Senior judge attacks UK border system after Lithuanian sex offender was able to enter the country – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 19th, 2012 in dangerous offenders, deportation, immigration, news, sexual offences by sally

“A senior judge has railed at the UK border system asking ‘do we let anyone in?’ after a dangerous Lithuanian sex offender was able to enter the country and then rape a woman.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th January 2012


Are some rights to private life just not cricket? – Legal Week

Posted January 10th, 2012 in human rights, immigration, judgments, news, tribunals by sally

“Given previous poor reporting of human rights cases, alarm bells began to ring when the Sunday Telegraph recently reported student Abdullah Munawar’s appeal on human rights grounds against a refusal to grant him leave to stay in the UK, citing his playing cricket as a reason he had a private life under Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.”

Full story

Legal Week, 10th January 2012


Dr Naik, hate speech and the principle of expectation – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted January 4th, 2012 in freedom of expression, immigration, inciting religious hatred, news by tracey

“The Court of Appeal has confirmed that the exclusion of an Indian Muslim public speaker from the United Kingdom after making statements which breached the Home Office’s ‘unacceptable behaviours policy’ was lawful, and that any interference with his rights was justified.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 29th December 2011





Ziolkowski and others v Land Berlin (Vertreter des Bundesinteresses beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted January 3rd, 2012 in EC law, freedom of movement, immigration, law reports by tracey

Ziolkowski and others v Land Berlin (Vertreter des Bundesinteresses beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht intervening); (Joined Cases C-424/10 and C-425/10);  [2011] WLR (D)  387

“A Union citizen who had been resident for more than five years in the territory of the host member state on the sole basis of the national law of that member state could not be regarded as having acquired the right of permanent residence pursuant to article 16(1) of Directive 2004/38 if, during that period of residence, he did not satisfy the conditions laid down in article 7(1) of the Directive concerning the need to be a worker or to be self-supporting. Periods of residence completed by a national of a non‑member state in the territory of a member state before the accession of the non‑member state to the European Union, in the absence of specific provisions in the Act of Accession, had to be taken into account for the purpose of the acquisition of the right of permanent residence pursuant to article 16(1) of the Directive, provided those periods were completed in compliance with the conditions laid down in article 7(1).”

WLR Daily, 21st December 2011


NS v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Amnesty International Ltd and others intervening); ME and others v Refugee Applications Comr and another (Amnesty International Ltd and others intervening – WLR Daily

Posted January 3rd, 2012 in asylum, EC law, immigration, law reports by tracey

NS v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Amnesty International Ltd and others intervening); ME and others v Refugee Applications Comr and another (Amnesty International Ltd and others intervening); (Joined Cases C-411/10 and C-493/10);  [2011] WLR (D)  388

“European Union law precluded the application of a conclusive presumption that the member state responsible for examining an asylum claim pursuant to Council Regulation (EC) No 343/2003 observed the fundamental rights of the European Union. Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union meant that the member states, including the national courts, could not transfer an asylum seeker to the ‘member state responsible’ within the meaning of the Regulation where they could not be unaware that systemic deficiencies in the asylum procedure and in the reception conditions of asylum seekers in that member state amounted to substantial grounds for believing that the asylum seeker would face a real risk of being subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment within the meaning of that provision.”

WLR Daily, 21st December 2011


Murder victim’s family cannot be told killer’s immigration status – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 21st, 2011 in data protection, families, immigration, murder, news, privacy, victims by tracey

“The family of a former public schoolboy gunned down in a pub have been refused in their request to find out if his killer was in the country legally – to protect his privacy.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st December 2011


Minister blames courts for releasing foreign criminals – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 20th, 2011 in deportation, human rights, immigration, news, recidivists by tracey

“Damian Green, the immigration minister, blamed judges after new figures revealed that nine in 10 overseas criminals who should have been sent home but are currently free in the UK. Separate figures showed the number of foreign offenders successfully removed from the UK fell by nearly a fifth last this year.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th December 2011


