Permission for judicial review fails in diverted profits tax case –

Posted July 12th, 2017 in appeals, judicial review, jurisdiction, news, subsidiary companies, taxation by sally

‘Permitting judicial review of the issue of a diverted profits tax (DPT) charging notice would “undermine parliament’s intent”, the High Court has decided in a case concerning oil and gas distributing company, Glencore Energy.’

Full Story, 11th July 2017


Speech delivered by the Lord Chancellor at a HM Judges’ dinner at Mansion House – Crimeline

‘Speech delivered by the Lord Chancellor at a HM Judges’ dinner at Mansion House, 6th July 2017’

Full speech


Speech by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales at the Dinner for Her Majesty’s Judges, 5 July 2017 – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted July 7th, 2017 in courts, judges, judiciary, jurisdiction, legal profession, London, speeches by tracey

‘Speech by the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales at the Dinner for Her Majesty’s Judges, 5 July 2017.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 6th July 2017

The Insolvency Rules 2016: an assault on red tape? – Hardwicke Chambers

‘The long-awaited overhaul of the Insolvency Rules 1986 (IR 1986) is now complete, and the Insolvency Rules 2016 (IR 2016) came into force on 6 April 2017. The journey to this point has not been without its difficulties and it would be fair to say that many had anticipated them being in force some time earlier. Perhaps unusually for provisions so overtly procedural in their nature, IR 2016 have also proved to be somewhat controversial.

Full Story

Hardwicke Chambers, 14th June 2017


Dispute Resolution Post-Exit – Henderson Chambers

‘Both sides to the negotiations have already taken positions on the mechanisms for dispute settlement under the arrangements for the UK’s withdrawal from, and its future relationship with, the EU. As with other aspects of the negotiations, we have to hope that more flexibility will be shown on this issue, once the hard bargaining begins, than has seemed evident in the preparatory stage.’

Full Story

Henderson Chambers, 24th June 2017


Field Reports: Kingsbridge Pension Fund Trust v David Michael Downs – Tanfield Chambers

‘The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has held that, in determining whether a person is eligible to apply for a new tenancy on retirement of a tenant under the Agricultural Holdings Act 1986, the livelihood condition need only be satisfied in the 7 year period running up to the date when the retirement notice was given, and not in the 7 year period preceding the determination of the application by the Tribunal.’

Full Story

Tanfield Chambers, 4th July 2017


In re Nortel Networks UK Ltd and related companies (No 2) – WLR Daily

Posted June 21st, 2017 in administrators, courts, expenses, insolvency, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

In re Nortel Networks UK Ltd and related companies (No 2) [2017] EWHC 1429 (Ch)

‘The applicants, the administrators of companies in the same group, were aware of a number of potential claims, which might if established, qualify as administration expenses (“expense claims”), and thereby rank for payment in priority to the claims of unsecured creditors. Neither the Insolvency Act 1986, nor the Insolvency Rules 1986, nor the Insolvency Rules 2016 provided any express mechanism under which an administrator could require expense claims to be asserted by a specific date, or enable him to refuse to deal with claims asserted after that date in the context of a distribution to unsecured creditors. In the absence of any applicable statutory scheme, the administrators applied to the High Court for directions under paragraph 63 of Schedule B1 to the 1986 Act to implement a scheme informing potential claimants that any expense claims which had not yet been made had to be notified to the administrators on a prescribed form on or before a specified date.’

WLR Daily, 16th June 2017


English courts’ willingness to uphold parties’ choice of law provides certainty in Brexit world, says expert –

‘A Court of Appeal decision upholding the parties’ choice to use English law under a swap agreement will provide some relief to financial firms despite the ongoing uncertainty around the UK’s decision to leave the EU, an expert has said.’

Full Story, 21st June 2017


Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd v UCB Pharma SA and another; Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd v UCB Biopharma SPRL – WLR Daily

Posted June 15th, 2017 in conflict of laws, jurisdiction, law reports, licensing, patents by sally

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd v UCB Pharma SA and another; Chugai Pharmaceutical Co Ltd v UCB Biopharma SPRL [2017] EWHC 1216 (Pat)

‘The first defendant in the first of two claims entered into a licence with the claimant in respect of a portfolio of patents, including a US patent, concerning tocilizumab, an immunosuppressive drug. The claimant sought, inter alia, a declaration that it was not obliged to continue to pay royalties under the licence in respect of its tocilizumab products. The defendants alleged that, although framed as a claim for a declaration relating to a contract, a part of the proceedings, in substance, concerned not only the scope but also the validity of the US patent. Accordingly, consideration of the claim would infringe the territorial limits of the courts jurisdictional powers and constitute an affront to comity (“the Moçambique rule”) and/or the foreign act of state doctrine, which militated against the English court determining issues relating to sovereign acts of a foreign state.’

