Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – WLR Daily

Posted December 16th, 2008 in hospitals, human rights, law reports, mental health, suicide by sally

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2008] UKHL 74; [2008] WLR (D) 386

Where there was a real and immediate risk of a patient detained in a mental hospital committing suicide, art 2 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as scheduled to the Human Rights Act 1998, imposed an operational obligation on the medical authorities to do all that could reasonably be expected of them to prevent him doing so.”

WLR Daily, 15th December 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust – Times Law Reports

Posted December 11th, 2008 in hospitals, human rights, law reports, mental health, suicide by sally

Savage v South Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

House of Lords

“The right to life protected by article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights imposed an operational obligation on medical authorities to do all that could reasonably be expected of them to prevent a patient detained in a mental hospital who was known to be at a real and immediate risk of committing suicide from doing so.”

The Times, 11th December 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Daughter wins legal battle over mother’s suicide – The Independent

Posted December 10th, 2008 in hospitals, human rights, mental health, negligence, news, suicide by sally

“The daughter of a mentally-ill woman who walked out of a hospital and threw herself under a train has won the final round of her battle for the right to sue the local health trust for damages. ”

Full story

The Independent, 10th December 2008


‘Undercover’ NHS as tribunal throws out allegations against nurse who filmed ward – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 28th, 2008 in hospitals, news, nurses, whistleblowers by sally

“Doctors and nurses have effectively been told they can film undercover in the NHS, after an industrial tribunal threw out allegations against a nurse who exposed neglect on a ward.”

Full story 

Daily Telegraph, 28th November 2008


Senior judge condemns hospital for leaving patient to die – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 27th, 2008 in hospitals, news by sally

“One of Britain’s most senior judges has condemed hospital security staff for ‘abandoning’ a dying patient they wrongly dismissed as a drunk.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 26th November 2008


Cancer patients seek damages after frozen sperm is destroyed – The Times

Posted November 25th, 2008 in hospitals, human tissue, negligence, news by sally

“Six cancer sufferers who lost their only chance of fathering children when a hospital freezer broke down and destroyed their sperm samples were at the centre of an unprecedented compensation claim yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 25th November 2008


Trust fined over scalding death – BBC News

Posted October 16th, 2008 in fines, health & safety, hospitals, news by sally

“A healthcare trust has been ordered to pay £20,000 following the death of a man who was scalded in a bath.”

Full story

BBC News, 15th October 2008


Husband was ‘deceived’ over death of his beauty queen wife – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 15th, 2008 in hospitals, inquests, negligence, news by sally

“Andrew Benson said he felt ‘deceived’ by health trust managers who assured him no errors were made in the care of Madalina, 29, a fomer Miss Romania. A coroner criticised ‘serious system failures’, saying Mrs Benson’s death could have been prevented, and has promised to write to the health secretary Alan Johnson to recommend changes in NHS procedures to ensure gravely ill patients are thoroughly examined more quickly.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 15th October 2008


Regina v Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Trust – Times Law Reports

Posted October 10th, 2008 in fines, hospitals, law reports, medicines, public interest by sally

Regina v Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Trust

Court of Appeal

“It was against the public interest to punish by a large fine a not-for-profit organisation, carrying out work for the public benefit, where a failing occurred without fault on the part of that body, but through an act or default of an employee, to whom the task was properly delegated and who was properly trained.”

The Times, 10th October 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Coroner urges investigation into three deaths at leading hospital – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 19th, 2008 in hospitals, inquests, news by sally

“A coroner has asked for three deaths following surgery at a leading hospital to be investigated by the National Patient Safety Agency.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th September 2008


Andy Lees to sue after being wrongly told he was dying – The Times

Posted September 10th, 2008 in hospitals, negligence, news by sally

“A grandfather who gave away his life savings after terminal cancer was diagnosed is to sue his local health authority after it transpired that the diagnosis was incorrect.”

Full story

The Times, 10th September 2008


Mother sues hospital over caesarian birth without pain relief – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 1st, 2008 in birth, hospitals, news, personal injuries by sally

“Sarah Carberry, 27, was given an epidural injection but claims it failed to work and she suffered 40 minutes of agony.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st September 2008


Is the law bleeding the NHS to death? – The Times

Posted August 4th, 2008 in doctors, hospitals, personal injuries, special report by sally

“Coming out of hospital with an injured finger could earn you £75,000. The NHS may have to cough up £9 billion in lawsuits. Is compensation culture killing our health service?”

Full story

The Times, 3rd August 2008


Psychiatric wards: Mental health inquiry reveals security failures – The Guardian

Posted July 23rd, 2008 in hospitals, mental health, news by sally

“NHS psychiatric hospitals are failing to stop thousands of patients a year from absconding during periods of compulsory detention under the Mental Health Act, the Healthcare Commission revealed last night.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd July 2008


Boy, 11, died after hospital sent him home three times – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 21st, 2008 in children, hospitals, inquests, news by sally

“A schoolboy who was sent away from hospital three times before he collapsed and died at home could have survived if he had been admitted for observation, a coroner has said.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st July 2008


NHS trusts lose confidential data – BBC News

Posted July 18th, 2008 in data protection, hospitals, news by sally

“More than 150 incidents of data being lost at NHS trusts across Wales have put patient and staff details at risk.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th july 2008


Hospitals ‘could aid crime fight’ – BBC News

Posted July 18th, 2008 in hospitals, news, police, privacy by sally

“Hospitals should share data with police when patients are admitted because of a violent attack, a crime expert says.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th July 2008


Saying sorry – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 4th, 2008 in complaints, doctors, hospitals, special report by sally

“Lawyers and pressure groups alike know an apology can avert legal actions against the medical profession. So why is it still so hard to apologise?”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 3rd July 2008


Smoke ban for mental health units – BBC News

Posted July 1st, 2008 in hospitals, news, smoking by sally

“The smoking ban is being extended to the buildings and grounds of mental health hospitals in England.”

Full story

BBC News, 1st July 2008


Stillborn’s four years in jar spurs mother to NHS Trust legal action – The Times

Posted June 2nd, 2008 in hospitals, human tissue, negligence, news by sally

“A mother said she had been ‘disgusted’ to discover that the body of her stillborn son was kept in a jar for four years rather than cremated.”

Full story

The Times, 29th May 2008
