English language schools win court battle over tightening of visa rules – The Guardian

Posted July 9th, 2010 in education, immigration, news, visas by sally

“English language schools have won their high court battle against tighter visa regulations for foreign students, which they had warned would result in the loss of thousands of jobs and millions of pounds a year in foreign earnings.”

Full story

The Guardian, 9th July 2010

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

HJ v Secretary of State for the Home Department; HT v Same ú – WLR Daily

Posted July 9th, 2010 in asylum, homosexuality, immigration, law reports, refugees, Supreme Court by sally

HJ v Secretary of State for the Home Department; HT v Same ú [2010] UKSC 31; [2010] WLR (D) 174

“To reject a gay person’s claim for refugee status on the ground that, if returned to his home country, he could avoid persecution by living discreetly would be to deny his right, protected by the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, to live freely and openly as himself without fear of persecution. The current test, that such a claim would fail where the claimant could reasonably be expected to live discreetly concealing his sexual identity to avoid persecution, if returned to his home country, was wrong and should not be followed.”

WLR Daily, 8th July 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Illegal immigrant convicted of identity fraud – UK Border Agency

Posted July 9th, 2010 in identity fraud, immigration, press releases, sentencing by sally

“A failed asylum seeker from Leicester has been convicted of using fake identity documents to gain employment.”

Full press release

UK Border Agency, 8th July 2010

Source: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

Adedoyin v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Posted July 8th, 2010 in appeals, deceit, immigration, law reports by sally

Adedoyin v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWCA Civ 773; [2010] WLR (D) 172

“Dishonesty or deception was required to render a false representation a ground for mandatory refusal of an application for extension of leave to remain. The term ‘false representations’ in paras 320(7A)(7B) and 322(1A) of the Immigration Rules should be read as meaning ‘dishonest representations’, though the dishonesty need not be that of the claimant himself.”

WLR Daily, 7th July 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Refugee and Migrant Justice clients lose High Court bid – Law Society’s Gazette

“The High Court has rejected a bid to allow collapsed immigration advice charity Refugee and Migrant Justice to carry on representing its clients until their cases are transferred to other firms.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 7th July 2010

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

More immigration advice providers could close – The Guardian

Posted July 1st, 2010 in immigration, law firms, legal aid, news by sally

“More organisations providing immigration and asylum advice could face closure as only 252 out of over 400 applicants were successful in their bids for contracts from the Legal Service Commission.”

Full story

The Guardian, 30th June 2010

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Pankina v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Malekia v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Ahmed v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Junaideen v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Ali v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Sankar v Secretary of State for the Home Dept – WLR Daily

Posted June 25th, 2010 in appeals, immigration, law reports by sally

Pankina v Secretary of State for the Home Dept;  Malekia v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Ahmed v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Junaideen v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Ali v Secretary of State for the Home Dept; Sankar v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2010] EWCA Civ 719; [2010] WLR (D) 158

 “The immigration rules could not lawfully incorporate provisions set out in another document which had not itself been laid before Parliament and was able to be altered after the rule had been laid before Parliament.”

WLR Daily, 24th June 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Stamford restaurant faces £50,000 fine – UK Border Agency

Posted June 23rd, 2010 in employment, fines, immigration, penalties, press releases by sally

“Five illegal workers have been caught in Stamford by our officers.”

Full press release

UK Border Agency, 21st June 2010

Source: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

FA (Iraq) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Posted June 22nd, 2010 in appeals, asylum, immigration, law reports by sally

FA (Iraq) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWCA Civ 696; [2010] WLR (D) 152

“Where a person who had been granted leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom for a year or more appealed against the refusal of his claim for asylum under s 83 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 he was entitled, by virtue of the principle of equivalence under Community law, to include the refusal of his claim for humanitarian protection in the appeal.”

WLR Daily, 21st June 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Man jailed after UK Border Agency foils sham marriage – UK Border Agency

Posted June 18th, 2010 in fraud, immigration, marriage, press releases, sentencing, suspended sentences by sally

“A bogus groom has been jailed at Leeds Crown Court for 12 months after plotting to stage a sham marriage.”

