Armed forces could be given immunity from human rights laws – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 18th, 2014 in armed forces, human rights, immunity, news, reports by tracey

‘The armed forces could be exempted from human rights laws because they are hampering British military operations in the field, Philip Hammond has said. Mr Hammond said the government is prepared to introduce new legislation to protect the army from the “encroachment” of civil litigation on the battlefield.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th March 2014


PC Keith Blakelock trial: witnesses given immunity from prosecution – The Guardian

Posted March 4th, 2014 in immunity, murder, news, police, violent disorder, witnesses by sally

‘Witnesses against a man charged with being part of a mob that hacked a police officer to death almost 30 years ago themselves took part in the attack and have been given immunity from prosecution, a jury has heard.’

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd March 2014


The dependable witness – New Law Journal

‘Martin Burns provides five important factors to consider when instructing an expert witness (or acting as one).’

Full story

New Law Journal, 28th February 2014


Cameron orders judicial review into IRA immunity letters – The Guardian

Posted February 28th, 2014 in immunity, judicial review, news, Northern Ireland, terrorism by sally

‘David Cameron has ordered a review into secret police letters promising immunity to Northern Ireland terrorist suspects, but said he does not want to unpick parts of the 1998 peace deal that introduced the scheme.’

Full story

The Guardian, 27th February 2014


Police whistleblower denied immunity from prosecution – The Guardian

Posted September 19th, 2013 in immunity, inquiries, news, official secrets act, police, whistleblowers by sally

“A former undercover police officer who blew the whistle on a covert Scotland Yard squad has been denied immunity from prosecution for potential breaches of the Official Secrets Act.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th September 2013


Wembridge Claimants and others v Winter and others – WLR Daily

Wembridge Claimants and others v Winter and others [2013] EWHC 2331 (QB); [2013] WLR (D) 334

“Regulations pertaining to health and safety in the workplace made pursuant to the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 applied to fire and rescue services and were capable of amending duties under existing statutory provisions so that a breach of the regulations by a fire service employer would be actionable, save where it was expressly provided otherwise.”

WLR Daily, 30th July 2013


Singh v Reading Borough Council – WLR Daily

Singh v Reading Borough Council [2013] EWCA Civ 909; [2013] WLR (D) 306

“An employer’s improper activities in gathering evidence for the purpose of defending a claim of discrimination brought by an employee were not covered by judicial proceedings immunity.”

WLR Daily, 25th July 2013


No witness immunity for the Forensic Science Service – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted July 16th, 2013 in appeals, deceit, human rights, immunity, negligence, news, witnesses by sally

“There was evidence in this case that employees of the Forensic Science Service had altered the exhibit numbers on the evidence in question, possibly to cover up their mistake.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 15th July 2013


Apex Global Management Ltd v Fi Call Ltd and others – WLR Daily

Posted June 13th, 2013 in appeals, conflict of laws, immunity, law reports, royal family by sally

Apex Global Management Ltd v Fi Call Ltd and others [2013] EWCA Civ 642; [2013] WLR (D) 228

“The phrase ‘members of his family forming part of his household’ in section 20(1)(b) of the State Immunity Act 1978 should not be given a wider meaning in relation to heads of state than it had in relation to diplomats. Thus a head of state’s ‘household’ was restricted to spouses, civil partners, dependent children and relatives.”

WLR Daily, 11th June 2013


Saudi princes fail to win sovereign immunity in UK court case – The Guardian

Posted May 16th, 2013 in appeals, immunity, news, reporting restrictions, royal family by sally

“Two senior Saudi princes have failed to extract themselves from English justice after the court of appeal upheld a ruling that they are not entitled to sovereign immunity in a case involving their London-based business interests.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th May 2013


Apex Global Management Ltd v FI Call Ltd and others – WLR Daily

Posted March 26th, 2013 in conflict of laws, immunity, law reports, royal family by sally

Apex Global Management Ltd v FI Call Ltd and others [2013] EWHC 587 (Ch); [2013] WLR (D) 111

On the proper construction of section 20(1)(b) of the State Immunity Act 1978, whilst an adult member of a sovereign’s or head of state’s family exercising royal or presidential, constitutional and representational functions could be regarded in some circumstances as a member of the sovereign’s or head of state’s household, even though he or she lived apart from the sovereign or head of state, such a situation would be rare, and would be likely to be restricted to the case of a regent, heir to the throne or a person broadly exercising the sovereign’s or head of state’s functions in a full time capacity on his behalf.

