Courts must read effect into ambiguous contracts, says Court of Appeal –

Posted March 24th, 2009 in contracts, interpretation, news by sally

“When a contract is poorly drafted and its effect unclear courts should interpret it in order to give it force rather than to render it void, the Court of Appeal has said.”

Full story, 24th March 2009


Airtime reseller had no duty to sue O2, rules High Court –

Posted March 6th, 2009 in contracts, fiduciary duty, interpretation, news, telecommunications by sally

“A mobile phone airtime reseller did not have a legal duty to take network O2 to court on behalf of a company which had sold it its subscriber base, the High Court has said. The Court said the claim was based on a mistaken interpretation of a contract.”

Full story, 4th March 2009


Satyam Computer Services Ltd v Upaid Systems Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted May 27th, 2008 in agreements, intellectual property, interpretation, law reports by sally

Satyam Computer Services Ltd v Upaid Systems Ltd

Court of Appeal

“It would only be through the use of the clearest possible specific language that parties to a settlement would be taken to have excluded fraud-based claims.”

The Times, 27th May 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.