Pagan wins ‘family life’ human rights case – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 19th, 2011 in families, human rights, immigration, married persons, news, polygamy by tracey

“An American woman who worships Norse gods has won the right to stay in Britain because of her ‘family life’ with her boyfriend and his wife.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th December 2011


Lax UK border controls attacked in report – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 19th, 2011 in immigration, married persons, news by tracey

“A woman was allowed into the UK to live with a partner she claimed she had met on the internet despite being unable to prove that she had ever even spoken to him, a report into the UK Border Agency (UKBA) reveals.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th December 2011



Overseas spouses must speak English before arriving in UK, court rules – The Guardian

Posted December 16th, 2011 in immigration, married persons, news by tracey

“The high court has upheld a government rule requiring spouses to prove they can speak English before they can join their partners in Britain. Mr Justice Beatson dismissed a judicial review challenge brought by three couples to the immigration rule introduced last November on the grounds that it was racist and would break up their families.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th December 2011


Rochdale sham marriage vicar John Magumba facing jail – BBC News

Posted December 14th, 2011 in clergy, immigration, marriage, news, theft by sally

“A Church of England vicar from Rochdale has admitted carrying out sham marriage ceremonies to allow illegal immigrants to gain the right to stay in the UK.”

Full story

BBC News, 13th December 2011


Tighter checks pledged to close Eurostar ‘loophole’ – BBC News

Posted December 9th, 2011 in immigration, news, railways by tracey

“The UK Border Agency says ‘tighter controls’ will be introduced to stop some Eurostar passengers being able to enter the UK without passport checks.”

Full story

BBC News, 8th December 2011


Legal advice for migrants and refugees is already patchy – The Guardian

Posted December 6th, 2011 in immigration, law centres, legal aid, legal services, news, refugees by sally

“Local authority cuts have hit some areas of London hard, and further cuts would have disastrous consequences.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th December 2011


UK legal move to stop non-EU nationals getting benefits – BBC News

Posted December 1st, 2011 in benefits, EC law, immigration, news by sally

“The government is taking legal action over rules it says would allow non-EU nationals in the UK to claim benefits without working or paying taxes.”

Full story

BBC News, 1st December 2011


UKBA official jailed for seven years for visa fraud – The Guardian

Posted November 28th, 2011 in fraud, immigration, news, sentencing, visas by sally

“Immigration officer falsely granted indefinite leave to remain to 44 non-EU nationals who were not entitled to stay in the UK.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th November 2011


Appeal court in landmark ruling on migrant removal – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted November 24th, 2011 in appeals, deportation, immigration, news by sally

“Migrants are denied the right of access to the court if they are given under 72 hours’ notice of their removal from the UK, the Court of Appeal ruled yesterday. The judgment frustrates the UK Border Agency’s aim to win permission for zero-notice removals.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 23rd November 2011


Couple jailed for ‘sham marriage’ in Cardiff – BBC News

Posted November 17th, 2011 in fraud, immigration, marriage, news, sentencing by tracey

“A bride and groom who were arrested on their wedding day have been jailed for trying to breach immigration laws after the marriage was exposed as a sham.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th November 2011


Foreign wives face migration curb – The Independent

Posted November 16th, 2011 in families, immigration, married persons, news by sally

“Two thirds of foreign wives could be banned from coming to the UK under plans to stop them being a burden on the state, the Government’s immigration advisers said today.”

Full story

The Independent, 16th November 2011


UK Border Agency official faces jail – The Guardian

Posted November 11th, 2011 in abuse of position of trust, immigration, news, sentencing, visas by tracey

“Official admits he issued indefinite visas to people who should not have been allowed to stay in the UK.”

Full story

The Guardian, 10th November 2011


Theresa May to be grilled over terror threat from relaxed border controls – The Guardian

Posted November 7th, 2011 in immigration, news, terrorism by sally

“Theresa May will come under pressure on Monday to disclose whether any terror suspects are believed to have entered the country when border controls were secretly relaxed this summer.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th November 2011