WLR Daily, 19th March 2013


Saudi princes warn of damage to UK relations if allegations emerge in trial – The Guardian

Posted February 14th, 2013 in appeals, disclosure, immunity, news, royal family, shareholders by sally

“Relations between the UK and Saudi Arabia will suffer if what are said to be highly damaging allegations about business deals surface during a London trial, lawyers for two Saudi princes have warned the high court.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th February 2013


Lord McAlpine and libel reform – The Guardian

Posted November 14th, 2012 in bills, defamation, immunity, media, news, public interest by sally

“What the Newsnight debacle can tell us about proposed changes to defamation law.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th November 2012


“Locked-in” sufferer’s challenge to ban on voluntary euthanasia fails in the high court – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted August 16th, 2012 in assisted suicide, doctors, euthanasia, human rights, immunity, news by sally

“Lord Justice Toulson, sitting with Mrs Justice Royce and Mrs Justice Macur, has handed down judgment in the case of Tony Nicklinson and that of another ‘locked-in’ syndrome sufferer, ‘Martin’. On all the issues, they have deferred to parliament to take the necessary steps to address the problems created by the current law of murder and assisted suicide.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 16th August 2012


Locked-in syndrome victims lose ‘right to die’ case – The Guardian

Posted August 16th, 2012 in assisted suicide, doctors, euthanasia, immunity, news by sally

“Two victims of locked-in syndrome, including Tony Nicklinson who has sought to be able to end his ‘dull, miserable, demeaning, undignified and intolerable’ life, have lost their high court battle to die with medical help.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th August 2012


Wokuri v Kassam – WLR Daily

Posted February 1st, 2012 in conflict of laws, diplomats, employment, immunity, law reports, news by sally

Wokuri v Kassam [2012] EWHC 105 (Ch); [2012] WLR (D) 13

“A diplomatic agent who had left a mission continued to enjoy immunity in respect of acts performed by him or her in the exercise of his or her functions as a member of that mission within the meaning of article 39(2) of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (1961) as scheduled to the Diplomatic Privileges Act 1964. The residual immunity under article 39(2) was, however, less extensive than that enjoyed by a serving diplomat. The former diplomat would not necessarily have immunity in relation to claims by employees carrying out domestic duties.”

WLR Daily, 30th January 2012


Wiltshire ‘right to die’ man seeks High Court ruling – BBC News

Posted November 29th, 2011 in disabled persons, euthanasia, immunity, news by sally

“A severely disabled man from Wiltshire is to ask the High Court to allow a doctor to end his life.”

Full story

BBC News, 29th November 2011


Keynote address – EWI Annual Conference 2011 – Speech by Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Master of the Rolls

Posted October 6th, 2011 in evidence, expert witnesses, immunity, speeches by sally

Keynote address – EWI Annual Conference 2011 (PDF)

Speech by Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Master of the Rolls

EWI Annual Conference, 5th October 2011


#WithoutPrejudice Podcast 3: Libel – Hyperinjunctions – Lautsi v Italy – Expert immunity – Interns – Silk? – Charon QC

Posted April 7th, 2011 in defamation, expert witnesses, immunity, injunctions, podcasts, privacy by sally

“Welcome to the third episode of Without Prejudice: Tonight, I am afraid, I can’t tell you about our guest… in fact, the superinjunction is so harsh, I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of a guest… but…. I can tell you that David Allen Green and Carl Gardner are at the table…. waiting to discuss libel, privacy, hyperinjunctions, Rough Justice – Miscarriages of Justice, The Lautsi v Italy crucifix case, and we may even have time to discuss expert immunity from suit…and interns.”


Charon QC, 6th April 2011


“Charon QC” is the blogging pseudonym of Mike Semple Piggot, editor of insitelaw newswire.

After supreme court decision, will other witnesses remain immune? – The Guardian

Posted April 1st, 2011 in expert witnesses, immunity, news by sally

“Now that the highest appeal court has ruled that expert witness can now be sued for negligence, the immunity of officers who give evidence is called into question.”

Full story

The Guardian, 31st March 2011