WLR Daily, 26th May 2017


Calling time – Counsel

Posted June 9th, 2017 in company law, courts, jurisdiction, limitations, news, time limits by sally

‘The law on limitation directions – a useful tool for junior litigators attempting to restore companies to the register – has finally been anchored down by the courts. Ben Harding reports on the practical effect.’

Full Story

Counsel, June 2017


General Medical Council v Jagjivan and another – WLR Daily

Posted June 7th, 2017 in doctors, jurisdiction, law reports, tribunals by sally

General Medical Council v Jagjivan and another [2017] EWHC 1247 (Admin)

‘Where, at the conclusion of a hearing by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal, a direction under section 35D of the Medical Act 1983 has not been given, on the ordinary wording of section 40A(1)(d) of the Act the tribunal has made a decision not to give a direction under section 35D. Accordingly, where the tribunal has made such a decision, the General Medical Council has jurisdiction to appeal, pursuant to section 40A, against that decision. The words “after determining that the person’s fitness to practise is impaired” are not present at the end of section 40A(1)(d) and do not require to be read into that subsection. Moreover, it would be anomalous if the General Medical Council’s right of appeal were confined to cases where the tribunal had made a finding of impairment or imposed some sanction, and no regard could be had to an erroneous failure by the tribunal to find an impairment of fitness to practise (paras 27, 32).’

WLR Daily, 26th May 2017


Charlene Ashiru on Protecting Your Judgment: A New Tort of Asset-Stripping? – Littleton Chambers

‘Whilst it might be tempting as a Defendant company to dissipate assets to avoid Judgment debts, it is ill-advised and is unlikely to provide an easy escape.’

Full story

Littleton Chambers, 16th May 2017


Staying proceedings against “a necessary and proper party”: A pragmatic approach – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted May 16th, 2017 in civil procedure rules, jurisdiction, news, stay of proceedings by sally

‘English courts are averse to the risk of parallel litigation in multiple jurisdictions. For this reason, where an English defendant is correctly sued in England, foreign domiciled defendants who are necessary and proper parties to the claim are commonly brought into the English court’s jurisdiction.’

Full story (PDF)

Hardwicke Chambers, 3rd May 2017


Coroner’s conundrums: born alive or still-birth, and mother’s anonymity – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted May 8th, 2017 in anonymity, birth, coroners, judicial review, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘A 19-year old mother went into hospital, with a shoebox. In the shoebox was the 6-days dead body of her daughter. She told the hospital and the police that she had been raped, hence the shame about reporting the death. She had given birth in her bedroom at home, and she said that the baby had been cold when born.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 6th May 2017


English court dismisses ‘international law’ issues in Ukrainian Eurobond case –

‘Questions of international law raised by Ukraine in a dispute with Russia involving overdue Eurobond repayments cannot be dealt with by the English courts, the High Court has ruled.’

Full story, 4th April 2017


Impact of Brexit on legal services “a cause for concern”, justice committee says – Legal Futures

‘The justice select committee has described the impact of Brexit on legal services as “a cause for concern, but not hyberbole”, in a report published today.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 22nd March 2017


Finance and Divorce Update March 2017 – Family Law Week

‘Frances Bailey, Principal Associate and Naomi Shelton, Associate with Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the news and case law relating to financial remedies and divorce during February 2017.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 16th March 2017


Divorce Jurisdiction after Brexit – Family Law Week

Posted March 8th, 2017 in brexit, divorce, EC law, jurisdiction, news by tracey

‘An EU law working group, comprising 15 international family law experts, considers the basis on which couples should be able to engage the jurisdiction of the UK courts in order to divorce, following the UK’s departure from the European Union.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 7th march 2017


Children: Private Law Update (February 2017) – Family Law Week

‘Alex Verdan QC of 4 Paper Buildings reviews recent important judgments in private law children cases.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 28th February 2017


Post-Brexit on the pistes: winter sports and EU law – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Accident victims may struggle to get recompense if access to joined-up European laws is lost when the UK leaves the EU.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 14th February 2017
