Regina v. Passmore – Times Law Reports

Posted June 28th, 2007 in housing, law reports, social security by sally

Notification was note required

Regina v. Passmore

Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)

“A person in receipt of housing or council tax benefit was not obliged to disclose a change in his circumstances to the prescribed benefits officer if that change did not affect any entitlement to his benefit under the social security legislation.”

The Times, 28th June 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication. 

Contour Homes Ltd. v. Rowen – WLR Daily

Posted June 28th, 2007 in housing, law reports, rent by sally

Contour Homes Ltd. v. Rowen

“Where an assured tenancy agreement contained a clause providing the machinery for the increase of the rent the landlord was not required to comply with the rent review procedure set out by s 13 of the Housing Act 1988.”

WLR Daily, 26th June 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

R v. Passmore – WLR Daily

Posted June 20th, 2007 in housing, law reports, social security by sally

R v. Passmore

“If a change in a person’s circumstances did not affect any entitlement of his to any benefit under the social security legislation there was no obligation to disclose that change to the prescribed person.”

WLR Daily, 18th June 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Omar v. Birmingham City Council – Times Law Reports

Posted June 12th, 2007 in housing, law reports by sally

Housing authority need not state the obvious that the offer is final

Omar v. Birmingham City Council

Court of Appeal 

“It was not necessary for a letter offering accommodation in discharge of a local housing authority’s duty under the Housing Act 1996 to a person with priority need who was not intentionally homeless to state in so many words that the letter was “a final offer for the purposes of section 193(7)” where it was clear that it was a final offer.”

The Times, 12th June 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

London Borough of Islington v. Honeygan-Green – WLR Daily

Posted June 6th, 2007 in housing, law reports by sally

London Borough of Islington v. Honeygan-Green

“Where the determination of a secure tenancy by the granting of a possession order had brought to an end an existing application under the Housing Act 1985 which had established the right to buy at a particular time and a particular price, that application was not capable of being revived once the tenancy itself had been revived.

WLR Daily, 25th May 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Birmingham City Council v. Walker – Times Law Reports

Posted May 17th, 2007 in housing, law reports by sally

Survivor was not successor to secure tenancy

Birmingham City Council v. Walker

House of Lords

“Where a joint tenant of council property became by survivorship the sole tenant, before becoming a secure tenant on the introduction of such tenancies in 1980 she was not herself a successor within the meaning of the Housing Act 1985 so as to debar further succession.”

The Times, 17th May 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

London & Quadrant Housing Trust v. Ansell – WLR Daily

Posted April 23rd, 2007 in housing, law reports by sally

London & Quadrant Housing Trust v. Ansell

“Where, pursuant to ss 82 and 85 of the Housing Act 1985, a former secure tenant, following a possession order made against her, remained in occupation as a tolerated trespasser but failed to comply with the conditions imposed under the order the proper course was for the landlord to recover possession by issuing fresh proceedings. It was not appropriate to issue a warrant to recover possession under the original order to enable the tenant to claim protection under s 85 (2) of the Housing Act 1985.”

WLR Daily, 19th April 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.