Full press release

UK Border Agency, 11th June 2010

Source: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

Fraudster jailed after stealing crash victim’s identity – UK Border Agency

Posted June 18th, 2010 in identity fraud, immigration, news, sentencing by sally

“An American fraudster has been jailed for 16 months after living illegally in the UK using the identity of a teenager who had died in a car accident.”

Full press release

UK  Border Agency, 17th June 2010

Source: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

MS (Palestinian Territories) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

Posted June 17th, 2010 in appeals, asylum, immigration, law reports, Supreme Court by sally

MS (Palestinian Territories) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] UKSC 25; [2010] WLR (D) 150

“The specifying of a particular country or territory of destination in a notice of a decision to remove an illegal immigrant from the United Kingdom was not an integral part of an immigration decision within the meaning of s 82(2)(h) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. There was no freestanding right of appeal against an immigration decision on the ground that the person to be deported was unlikely to be admitted to the destination specified.”

WLR Daily, 16th June 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case is fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Yarl’s Wood staff criticised for poor investigation into child sex case – The Guardian

Posted June 15th, 2010 in child abuse, children, detention, immigration, news, reports by sally

“Social workers failed to properly investigate a case of two five-year-old boys found engaging in sexual activity at Yarl’s Wood detention centre and concerns an older child may have abused one of them, an official report found today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th June 2010

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Vicar ‘married hundreds in fraudulent ceremonies’ – The Independent

Posted June 11th, 2010 in Church of England, fraud, immigration, marriage, news by sally

“An Anglican vicar deliberately breached Britain’s immigration laws by conducting hundreds of sham marriages between Africans and Europeans, a court heard yesterday.”

Full story

The Independent, 11th June 2010

Source: www.independent.co.uk

English rules tightened for immigrant partners – BBC News

Posted June 9th, 2010 in immigration, marriage, news, visas by sally

“Ministers are bringing forward to the autumn measures requiring many immigrants marrying UK citizens to prove they have a command of English.”

Full story

BBC News, 9th June 2010

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Regina (Boahen) v Secretary of State for the Home Office – WLR Daily

Posted June 4th, 2010 in appeals, immigration, law reports, visas by sally

Regina (Boahen) v Secretary of State for the Home Office [2010] EWCA Civ 585; [2010] WLR (D) 143

“An immigration officer at the port of entry had discretionary power to cancel a visa granted overseas on the ground that the purpose of the visit was not same as stated in the visa granted and to refuse leave to enter the UK.”

WLR Daily, 3rd June 2010

Source: www.lawreports.co.uk

Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Alton immigrant laundry director jailed – BBC News

Posted May 28th, 2010 in immigration, news, sentencing by sally

“A Berkshire man who hired 23 illegal immigrants at a laundry in Hampshire has been jailed for a year for assisting unlawful immigration.”

Full story

BBC News, 28th May 2010

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Judge orders Home Office to stop deportations without warning – The Guardian

Posted May 26th, 2010 in asylum, deportation, immigration, news by sally

“A high court judge has ordered the Home Office to halt the deportation of foreign nationals with almost no warning after a legal challenge argued the process denies people access to justice before they are removed.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th May 2010

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Update on child detention – UK Border Agency

Posted May 21st, 2010 in children, detention, immigration, press releases by sally

“The government is committed to ending the detention of children for immigration purposes. We can announce that Immigration Minister Damian Green will be leading a wide-ranging review to achieve this, setting out plans in the coming months.”

Full press release

UK Border Agency, 15th May 2010

Source: www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

Border agency breaking rules over detention of children in Yarl’s Wood

Posted May 20th, 2010 in children, detention, immigration, news by sally

“Children in Yarl’s Wood detention centre will still suffer until the UK Border Agency abides by the law.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th May 2010

Source: www.guardian.co.uk