Nicola Bulley’s death was an accident, coroner rules – BBC News

Posted June 28th, 2023 in accidents, coroners, families, inquests, internet, news, suicide by sally

‘Nicola Bulley’s death was accidental and she did not have “any desire” to take her own life, a coroner concluded.’

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BBC News, 27th June 2023


The Supreme Court Provides Authoritative Guidance on the Application of Article 2 to Coronial Investigations and Inquests – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The advent of the Human Rights Act 1998, and the incorporation into domestic law of the Article 2 right to life, has transformed coronial investigations and inquests over the last two decades. Lord Bingham’s magisterial creation of the “enhanced” investigation and conclusion in R (Middleton) v West Somerset Coroner [2004] UKHL 10, [2004] 2 AC 182 (later adopted by Parliament) gave coroners greater responsibility to hold the state to account for deaths. That, in turn, has significantly improved the ways in which all inquests are conducted, not just those where Article 2 is found to be engaged. Inquests are no longer haphazard affairs. They are (ordinarily) carefully planned and structured processes; and their participants, the “interested persons”, are far more involved in assisting coroners with the task of identifying the proper scope of their investigations and the lawful ambit of their conclusions.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 28th June 2023


Nicola Bulley live: Inquest to tackle mystery around dogwalker’s death after body found in River Wyre – The Independent

Posted June 26th, 2023 in inquests, news by tracey

‘The inquest into the death of Nicola Bulley will begin today, six months after the mother-of-two had first been reported missing.’

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The Independent, 26th June 2023


Asiah Kudi: Baby death could not have been predicted – inquest -BBC News

Posted June 22nd, 2023 in child neglect, children, inquests, news, unlawful killing by tracey

‘The death of a baby who was left alone for six days while her mother partied could not have been predicted, an inquest has concluded.’

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BBC News, 21st June 2023


Beccles air crash: Pilot’s death accidental, inquest finds – BBC News

Posted June 22nd, 2023 in accidents, aircraft, inquests, news by tracey

‘The death of an 87-year-old pilot in a light aircraft crash was accidental, an inquest jury concluded. Peter Walker, from Lincoln, died from multiple traumatic injuries in the crash at Beccles Aerodrome in Suffolk on 24 March last year. Although not a factor in Mr Walker’s death, the court heard of concerns about a lack of medical guidance for the recertification for pilots over 70.’

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BBC News, 21st June 2023


Gambler who took his own life made up to 100 bets a day, coroner told – The Guardian

Posted June 15th, 2023 in gambling, inquests, mental health, news, suicide by sally

‘A gambler was making as many as 100 bets a day online and had previously accumulated £18,000 in debts before he took his own life, the first inquest of its kind has heard.’

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The Guardian, 14th June 2023


Work-related suicide probe call after death of head teacher Ruth Perry – BBC News

‘Every work-related suicide should be investigated by the Health and Safety Executive, experts have said, in the wake of the death of a head teacher following an Ofsted inspection.’

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BBC News, 22nd May 2023


Tighter damp and mould regulations set to impact registered providers – Local Government Lawyer

‘Six months after the conclusion of the inquest into the tragic death of Awaab Ishak, Matthew Bown and Amy Cowap outline the various measures set to be implemented to ensure tighter regulation of registered providers of social housing, with a specific focus on damp and mould issues.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 17th May 2023


Bell v HM Coroner for South Yorkshire (Eastern District) – Inquests and Inquiries Law Blog

Posted May 17th, 2023 in chambers articles, coroners, inquests, mental health, news, suicide by sally

‘In this post, Alex Carington considers a recent unsuccessful application under s. 13 of the Coroner’s Act 1988 in light of new evidence to quash an inquest in 1992 into the death of a woman who stepped into the path of an oncoming train where an open verdict was reached.’

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Inquests and Inquiries Law Blog, 16th May 2023


Met Police may be failing to spot serial killers like Stephen Port – watchdog – BBC News

Posted April 28th, 2023 in crime prevention, homicide, inquests, London, murder, negligence, news, ombudsmen, police by tracey

‘The Metropolitan Police may be failing to identify serial killers because it is not properly investigating unexpected deaths, a watchdog says.’

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BBC News, 28th April 2023


Killamarsh murders: Inquest to examine failings over quadruple killer – BBC News

Posted April 19th, 2023 in arson, inquests, murder, news, parole, sentencing, suspended sentences by sally

An inquest will be held to examine wider issues around how a man murdered a mother and three children after being given a suspended prison sentence.

