Fishbourne Developments Limited v Stephens – Parklane Plowden Chambers

‘On 16 December 2020 the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in the case of Fishbourne Development Limited v Stephens. The case concerned the interpretation of an option agreement to acquire a farm comprising fields and farm buildings. Arguments in the case were centred around the meaning of the phrase “any development of the Property” within the option agreement, which was contained within the definition of “Planning Permission”.’

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Parklane Plowden Chambers, 18th January 2021


New Judgment: Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd and Ors [2021] UKSC 1 – UKSC Blog

‘In March 2020, the UK Government began to take a series of measures to combat the transmission of COVID-19. The present appeals considered the impact of these actions and measures on 28 clauses in the 21 lead policies written by the Appellant Insurers.’

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UKSC Blog, 15th January 2021


Credit where credit’s due? A ‘likely’ story – Carmelite Chambers

‘In 2017, the Sentencing Council introduced a Definitive Guideline on Reduction in Sentence for a Guilty plea, leaving Judges with little or no discretion on the credit that can be afforded for pleas entered at the Crown Court, even for indictable only offences.’

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Carmelite Chambers, 11th January 2021


Covid fine review welcomed by ‘intimidated’ women – BBC News

Posted January 11th, 2021 in coronavirus, enforcement, fines, freedom of movement, interpretation, news, police by sally

‘Two women who criticised a police force for its “intimidating” approach to lockdown fines have welcomed a review.’

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BBC News, 10th January 2021


What is the meaning of “good will”? The Court of Appeal continue the debate – Hardwicke Chambers

‘In Primus International Holding Company & Ors v Triumph Controls – UK Ltd & Anor [2020] EWCA Civ 1228, the Court of Appeal grappled with the proper interpretation of “goodwill” in a commercial contract, considering the natural meaning of “goodwill” in the commercial context and the definition prevalent in accounting practice. The case provides a useful reminder of the approach taken by the courts when construing contracts, highlighting the need for parties to spell out clearly their intended meaning of a term in their contractual agreement if they wish to depart from its ordinary and natural meaning.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 4th November 2020


Overstaying Does Not Break Lawful Residence For 10 Years Long Residence ILR – Richmond Chambers

Posted November 19th, 2020 in domicile, immigration, interpretation, news, regulations by sally

‘This post provides an update on the current landscape of case law addressing the continuous lawful residence requirement for 10 year long residence ILR in light of the case of Hoque & Ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWCA Civ 1357. Specifically, the Court considered the construction of paragraph 276B(v) regarding disregarding of current and previous overstaying.’

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Richmond Chambers, 10th November 2020


Robustness of software – Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review

Posted November 18th, 2020 in computer programs, employment, fraud, interpretation, news, postal service by sally

‘In the English civil court case Bates v Post Office Limited (Bates 2019), the properties of the Post Office Horizon transaction-processing system were investigated and argued.’

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Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, June 2020


A note of caution for sports agents, introducers and intermediaries: beware the implied “effective cause” term – 2 Hare Court

Posted November 17th, 2020 in agency, contracts, interpretation, news, sport by sally

‘The recent decision of the High Court in Winlink Marketing Limited v Liverpool Football Club [2020] EWHC 2271 may have long lasting consequences for agents and intermediaries in facilitating and introducing parties to high-value sponsorship deals.’

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2 Hare Court, 2nd November 2020


Protection of shapes in 2020: Trade Marks, Copyright & IPR Cumulation – 3PB

Posted November 17th, 2020 in copyright, EC law, interpretation, news, trade marks by sally

‘The criteria for assessing the distinctive character of three-dimensional trade marks consisting of the appearance of the product itself are no different from those applicable to other categories of mark.’

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3PB, 3rd November 2020


Water Sellers – Nearly Legal

‘This was RB Kingston upon Thames’ appeal of the High Court’s finding that it was a “water reseller” under the Water Resale Orders 2001 and 2006, and thus not entitled to keep the additional funds it had recovered from the water rates paid by its tenants as part of the rent, though discounts and void allowances by Thames Water. This is significant because some 69 London councils and housing associations had entered the same or similar agreements with Thames Water, and would be liable to repay sums to their tenants for the relevant periods.’

