Peers vote to ban spies from committing murder, rape and torture under new law – The Independent

Posted January 14th, 2021 in bills, intelligence services, investigatory powers, murder, news, rape, spying, torture by tracey

‘Peers have voted to ban spies from committing murder, rape and torture under a controversial new law – three months after MPs refused to bring in the same restrictions.’

Full Story

The Independent, 13th January 2021


‘Child spies’ bill could face Lords defeat as Tory peers rebel – The Guardian

‘Tory peers, bishops and crossbenchers could inflict defeat on the government after an outcry over new guidance which allows state agencies to use children as undercover spies as part of the government’s covert intelligence bill.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 13th January 2021


MI6 kept quiet about ‘criminality’ of agent with ‘licence to kill’ – The Guardian

‘MI6 failed to make clear to the foreign secretary that a “high risk agent” operating overseas had probably engaged in “serious criminality” until it was pointed out by an independent regulator last year.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th December 2020


Protesters spied on by undercover officers call for ‘end to political policing’ as inquiry begins – The Independent

‘Undercover Policing Inquiry to begin more than five years after being announced by Theresa May.’

Full Story

The Independent, 1st November 2020


The Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill 2020 – Garden Court Chambers

‘The Government recently submitted the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Bill to Parliament. This Bill seeks to put the ability of undercover operatives to commit criminal offences in the course of their deployment on a statutory footing. It will be achieved by amending the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA) to allow a diverse range of state agencies to authorise their Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) to commit criminal offences where necessary for protecting national security, preventing or detecting crime or disorder, or protecting the economic wellbeing of the UK. This will have the effect of making such activity “lawful for all purposes”, which, without providing so explicitly, effectively means full civil and criminal immunity for those who act within the terms of the authorisation.’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 8th October 2020


Individual privacy versus national security: where is the line? – Lamb Chambers

‘Oscar Davies discusses the recent Privacy International case and its wider implications, in which the CJEU held that UK law went too far in permitting “general and indiscriminate” access of bulk communications data to MI5, MI6 and GCHQ.’

Full Story

Lamb Chambers, October 2020


What Is The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill? – Each Other

Posted October 13th, 2020 in bills, immunity, intelligence services, news, police by sally

‘The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill has received criticism from both Tory and Labour MPs – leading to 19 Labour MPs defying the party’s leadership to vote against it. But why do some find it controversial?’

Full Story

Each Other, 9th October 2020


UK set to introduce bill allowing MI5 agents to break the law – The Guardian

Posted September 24th, 2020 in bills, human rights, intelligence services, murder, news, terrorism, torture by sally

‘A bill allowing confidential informants working for MI5 and the police to break the law will be introduced on Thursday amid a row about whether committing crimes such as murder and torture should be explicitly banned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 24th September 2020


Reforms to UK’s antiquated spying laws published by Law Commission – Law Commission

‘Reform is needed to bring the law into the 21st century and protect the United Kingdom from espionage (spying) and unauthorised disclosures (leaks), according to a report from the Law Commission that has been laid in Parliament today [01 September 2020].’

Press release

Law Commission, 1st September 2020


MI6 apologises for court ‘interference’ – BBC News

Posted July 28th, 2020 in intelligence services, investigatory powers, news, tribunals by sally

‘MI6 officers have been accused of attempting to interfere in a major legal battle over crimes linked to intelligence agencies.’

Full Story

BBC News, 27th July 2020


Russia report: What would tougher spy laws mean for UK? – BBC News

Posted July 23rd, 2020 in intelligence services, news, reports, Russia, spying by sally

‘After the UK government is accused of underestimating the threat of Russian interference, ministers are considering strengthening security laws to require all foreign agents to register in the UK in future. What might that involve and what are the challenges?’

Full Story

BBC News, 22nd July 2020


High Court rules on preliminary issues in challenge relating to alleged UK involvement in torture – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In R (Reprieve & Ors) v Prime Minister [2020] EWHC 1695 (Admin), the High Court made a preliminary ruling that Article 6(1) of the ECHR does not apply to the forthcoming judicial review of the Government’s decision not to establish a public inquiry into allegations that the UK intelligence services were involved in the torture, mistreatment and rendition of detainees in the aftermath of 9/11. It was further held that the claimants are not entitled to the level of disclosure of open material outlined in SSHD v AF (No 3) [2009].’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 9th July 2020


Daniella Lock: The ‘Third Direction case’ Part One: Miller (Nos 1 and 2) in the National Security Context? – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘The ‘Third Direction case’, soon to be brought before the Court of Appeal, concerns the lawfulness of a previously secret national security policy of the UK Government. The policy authorises agents of the Security Service (MI5) to engage in criminal activity, which the claimants allege include the carrying out of torture and murder. Hearings on the case were held in November last year in the Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT), a specialist tribunal which adjudicates complaints on state surveillance and the conduct of the Security Services (MI5, MI6 and GCHQ). The IPT produced a judgment remarkably quickly, published in December.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 7th July 2020


UK intelligence torture case to be held in secret after challenge fails – The Guardian

‘A judicial review aimed at overturning a decision to ditch a judge-led inquiry into the involvement of British intelligence in torture and rendition will be heard in secret after a challenge involving two MPs failed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 30th June 2020


Whitehall held secret review into 15 possible cases of torture or rendition – The Guardian

‘Fifteen potential cases of torture or rendition involving British intelligence at the height of the “war on terror” were examined last year in a secret Whitehall review, whose existence was revealed in court proceedings on Tuesday.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th June 2020


Judge orders MI5 not to delete databanks before end of surveillance trial – The Guardian

Posted February 11th, 2020 in data protection, intelligence services, investigatory powers, news by sally

‘MI5 has been ordered by a senior judge not to delete vast databanks of personal information it is storing pending the outcome of a trial over the legality of its surveillance procedures.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 10th February 2020


MI5 May Be Forced To Destroy ‘Unlawfully’ Handled Personal Data – Each Other

Posted February 4th, 2020 in data protection, intelligence services, news, privacy by sally

‘Privacy groups have launched fresh legal challenge to pressure MI5 into destroying personal data which it has handled “unlawfully”.’

Full Story

Each Other, 3rd February 2020


Human rights court dismisses MI6 informant Wang Yam’s appeal – The Guardian

Posted January 17th, 2020 in appeals, closed material, health & safety, intelligence services, murder, news by tracey

‘The European court of human rights has dismissed the appeal by the former Chinese dissident and MI6 informant Wang Yam that he had not had a fair trial because his defence evidence was held in secret on grounds of national security.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 16th January 2020


Rendition: refusal to hold UK public inquiry to face judicial review – The Guardian

Posted December 2nd, 2019 in inquiries, intelligence services, judicial review, news, rendition, terrorism, torture by sally

‘The government’s refusal to hold a public inquiry into allegations that the security services were complicit in the torture and abduction of terror suspects after 9/11 is to be subjected to a full scale legal challenge.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd December 2019


MI5 policy ‘gives agents legal immunity to commit serious crimes’ – The Guardian

Posted November 6th, 2019 in human rights, immunity, intelligence services, news, prosecutions, torture by sally

‘MI5 operates a partially secret policy that allows agents to participate in serious crimes including torture and killing, a security tribunal has heard.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th November 2019
