet site also accessible with the jurisdiction of the court seised. That court had jurisdiction only to determine the damage caused in the member state within which it was situated.”

WLR Daily, 3rd October 2013


Proceedings brought by Schneider – WLR Daily

Posted October 7th, 2013 in conflict of laws, EC law, guardianship, jurisdiction, law reports, sale of land by sally

Proceedings brought by Schneider (Case C-386/12); [2013] WLR (D) 366

“Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, and, in particular article 22(1) thereof in relation to jurisdiction in proceedings concerning rights in rem in immoveable property, did not apply to non-contentious proceedings by which a national of a member state who had been declared to be lacking full capacity and placed under guardianship in that member state had applied to a court in another member state for authorisation to sell his share of a property situated in that other member state.”

WLR Daily, 3rd October 2013


Finance and Divorce Update – Family Law Week

“Jessica Craigs, senior solicitor and David Salter, Joint Head of Family Law at Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the financial remedies and divorce news and cases published in September.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 3rd October 2013


Alison L. Young: Prisoner Voting: Human or Constitutional Right? – UK Constitutional Law Group

Posted September 30th, 2013 in bills, elections, human rights, interpretation, jurisdiction, news, prisons, select committees by sally

“As is well known, in Hirst v UK (No 2) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights concluded that Section 3(1) of the Representation of the People Act 1983, which removed the franchise from prisoners, was a disproportionate restriction of the right to vote found in article 3 of the First Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights. After two consultation papers, further judgments from the European Court of Human Rights, a declaration of incompatibility from the Scottish courts, a series of criticisms from the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and the Joint Committee of Human Rights, a change of Government and a House of Commons debate, the Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Draft Bill was proposed and is currently being scrutinised by a Joint Select Committee. To add to the mix, we are awaiting judgment on the latest discussion of the issue by the UK Supreme Court, in R (Chester) v Secretary of State for Justice and McGeogh v Lord President of the Council, heard on 10 June, not to mention the adjourned case of Firth v United Kingdom.”

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Group, 27th September 2013


Surprise bid to put Shrien Dewani on trial in Britain – The Guardian

“Lawyers for Shrien Dewani, the honeymoon murder suspect, are to ask British prosecutors to consider bringing a case against him in a dramatic attempt to avoid a trial in South Africa.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st September 2013


In the matter of A (Children) [2013] UKSC 60 – An Analysis – Family Law Week

Posted September 19th, 2013 in appeals, jurisdiction, news, residence orders, Supreme Court by sally

“Alex Verdan QC, Jacqueline Renton and Michael Gration, all of 4 Paper Buildings, consider the significance and impact of the Supreme Court’s recent judgment in A (Children), in which they represented interveners Children and Families Across Borders.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 18th September 2013
