Regina (NB (Algeria)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Posted August 1st, 2012 in appeals, asylum, judicial review, jurisdiction, law reports, stay of execution by sally

Regina (NB (Algeria)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 1050; [2012] WLR (D) 233

“The Court of Appeal had jurisdiction to grant an claimant, whose claim for judicial review of a removal order had been rejected by Upper Tribunal, a stay of his removal until his application for permission to appeal had been considered by the Court of Appeal.”

WLR Daily, 27th July 2012


Abu Qatada seeks judicial review of detention – The Guardian

Posted July 31st, 2012 in deportation, detention, habeas corpus, judicial review, news by sally

“The radical Islamist preacher Abu Qatada, who has spent more than six years in detention, will on Tuesday launch a fresh bid for release. Qatada’s lawyers will apply to the high court for a writ of habeas corpus and permission to launch a judicial review of his continuing detention while he fights deportation to Jordan to stand trial on terrorist charges.”

Full story

The Guardian, 30th July 2012


Campaigners win Woolley Valley land battle – The Independent

“A campaign group has won a High Court battle over the agricultural use of Green Belt land formerly owned by broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby for intensive poultry farming.”

Full story

The Independent, 27th July 2012


High speed train opponents granted court hearing – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 27th, 2012 in environmental protection, judicial review, news, planning, railways by sally

“Plans to build a high speed line from London to the Midlands were dealt a blow yesterday with the High Court granting opponents the right to seek judicial review against the scheme.”

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Daily Telegraph, 27th July 2012


Protesters lose royal wedding High Court case – The Independent

” Royal wedding protesters have lost their High Court claim that they were the victims of unlawful searches and arrests.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th July 2012


Regina (SG ( Iraq)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Regina (OR ( Iraq)) Same – WLR Daily

Posted July 18th, 2012 in appeals, asylum, Iraq, judicial review, law reports, stay of proceedings by tracey

Regina (SG ( Iraq)) v Secretary of State for the Home Department: Regina (OR ( Iraq)) Same: [2012] EWCA Civ 940;  [2012] WLR (D)  207

“A claimant affected by, but not party to, a country guidance determination which was under appeal to the Court of Appeal was not entitled to an automatic stay of removal pending the outcome of the appeal. It was in the court’s discretion to grant a stay, but the court should not stay removal pending the decision of the Court of Appeal unless the claimant had adduced a clear and coherent body of evidence that the findings of the tribunal were in error.”

WLR Daily, 13th July 2012


Badger cull ruled legal – The Guardian

Posted July 12th, 2012 in animals, environmental protection, judicial review, news by sally

“The government’s controversial plan to allow the killing of thousands of badgers has been ruled legal by a high court judge. The Badger Trust had argued that neither science nor the law justified the cull.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th July 2012


Badger cull ruling due in high court – The Guardian

Posted July 12th, 2012 in animals, environmental protection, judicial review, news by sally

“The high court will rule on Thursday on whether farmers and landowners can legally cull thousands of badgers to tackle tuberculosis in cattle.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th July 2012


Addison Lee taxi firm fails to overturn London bus lane ban – The Guardian

Posted July 11th, 2012 in competition, judicial review, news, road traffic, taxis, transport by tracey

“The Addison Lee taxi company is to take its battle to use London’s bus lanes to a higher court after it lost a judicial review of a ban on the tactic. The taxi firm, headed by millionaire Conservative party donor John Griffin, was hoping to overturn an April ruling in the high court that prevented its drivers from using bus lanes restricted to London buses and licensed black taxis.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th July 2012


Courts should take note of Strasbourg’s doctrine of deference – UK Human Rights Blog

“This case about prisoner’s pay provides an interesting up to date analysis of the role of the doctrine of ‘margin of appreciation’ and its applicability in domestic courts.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 6th July 2012


Refusing irrationally – NearlyLegal

“When can a Local Authority refuse to accept an application as homeless? This was a judicial review of Birmingham City Council’s refusal to accept a homeless application by the Claimant, Ms May, ostensibly on the basis that there was no change in facts from her previous application(s).”

Full story

NearlyLegal, 7th July 2012


London 2012: Legal challenge to Olympic missile sites – BBC News

Posted July 9th, 2012 in armed forces, judicial review, landlord & tenant, news, sport, terrorism by sally

“Council tenants will go to the High Court later over proposals to place surface-to-air missiles on the roof of their tower block during the Olympics.”

Full story

BBC News, 9th July 2012


Judge considers judicial review of Work Capability Assessment – The Guardian

“A high court judge is considering whether to grant permission for two people with mental health conditions to apply for a judicial review of the controversial Work Capability Assessment (WCA) – the computer-led test which determines who is eligible for sickness and disability benefits – on the grounds that the current system discriminates against people with mental health problems.”

Full story

The Guardian, 29th June 2012


Tenants launch legal action to stop missiles being put on roof for Olympics – The Guardian

Posted June 28th, 2012 in defence, human rights, judicial review, news, sport, terrorism, weapons by sally

“Council tenants in east London have launched a legal action to prevent the Ministry of Defence stationing surface-to-air missiles on the roof of their tower block during the Olympics.”

Full story

The Guardian, 28th June 2012


Jury returns open verdict on prisoner hanged in cell – The Guardian

Posted June 26th, 2012 in bullying, coroners, death in custody, inquests, judicial review, news by sally

“An inquest jury has returned an open verdict on the death of a prisoner found hanged alone in his locked cell. Their decision came after a high court judge made an unusual intervention by forbidding the coroner from inviting the jury to consider verdicts of murder or manslaughter. The panel also found prison officers had turned a blind eye to the bullying of the inmate by other prisoners.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2012


Badger cull ‘not legal or scientific’, high court will hear – The Guardian

Posted June 25th, 2012 in animals, environmental protection, evidence, judicial review, lobbying, news by sally

“The bitter battle over the government’s plan to kill thousands of badgers reaches the high court on Monday, when the Badger Trust will tell a judicial review that the action is neither legal nor scientifically justified.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th June 2012


Locked-in syndrome: high court hears right-to-die pleas – The Guardian

Posted June 19th, 2012 in assisted suicide, euthanasia, judicial review, news by sally

“Two people with locked-in syndrome who find their lives ‘undignified and intolerable’ are taking their right-to-die pleas to the high court.”

Full story

The Guardian, 19th June 2012


Britain’s ‘last witch’: Campaign to pardon Helen Duncan – BBC News

Posted June 18th, 2012 in judicial review, news, pardons, witchcraft by sally

“Campaigners looking to clear the name of Britain’s last convicted witch may apply for a judicial review.”

Full story

BBC News, 15th June 2012


UK Uncut allowed to challenge Goldman Sachs tax deal – The Guardian

“An anti tax-avoidance campaign group has won permission from the high courts to have a ‘sweetheart’ deal between HMRC and the banking giant Goldman Sachs judicially reviewed for its legality.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th June 2012


UK Uncut makes high court challenge to Goldman Sachs tax deal – The Guardian

Posted June 13th, 2012 in banking, interest, judicial review, national insurance, news, tax avoidance by sally

“A deal worth at least £10m between banking giant Goldman Sachs and the head of HM Revenue and Customs is set to be challenged in the high court on Wednesday by tax-avoidance campaign group, UK Uncut Legal Action.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th June 2012
