Ex-slave wins appeal against ‘unlawful’ Home Office guidance – BBC News
“A former child slave has won a court fight against the Home Office after its immigration guidance was deemed unlawful.”
BBC News, 13th February 2018
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“A former child slave has won a court fight against the Home Office after its immigration guidance was deemed unlawful.”
BBC News, 13th February 2018
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘On 8th February 2018, the Supreme Court held that the power to grant bail and impose bail conditions in respect of a person pending deportation ceases to be lawful if there is no legal basis for detaining that person. The power to impose bail conditions is inextricably linked to the power of detention. Once the Home Secretary ceases to have the power to detain a person under immigration law, she can’t then impose conditions on that person’s freedom through bail conditions.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 13th February 2018
Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com
‘Two asylum seekers have won a legal challenge against the government when a high court judge ruled on Thursday that it was a breach of their human rights to allow smoking in immigration detention centres.’
The Guardian, 1st February 2018
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Health service officials have been reprimanded for putting the health of vulnerable migrants, and the wider public, at risk and told to stop handing over confidential information to immigration officials immediately.’
The Independent, 31st January 2018
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘A man who has been stateless for 31 years has been denied protection in the UK after the Home Office refused to accept he was originally from Palestine, despite advising him to return there on two occasions.’
The Guardian, 22nd January 2018
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A grandmother who was told she was an illegal immigrant, detained in an immigration removal centre and threatened with deportation despite having lived in Britain for 50 years has finally received official leave to remain in the UK.’
The Guardian, 11th January 2018
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Recent years have seen a significant increase in the number of people sleeping on the streets in Greater London — the figure has more than doubled since 2017.[1] This includes people of all nationalities, and a significant number of EEA nationals.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 15th December 2017
Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com
‘The Government’s policy of treating rough sleeping by EEA nationals as an abuse of EU treaty rights, rendering the individuals liable to removal if proportionate to do so, is unlawful, a High Court judge has ruled.’
Local Government Lawyer, 14th December 2017
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘On 1 December 2017 an event in Temple Church with the Bar Council in collaboration with Refugee Tales, an outreach project whose aim is to see the end of indefinite immigration detention, saw an announcement of new recommendations for reform of the system of immigration detention.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 12th December 2017
Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com
‘An investigation has been launched after the death of a 12th immigration detainee this year.’
The Guardian, 12th December 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘This post is in two parts. The first post (available here) addressed the detail of McCombe LJ’s judgment in Roszkowski v Secretary State for the Home Department (‘Roszkowski’) and in particular the impact of the differing judgments in R (Evans) v Attorney General (‘Evans’). This second post puts forward an alternative argument not canvassed in Evans or Roszkowski. A version of the argument was first suggested in a case note on Evans written by the author in the Modern Law Review. This second post also addresses some implications for Privacy International.’
UK Constitutional Law Association, 11th December 2017
Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org
‘I was recently instructed by Sterling & Law LLP in an EEA appeal against the refusal of permanent residence. The Appellant was a non-EEA national in a civil partnership with her wife, an EEA national. The Appellant sought to establish that she was entitled to permanent residence having lived in the UK in accordance with the EEA Regulations for five years.’
Drystone Chambers, 1st December 2017
Source: drystone.com
‘The number of immigration detainees with no access to legal representation while in detention has tripled in the past few months, a new survey published by the immigration detention charity BID has indicated.’
Legal Voice, 6th December 2017
Source: www.legalvoice.org.uk
‘Migrants held in detention for too long with inadequate access to the courts or to legal help are among a catalogue of problems highlighted by ‘Injustice in Immigration Detention’, an independent report by Dr Anna Lindley of SOAS, published today.’
The Bar Council, 30th November 2017
Source: www.barcouncil.org.uk
‘The family of a grandmother who was sent to an immigration detention centre and threatened with deportation to Jamaica, a country she left 50 years ago when she was 10, has called on the Home Office to apologise for the treatment she has received. The case of Paulette Wilson, 61, who was detained for a week at Yarl’s Wood immigration detention centre last month, has focused attention on other UK residents, now retired, who have lived in Britain since they were in primary school, who are being pursued by the Home Office. Most had no idea that there was anything wrong with their immigration status.’
The Guardian, 29th November 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A woman who reported being kidnapped and raped was arrested on immigration charges while being cared for at a centre for sexual assault victims.’
The Guardian, 28th November 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘The High Court is today [21 November] set to begin hearing a judicial review challenge to the Home Office’s policy towards rough sleeping EEA nationals.’
Local Government Lawyer, 21st November 2017
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘G4S has ordered an independent review into its running of an immigration removal centre, it has been reported, amid allegations of abuse of detainees by staff working there.’
The Guardian, 21st November 2017
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Making defendants in criminal proceedings declare their nationality is “offensive and objectionable”, the former president of the London Criminal Courts Solicitors’ Association (LCCSA) has said.’
Law Society's Gazette, 16th November 2017
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘Two-thirds of women held at an immigration removal centre are later released into the community, a watchdog report has revealed. Inspectors said the finding raised concerns about whether the women should have been detained at Yarl’s Wood, Bedfordshire, in the first place.’
BBC news, 15th November 2017
Source: www.bbc.co.uk