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Nearly Legal, 15th November 2020


Causation in insurance law – a new interpretation? – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted October 30th, 2020 in causation, chambers articles, insurance, interpretation, news by sally

‘The High Court in Financial Conduct Authority v Arch Insurance (UK) Ltd [2020] EWHC 2448 (Comm) have provided much needed guidance on business interruption insurance. Within the judgment was analysis on the law of causation for insurance policies. The decision may be perceived as, at best, widening the approach when undertaking the “but for” test, or at least providing much needed clarity to the test.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 6th October 2020


Court of Appeal upholds ruling that council overcharged tenants for water – Local Government Lawyer

Posted October 27th, 2020 in agreements, appeals, interpretation, landlord & tenant, local government, news, water by sally

‘The Royal Borough of Kingston-upon-Thames has lost its appeal to the Court of Appeal over a High Court ruling that it overcharged tenants for water.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 27th October 2020


Man denied £1.7m payout by Betfred takes fight to High Court – BBC News

Posted October 16th, 2020 in computer programs, consumer protection, contracts, gambling, interpretation, news by sally

‘A man who was refused a payout of £1.7m after his online betting company account was credited with the money is taking his case to the High Court.’

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BBC News, 16th October 2020


Keep part 36 offers simple by using form, judge urges – Litigation Futures

Posted September 30th, 2020 in civil procedure rules, interpretation, judges, news, part 36 offers, service, time limits by sally

‘A High Court judge has told parties making part 36 offers that if they simply used form N242A “much of the difficulty” the scheme has caused litigants over the years would be avoided.’

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Litigation Futures, 28th September 2020


The NPPF and “out-of-date” – Local Government Lawyer

Posted September 11th, 2020 in appeals, housing, interpretation, local government, news, planning by tracey

‘The Court of Appeal has handed down a judgment on the meaning of “out-of-date” in paragraph 11(d) in the National Planning Policy Framework. Matthew Fraser sets out the key points.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 11th September 2020


Rees v Windsor- Clive Rees v Windsor-Clive (as Trustees of the St Fagan’s No 1 and No 2 Trusts) [2020] EWCA Civ 816 – Tanfield Chambers

‘The question whether a right of entry clause permitted a landlord to undertake activities in order to comply with planning conditions was a matter of fact and degree.’

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Tanfield Chambers, 17th July 2020


No duty to exercise option reasonably or in good faith in engine maintenance agreement (Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd v Lufthansa Technik AG) – 3PB

Posted July 30th, 2020 in airlines, contracts, interpretation, news by sally

‘The High Court found that there was no duty of good faith or duty to act reasonably in respect of an option to withdraw engines from a maintenance agreement. The judgment provides a helpful discussion of the case law concerning the principles of contractual interpretation and implied terms (including on the basis of the Braganza v BP Shipping Ltd and Socimer International Bank v Standard Bank London line of cases and relational contracts). The judgment also serves as a reminder to practitioners that evidence of statements made in precontractual negotiations, including mutual understanding (subject to limited exceptions) are generally inadmissible to assist with the interpretation of a concluded contract. Written by Rebecca Farrell, counsel, at 3 Paper Buildings.’

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3PB, July 2020


Dealing with Competing Jurisdiction Clauses: What is your Centre of Gravity? – 3PB

Posted July 30th, 2020 in contracts, interpretation, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘Complex commercial arrangements can generate difficulties for the parties where their obligations are set out in a multitude of related contracts or a single contract containing inconsistent dispute resolution clauses. It is not uncommon for parties to complex commercial contracts to find themselves arguing over the interpretation of inconsistent jurisdiction clauses which are either found in a single contract, or different but related contracts forming part of the same arrangements. Disagreements over the interpretation of jurisdiction clauses can arise in large-scale energy and infrastructure projects, and other types of arrangements where transactions usually take place under a master agreement. This note will explore the most common scenarios in which courts are often asked to interpret inconsistent dispute resolution clauses, with particular focus on the ‘centre of gravity’ approach adopted by courts.’

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3PB, 27th July 2020


The Client Earth/Drax Case – No. 5 Chambers

‘This case is a High Court challenge by statutory judicial review to the Secretary of State’s decision to grant a development consent order for the construction and operation of two gas-fired generating units at an existing coal-fired power station site in Yorkshire. The decision was contrary to the recommendation of her examining Panel. The challenge was unsuccessful largely because the Panel itself had made an error which the Secretary of State declined to follow. The Panel had misinterpreted national policy on the assessment of “need” for the development and the Secretary of State had been entitled to conclude that that need outweighed the substantial adverse environmental impacts of the proposed development.’

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No. 5 Chambers, 30th June 2020


Rectification of the Land Register – 39 Essex Chambers

‘The Court of Appeal in Dhillon v Barclays Bank Plc and the Chief Land Registrar [2020] EWCA Civ 619 has recently given judgment in an important case involving the rectification of the Land Register. It has given new guidance on the test of ‘exceptional circumstances’ in Schedule 4 of the Land Registration Act 2002. It has also repeated a warning to practitioners that pleadings should clearly identify the issues to be resolved.’

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39 Essex Chambers, 1st July 2020