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BBC News, 17th April 2023


Dove v Assistant Coroner for Teeside [2023] EWCA Civ 289 (17 March 2023) – Parklane Plowden

‘Mrs Dove’s daughter took her own life after DWP benefits were withdrawn. In September 2021, the Divisional Court refused her application under s13 of the Coroners Act 1988 to quash the Coroner’s determination and direct a new inquest. The Divisional Court considered that the question of ‘how’ someone died in a Jamieson inquest was directed only to the means by which the deceased died, and did not encompass the wider circumstances of their death. In this case, the Court of Appeal considered the meaning of ‘by what means’.’

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Parklane Plowden Chambers, 29th March 2023


Dove (Part 2): Article 2 ECHR, Rabone, and Responsibility – Doughty Street Chambers

‘Last week [24 March] the Court of Appeal gave judgment in Dove [2023] EWCA Civ 289, an appeal against the Divisional Court’s decision not to order a new inquest into the death of Jodey Whiting, in proceedings brought by her mother Joy Dove. Ms Whiting died a self-inflicted death in the community, after a mental health crisis, in which the decision of the Department of Work and Pensions to cease her benefits was said to have played a contributory role. An inquest in 2017 came to a conclusion of “suicide” (§1). In an earlier post I dealt with the first, successful, ground of appeal: that because of fresh evidence it was in the interests of justice to order a new Jamieson inquest. In this post I examine the Court of Appeal’s analysis of the case from the point of view of the engagement of Article 2 ECHR.’

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Doughty Street Chambers, 24th March 2023


Dove (Part 1): Jamieson Inquests, Causation, and Conclusions – Doughty Street Chambers

‘Last week [20 March] the Court of Appeal gave judgment in Dove [2023] EWCA Civ 289, an appeal against the Divisional Court’s decision not to order a new inquest into the death of Jodey Whiting, in proceedings brought by her mother Joy Dove. Ms Whiting died a self-inflicted death in the community, after a mental health crisis, in which the decision of the Department of Work and Pensions to cease her benefits was said to have played a contributory role. An inquest in 2017 came to a conclusion of “suicide” (§1).’

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Doughty Street Chambers, 20th March 2023


Think Twice Before Making a Pre-Action Admission – Parklane Plowden Chambers

‘This case concerned a clinical negligence claim arising out of the death of Dr Oluyinka O Somoye. In short Dr Somoye attended the Defendant’s hospital for a myomectomy on 28/02/18 and was discharged by the treating doctors on 03/03/18. On 07/03/18 Dr Somoye returned to hospital with severe abdominal pain. She subsequently vomited faeces, collapsed, and suffered a fatal cardiac arrest.’

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Parklane Plowden Chambers, 3rd March 2023


The Elms: HC-One admits mistakes unacceptable in care home deaths – BBC News

‘A major provider has admitted “unacceptable mistakes” in the care of three people who died after living at a home, which later closed over failures.’

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BBC News, 1st April 2023


Sister of Christopher Alder on 25-year fight for answers – BBC News

‘More than a decade after his death in police custody, the body of former paratrooper Christopher Alder was discovered lying in a mortuary. At the same time, in a grave bearing his name lay the body of a 77-year-old woman. No-one has ever been held responsible for either incident. Ahead of the 25th anniversary of his death, Mr Alder’s sister, Janet, spoke to the BBC about the psychological toll of her battle for truth and accountability.’

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BBC News, 30th March 2023


Case comment: Dove v HM Assistant Coroner for Teesside and Hartlepool [2023] EWCA Civ 289 – Inquests and Inquiries Law Blog

Posted March 30th, 2023 in benefits, causation, coroners, human rights, inquests, news, suicide by sally

’12KBW pupil Corinne Novell gives an update on this case and the outcome of the Court of Appeal hearing, in which challenges were brought with regard to Article 2 and seeking a fresh inquest.’

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Inquests and Inquiries Law Blog, 29th March 2023


Unlawful Killing in Inquests: All Change? – Law Pod UK

Posted March 28th, 2023 in inquests, news, podcasts, unlawful killing by sally

‘Emma-Louise Fenelon speaks to Matthew Hill of 1 Crown Office Row about three recent decisions concerning unlawful killing.’

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Law Pod UK, 28th March 2023


Awaab Ishak: Rochdale housing group dismissed residents – report – BBC News

Posted March 28th, 2023 in children, complaints, health & safety, housing, inquests, news, ombudsmen, repairs by sally

‘A housing association criticised over the death of a toddler treated its residents in “dismissive, inappropriate or unsympathetic ways”, a report says.’

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BBC News, 28th March 2023
