Birmingham pub bombing families appeal for legal funding to name IRA suspects – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 7th, 2017 in coroners, identification, inquests, judicial review, news, terrorism by sally

‘Families of those killed in the IRA’s Birmingham pub bombings are crowdfunding a High Court challenge to try to overturn a coroner’s ban on naming the suspect bombers.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 4th August 2017


Is an RTA Insurer Liable for an Unidentified Defendant? – Park Square Barristers

‘The Court of Appeal has held in Cameron v Hussain and Liverpool Victoria [2017] EWCA Civ 366 that a Claimant can obtain a judgment against a Defendant identified only by description of him as the driver of a vehicle on a particular date. Whilst in almost every other area of law such judgment would be worthless as unenforceable, the Road Traffic Act 1988 provisions impose a contingent liability against the insurer of the vehicle to satisfy such a judgment. At first blush this seems to dismantle the careful limitations placed on the European Communities (Rights Against Insurers) Regulations 2002 to effectively enable a Claimant to pursue the insurer of a vehicle despite the fact that the driver of the same is unknown. This article, drafted by Park Square Barristers’ insurance indemnity specialists, Richard Paige and Judy Dawson, looks at the Court of Appeal judgment and the implications for the insurance industry.’

Full Story

Park Square Barristers, 19th June 2017


Clearer rules needed in the UK to support customer authentication by video, says expert –

‘New rules are needed in the UK to make it clearer that it is acceptable for banks to verify the identity of new customers using video technology.’

Full Story, 4th July 2017


EU citizens living in the UK could face legal limbo after Brexit – The Guardian

Posted February 20th, 2017 in brexit, diplomats, documents, EC law, identification, immigration, news, treaties by sally

‘The EU fears millions of its nationals living in the UK will be left stranded in a legal no man’s land after the country leaves the EU because of the weaknesses of the British immigration system, a document obtained by the Observer reveals.’

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The Guardian, 18th February 2017


Hospitals may require patients to show passports for NHS treatment – The Guardian

Posted November 22nd, 2016 in health, hospitals, identification, immigration, news, passports by sally

‘Patients could be told to bring two forms of identification including a passport to hospital to prove they are eligible for free treatment under new rules to stop so-called health tourism.’

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The Guardian, 21st November 2016


Undercover police denied automatic anonymity at inquiry – BBC News

‘Undercover police officers facing claims of wrongdoing will not automatically get anonymity at a forthcoming major public inquiry.’

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BBC News, 3rd May 2016


Refugee held illegally after Home Office refused to believe he was 16 – The Guardian

‘Call for investigation into case of Syrian boy who was locked up for almost a month despite having documents proving identity.’

Full story

The Guardian, 4th May 2016


Striking workers may have to identify themselves to police, carry a letter of authorisation and wear an armband under proposed reforms – The Independent

‘Every worker wanting to join a strike picket could be forced to identify themselves to police, carry a letter of authorisation and wear an armband, under proposed reforms to trade union laws that could be in breach of international agreements, human rights groups have warned.’

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The Independent, 6th September 2015


Sheep rustling: Police are studying ancient methods of identification to help beat the thieves – The Independent

Posted August 27th, 2015 in agriculture, animals, identification, news, theft by sally

‘Pity the poor country coppers – if you thought they had enough on their plates with red diesel, dogging and bored teenagers necking horse tranquillisers, now they’re having to get to grips with sheep markings designed by the Vikings.’

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The Independent, 26th August 2015


Don’t round up the usual suspects: the end of the ID parade – The Guardian

Posted August 24th, 2015 in identification, news, photography by sally

‘Police forces are encouraging people to become part of a video database, offering them a tenner in exchange for a photograph to be used in new digital lineups.’

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The Guardian, 23rd August 2015


‘Unidentified’ sex attacker jailed for Holloway attempted rape – BBC News

Posted August 17th, 2015 in attempts, identification, news, rape, sentencing by sally

‘A man has been jailed for attempted rape despite police not knowing who he is or finding his victim.’

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BBC News, 14th August 2015


High court blocks extradition of Albanian killer claiming his description does not match wanted man – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 26th, 2015 in extradition, identification, murder, news by sally

‘Even though his fingerprints match an Albanian migrant claims he cannot be fugitive killer because he is six inches shorter.’

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Daily Telegraph, 25th June 2015


‘Super recognisers’ used by the police to identify criminals and spot offenders in crowds – The Independent

Posted June 17th, 2015 in identification, news, police by sally

‘People with the ability to remember faces that they have barely seen before are being recruited by the police as “super recognisers” to help identify criminals and keep tabs on offenders in large crowds.’

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The Independent, 16th June 2015


Macris v Financial Conduct Authority – WLR Daily

Macris v Financial Conduct Authority [2015] EWCA Civ 490; [2015] WLR (D) 219

‘When determining whether, for the purposes of section 393 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, “matters” in a notice issued by the Financial Conduct Authority as against a bank had “identified” a person who was not directly named, a simple objective test was to be applied.’

WLR Daily, 19th May 2015


Ched Evans website will not face legal action – BBC News

Posted May 1st, 2015 in identification, internet, news, rape, victims by tracey

‘No action will be taken against a website supporting rapist Ched Evans following an inquiry into whether his victim was identified.’

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BBC News, 30th April 2015


Judges criticise police over ‘bizarre’ penis ID request – Daily Telegraph

‘Sex attacker Kelvyn Lester, 47, declined to take medication for erectile dysfunction so officers could photograph his penis for an identification procedure.’

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Daily Telegraph, 7th April 2014


Voter proof of identity should be mandatory, says election watchdog – The Guardian

Posted January 8th, 2014 in elections, identification, identity fraud, news by sally

‘Voters should be required to show proof of identity at polling stations, the UK election watchdog has said in a report that has been welcomed by the government. The Electoral Commission has concluded that a further tightening of the rules is necessary to restore public confidence following fears of ballot-rigging. At present, voters do not need to produce ID or even a polling card to vote as long as they have registered and know their address.’

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The Guardian, 8th January 2014


Veils and ignorance: defendant not allowed to wear niqaab when giving evidence – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted September 19th, 2013 in courts, evidence, freedom of expression, human rights, identification, Islam, news, trials, women by sally

“The ruling by HHJ Murphy in Blackfriars Crown Court this Monday that a defendant in a criminal trial should not be allowed to wear a niqaab (face veil) whilst giving her evidence has prompted calls for a public debate about the wearing of face veils in public more generally. Adam Wagner has already commented on the case here. A summary and analysis of the decision follows below.”

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UK Human Rights Blog, 18th September 2013


Analysis: The niqab judgement explained – BBC News

Posted September 17th, 2013 in courts, identification, Islam, news, witnesses, women by sally

“Last week I blogged on a very modern multicultural dilemma at Blackfriars Crown Court – where a judge had to rule on whether a defendant could appear in the dock wearing a niqab, a type of Muslim veil that conceals the whole face, other than the eyes.”

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BBC News, 16th September 2013


Veil exposes courtroom quandary – BBC News

Posted September 13th, 2013 in courts, identification, Islam, news, pleadings, precedent, women by tracey

“Sitting in Blackfriars Crown Court in south London, I watched a very modern, multicultural dilemma. Back in August, a Muslim woman was due to appear, accused of intimidating a witness. The woman, whom the BBC isn’t naming for legal reasons, was expected to enter a plea. But Judge Peter Murphy said he could not hear that plea because he could not identify her: she was wearing a niqab, the type of black face covering worn by some Muslim women that only leaves their eyes visible.”

Full story

BBC News, 12th September 2013
