Supreme Court to hear appeal over arrangements by housing association to allocate properties only to members of religious community – Local Government Lawyer

Posted December 10th, 2019 in charities, equality, housing, Judaism, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘The Supreme Court has agreed to hear an appeal over whether a charitable housing association’s arrangements for allocating housing, which amount to direct discrimination on the ground of religion, were lawful.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 9th December 2019


Holocaust denial, hyperlinks and YouTube: Chabloz again – Law & Religion UK

‘Alison Chabloz was convicted in 2018 at Westminster Magistrates’ Court of three offences contrary to s.127(1) of the Communications Act 2003.

On appeal, in R v Alison Chabloz [2019] Southwark Crown Court 13 February, the issue was whether or not the three songs were “grossly offensive” [2]. She lost.

She then sought to appeal by way of case stated; however, following a hearing in May concerned with how the matter should proceed, the judge refused to state a case and indicated that the proper course was for her to seek permission for judicial review of the written ruling. No such application was ever formally made, although written grounds for judicial review were produced in September 2019. In Chabloz v Crown Prosecution Service [2019] EWHC 3094 (Admin), Coulson LJ sets out the rather confusing procedural history of the case at [2]-[5].

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 20th November 2019


Pizza prank Sussex Police sergeant guilty of gross misconduct – BBC News

Posted November 20th, 2019 in Judaism, misfeasance in public office, news, police by sally

‘A sergeant who dangled a slice of pepperoni pizza over a Jewish officer’s kosher pizza, causing a piece of pork to fall off and land on hers has been found guilty of gross misconduct.’

Full Story

BBC News, 19th November 2019


John Bowers QC’s Employment Law Blog: October 2019 – Littleton Chambers

Posted October 31st, 2019 in adoption, charities, equality, freedom of expression, homosexuality, housing, Judaism, news by sally

‘In R (ota Z) v LB of Hackney & Agudas Israel Housing Assoc Ltd [2019] EWCA Civ 1099, the court considered a challenge to the housing policies of a charitable provider of social housing in Hackney. Accommodation was allocated by the Housing Association only to members of the Orthodox Jewish community in the Stamford Hill area of London. The Divisional Court found that ‘there are very high levels of poverty and deprivation [amongst the Orthodox community], with associated low levels of home ownership … there is a strong correlation between the evidenced poverty and deprivation and the religion’. It also found that the arrangements for allocating housing which placed Orthodox Jews in a primary position to enable them both to avoid the disadvantages and to meet the needs. This would be unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010 unless there was an appropriate exception.’

Full Story

Littleton Chambers, 21st October 2019


Hate crimes double in five years in England and Wales – The Guardian

‘The number of hate crimes reported to police has more than doubled since 2013, according to government figures, which also showed a large increase last year in offences against people based on sexual orientation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th October 2019


MP Chris Williamson loses anti-Semitism suspension appeal – BBC News

‘An MP has lost his High Court bid to be reinstated to the Labour Party after he was suspended in an anti-Semitism row.’

Full Story

BBC News, 10th October 2019


Batei Din and arbitration awards: Sterling – Law & Religion UK

Posted October 8th, 2019 in arbitration, contracts, Judaism, jurisdiction, news by tracey

‘An interesting case involving the extent to which arbitration awards by religious courts are enforceable at civil law has recently come before the Chancery Division of the High Court.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 7th October 2019


Non-disclosing husband fails in challenge to Court of Appeal – Family Law

Posted September 12th, 2019 in disclosure, divorce, financial provision, Judaism, news, periodical payments by tracey

‘A husband who failed to disclose all of his assets has failed in his appeal to set aside an order.’

Full Story

Family Law, 10th September 2019


Moher v Moher: Non-disclosure leads to closure – Family Law week

Posted August 29th, 2019 in disclosure, divorce, financial provision, Judaism, marriage, news by tracey

‘Alexandra Goldrein, a solicitor with Irwin Mitchell, considers a recent Court of Appeal judgment concerning non-disclosure and the award of spousal maintenance to a wife pending the husband’s grant of a Jewish divorce.’

Full Story

Family Law week, 28th August 2019


Neo-Nazi Daniel Ward who called for race war jailed – BBC News

A “fanatical” neo-Nazi who called for a race war has been jailed for three years for belonging to the banned far-right group National Action.

Full Story

BBC News, 19th July 2019


Social housing and religion: R (Z & Anor) – Law & Religion UK

‘A non-Jewish woman, Z, had four children, including a son with autism. She was at the top of Hackney Council’s list for a four-bedroom home in the area. The co-defendant, the Agudas Israel Housing Association (AIHA), was founded in 1986 to provide social housing for Orthodox Jews in north London: it does not accept applications from anyone outside the Orthodox community. Six four-bedroom properties owned by AIHA became available but Ms Z was not allowed to apply for one of them. She sought judicial review of that refusal, arguing that it was unlawful and discriminatory for the AIHA to refuse her a home. As we noted, in R (Z & Ors) v Hackney London Borough Council & Anor [2019] EWHC 139 (Admin), a Divisional Court dismissed her claim, holding that a Jewish housing association might legitimately refuse to rent houses to those who were not Orthodox Jews. Z appealed.’

Full Story

Law & Religion UK, 5th July 2019


Court of Appeal rejects challenge to lawfulness of discriminatory allocation of housing on ground of religion – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Appeal has rejected an appeal against a Divisional Court ruling that a charitable housing association’s arrangements for allocating housing, which amount to direct discrimination on the ground of religion, were lawful.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 27th June 2019


Equality body launches investigation of Labour antisemitism claims – The Guardian

‘Labour has been placed under formal investigation by the equalities watchdog over whether the party has unlawfully discriminated against, harassed or victimised people because they are Jewish. The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said it was launching an official inquiry under section 20 of the Equality Act 2006 after carrying out preliminary investigations since March.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th May 2019


Inquiry announces new investigation into child protection in religious organisations and settings – Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

‘The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has announced a new investigation into child protection in religious organisations and settings. The investigation will be thematic and will review the current child protection policies, practices and procedures in religious institutions in England and Wales.’

Full press release

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, 2nd May 2019


Court of Appeal agrees to hear case on housing allocation policy and religion – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Appeal has granted permission to appeal a Divisional Court ruling that a housing association letting homes on the basis of religion was lawful.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 29th April 2019


Equality watchdog to decide if Labour broke law over antisemitism – The Guardian

‘Britain’s equality watchdog is close to deciding if it will launch an inquiry into whether the Labour party’s handling of antisemitism cases complies with equalities law.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th March 2019


Antisemitic incidents in UK at record high for third year in a row – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2019 in Judaism, news, religious discrimination, statistics by sally

‘Jewish community leaders and politicians have condemned a third successive year with a record number of antisemitic incidents.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th February 2019


Judges reject bias claim against Jewish housing association – The Guardian

Posted February 6th, 2019 in bias, equality, housing, Judaism, news, religious discrimination by tracey

‘A row about allocation of scarce housing could be heading for the court of appeal after judges rejected a claim that a housing association broke equality laws with its policy of providing homes only to Orthodox Jews.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th February 2019


Judges handling difficult cases “given psychological support” – Litigation Futures

Posted November 19th, 2018 in case management, health & safety, Judaism, judiciary, mental health, news, standards by sally

‘Judges dealing with difficult caseloads are receiving annual one-to-one meetings with psychologists, the Lord Chief Justice has revealed.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 15th November 2018


Hate crime linked to religion doubled in three years – Daily Telegraph

‘Hate crime has surged across the country, new figures have revealed, with those directed at people because of their religious beliefs doubling since 2015.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 16th October 2018
