Government shuns call to change strike laws – BBC News

Posted June 21st, 2010 in ballots, industrial action, news, trade unions by sally

“The government has slapped down calls by business leaders for changes to rules regarding strike ballots.”

Full story

BBC News, 21st June 2010


CBI calls for shake-up of UK’s labour laws – The Guardian

Posted June 21st, 2010 in industrial action, news, redundancy, trade unions by sally

“The TUC has condemned new proposals from the powerful business lobby group CBI to make it harder for workers to strike as ‘a charter for exploitation at work’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st June 2010


British Airways plc v Unite the Union – WLR Daily

Posted May 24th, 2010 in airlines, appeals, ballots, industrial action, law reports, trade unions by sally

British Airways plc v Unite the Union [2010] WLR (D) 131

“When, following a ballot the result of which supported strike action, one was asking whether a union and its members were protected from a claim in tort under certain provisions within Part V of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, the conditions contained in s 231 of the Act as to the provision by the union of information to its members concerning the results of the ballot were critical. However, s 231 was poorly drafted and it was not appropriate to adopt an over-literal interpretation of its wording.”

WLR Daily, 21st May 2010


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

British Airways strikes banned by High Court – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 18th, 2010 in airlines, industrial action, news, trade unions by sally

“Air passengers have received a double dose of good news as the British Airways strike was averted and regulators changed the rules on flying through volcanic ash.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th May 2010


Sats boycott prompts threat of legal challenge – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 22nd, 2010 in education, industrial action, news, teachers, trade unions by sally

“Headteachers are facing possible legal action after pressing ahead with a planned boycott of Sats tests in England.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st April 2010


National rail strike off as court grants injunction – The Guardian

Posted April 6th, 2010 in industrial action, injunctions, news, railways by sally

“A high court judge today (1 April) granted Network Rail a temporary injunction to block next week’s planned four-day rail strike by signal workers.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st April 2010


Network Rail to challenge strike ballot in high court – The Guardian

Posted April 1st, 2010 in ballots, industrial action, news, railways, trade unions by sally

“Network Rail will today try to avert next week’s planned four-day national rail strike by challenging the strike ballot in the high court.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st April 2010


Judge blocks Milford Haven port strike – The Guardian

Posted February 17th, 2010 in industrial action, injunctions, news by sally

“A high court judge has blocked a strike by workers at one of Britain’s busiest ports, as British Airways cabin crew brace themselves for a legal challenge to next week’s strike ballot result.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th February 2010


British Airways strike blocked by court – BBC News

Posted December 18th, 2009 in airlines, industrial action, injunctions, news by sally

“A strike by British Airways cabin crew planned for Christmas has been declared illegal in a High Court ruling.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th December 2009


Iqbal v Prison Officers Association – WLR Daily

Posted December 7th, 2009 in damages, false imprisonment, industrial action, law reports, prison officers by sally

Iqbal v Prison Officers Association [2009] EWCA Civ 1310; [2009] WLR (D) 355

“A claim for false imprisonment did not lie against prison officers who took unlawful strike action which resulted in a prisoner, who would otherwise have been permitted by the prison governor to leave his cell for the purpose of working, exercise and health care, being confined to his cell.”

WLR Daily, 4th December 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Metrobus Ltd v Unite the Union – WLR Daily

Posted August 5th, 2009 in ballots, industrial action, injunctions, law reports, trade unions by sally

Metrobus Ltd v Unite the Union [2009] EWCA Civ 829; [2009] WLR (D) 279

“Where an employer sought an injunction to restrain a strike, a union’s failure to comply with its obligation under s 231A of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 to inform the employer as soon as reasonably practicable of the result of the ballot could justify the grant of an injunction restraining the strike. S 231A, and also ss 226 and 234A, were not disproportionate restrictions on the rights of association conferred by art 11 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The obligations under those sections could not be regarded as onerous so that they could be said to constitute a serious impediment on a union’s ability to call a strike.”

WLR Daily, 3rd August 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Jail strike ban ‘breaches rights’ – BBC News

Posted May 20th, 2008 in industrial action, news, prison officers by sally

“Prison officers are appealing to the European Court of Human Rights over legislation banning them from striking.”

Full story

BBC News, 20th May 2008


Ministry of Justice v Prison Officers’ Association – Times Law Reports

Posted March 31st, 2008 in human rights, industrial action, law reports, prison officers by sally

Ministry of Justice v Prison Officers’ Association

Queen’s Bench Division

“Article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights guaranteeing freedom of assembly and association, conferred no express right to strike and it was not breached by a court order forbidding any form of industrial action.”

The Times, 31st March 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

International Transport Workers’ Federation and Another v Viking Line ABP and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted December 14th, 2007 in EC law, freedom of establishment, industrial action, law reports, shipping law by sally

International Transport Workers’ Federation and Another v Viking Line ABP and Another

Court of Justice of the European Communities

“The protection of workers could justify industrial action causing a restriction on freedom of establishment of a shipowner proposing to reflag the vessel for economic reasons.”

The Times, 14th December 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Jailors claim right to strike under EU treaty – The Times

Posted October 22nd, 2007 in EC law, industrial action, news, prisons by sally

“Gordon Brown faces his first legal challenge under the new EU Charter of Fundamental Rights days after claiming to have won a watertight opt-out from the document for Britain.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd October 2007


Royal Mail wins court injunction to stop strikes planned for next week – The Guardian

Posted October 15th, 2007 in industrial action, injunctions, news, postal service by sally

“Royal Mail last night won an high court ruling outlawing two one-day strikes planned by postal workers next week.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th October 2007


Prison officers to be banned from striking – The Guardian

Posted October 10th, 2007 in industrial action, news, prison officers by sally

“Prison officers are to be banned from going on strike, the justice secretary, Jack Straw, disclosed last night.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th October 2007


Jail dispute set to spread to other public sector unions despite talks – The Guardian

Posted August 31st, 2007 in industrial action, news, prison officers, trade unions by sally

“More strikes by prison officers look inevitable in the wake of the government’s response to this week’s wildcat action. The justice secretary, Jack Straw, is due to meet union leaders today for ‘meaningful talks’, but both sides appeared headed for a confrontation which could spread to other public sector unions.”

Full story

The Guardian, 31st August 2007


Court rules against ‘illegal’ UK prison strike – Financial Times

Posted August 29th, 2007 in industrial action, injunctions, prison officers by sally

“Prison officers … defied a court injunction aimed at halting an illegal strike by thousands of warders across England and Wales. ”

Full story

Financial Times, 29th August 2007
