Criminalisation of lesbians on the rise – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 17th, 2016 in crime, foreign jurisdictions, homosexuality, news, reports, women by sally

‘At least 10 countries that previously criminalised only male same-sex sexual conduct have recently expanded their criminal codes to encompass sexual conduct between women, groundbreaking research has discovered.’

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Law Society’s Gazette, 17th May 2016


Court rejects request by same-sex Indian couple to remain in UK – The Guardian

Posted May 13th, 2016 in homosexuality, immigration, India, married persons, news by tracey

‘A married lesbian couple from India who have lived legally in the UK for many years have had their request to continue living in Britain rejected despite the fact their relationship will not be legally recognised in the south Asian country.’

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The Guardian, 12th May 2016


Homophobia in sport to be studied by Commons committee inquiry – The Guardian

‘A Commons culture, media and sport committee inquiry is to explore homophobia in sport.’

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The Guardian, 5th April 2016


Ethics on the bench and in the witness box: The Round-up – UK Human Rights Blog

‘A highly experienced magistrate – Richard Page – has been sacked for airing views opposing same-sex couples being allowed to adopt.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 16th March 2016


Poppers ‘not part of legal highs ban’ – BBC News

Posted March 17th, 2016 in drug abuse, drug offences, homosexuality, legislation, news by tracey

‘Government drugs advisers have said “poppers” – used by many gay men to enhance sexual experience – will not be covered by a ban on “legal highs”. The Psychoactive Substances Act, which comes into force in the UK next month, makes it illegal to supply drugs which have a direct effect on mental processes, unless the drug is exempted. Ministers had indicated that poppers would be included in the ban. But advisers say poppers have only a “peripheral” effect on the brain.’

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BBC News, 16th March 2016


Gay clergyman to appeal after losing discrimination claim – The Guardian

‘A gay clergyman who lost an employment tribunal against the Church of England has been given the right to appeal.’

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The Guardian, 15th March 2016


Magistrate who opposed gay couples adopting to sue Michael Gove – The Guardian

‘A Christian magistrate who was sacked after opposing adoption by gay parents on national television is planning to sue Michael Gove over the decision.’

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The Guardian, 13th March 2016


Mending Rainbows: Domestic Violence in the LGBT Community/Communities – Family Law Week

Posted March 11th, 2016 in domestic violence, homosexuality, news, statistics, transgender persons by tracey

‘It is widely acknowledged that domestic abuse/violence is a devastating crime that can destroy the lives of victims and their families. However, the prevalent “script” of domestic abuse is gendered and heteronormative, whereby the abuser is always male and the victim always female. It is generally disregarded that approximately 25% of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community/communities experience domestic abuse, which is the same rate of domestic abuse perpetrated against heterosexual women. Likewise, in a recent study on domestic abuse in the transgendered community in Scotland, 80% of respondents stated that they had experienced emotionally, sexually, or physically abusive behaviour by a partner or ex-partner.’

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Family Law Week, 9th March 2016


Christian judge struck off after controversial same-sex adoption comments – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 11th, 2016 in adoption, disciplinary procedures, homosexuality, magistrates, news by tracey

‘A Christian judge has been struck off after making controversial comments over same-sex adoption on national television.’

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Daily Telegraph, 10th March 2016


The poppers ban: will it criminalise gay users? – The Guardian

Posted March 8th, 2016 in bills, crime, drug abuse, drug offences, homosexuality, news by sally

‘More than 2m bottles of poppers are sold legally every year – and Yorkshire is the centre of the trade. How is one factory preparing for the ban?’

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The Guardian, 7th March 2016


In the Matter of B (A Child): Habitual Residence and the Child-Centric Approach to Jurisdiction – Family Law Week

‘Habitual residence lies at the heart of the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“the 1980 Hague Convention”), and is the cornerstone of jurisdiction in international child law.  Yet despite the centrality of the concept, its definition and application have always left much room for argument; and although it is often described as “a question of fact”, it has generated large volumes of authority at the highest level.’

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Family Law Week, 14 February 2016


Heterosexual Civil Partnership Refusal Not A Human Rights Breach – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Steinfeld & Anor v The Secretary of State for Education [2016] EWHC 128 (Admin). The High Court has ruled in the case of Steinfeld and Keidan v Secretary of State for Education, a human rights challenge to the law of Civil Partnerships. Mrs Justice Andrews ruled that the current law does not breach the human rights of opposite-sex couples who cannot obtain a Civil Partnership.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 31st January 2016


UK Government tells High Court: Same-sex couples may be shut out of Article 14 – UK Human Rights Blog

‘On 19-20 January, the England and Wales High Court (Mrs. Justice Andrews) heard the judicial review of the ban on different-sex civil partnerships brought by Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan. It was argued on behalf of the supposedly LGBTI-friendly UK Government (represented by Nicky Morgan, the Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities) that the High Court should follow two anti-LGBTI decisions from 2006.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 22nd Janaury 2016


Bisexual asylum seeker wins Home Office fight to remain in UK – The Guardian

Posted January 25th, 2016 in appeals, asylum, homosexuality, news, sexual orientation discrimination by sally

‘A bisexual asylum seeker who said he feared he would be killed if he was deported to his native Jamaica has been granted the right to remain in the UK after a three-and-a-half-year legal battle with the Home Office.’

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The Guardian, 23rd January 2016


Estranged lesbian couple’s fight over child goes to supreme court – The Guardian

‘The question of whether a seven-year-old girl, caught up in an international dispute between her estranged lesbian mothers, should be subject to British justice is to be decided by the supreme court.’

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The Guardian, 8th December 2015


Rules banning gay and bisexual men from giving blood to be reviewed – The Guardian

Posted November 27th, 2015 in blood products, HIV, homosexuality, news by sally

‘The government will conduct a review of the rules prohibiting gay and bisexual men from donating blood, the public health minister Jane Ellison has announced.’

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The Guardian, 26th November 2015


Gay canon Jeremy Pemberton was not discriminated against – BBC News

‘A gay clergyman prevented from taking up a post as a hospital chaplain was not discriminated against, an employment tribunal panel has ruled.’

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BBC News, 4th November 2015


Man wins ‘silent homophobia’ case – Daily Telegraph

‘The unnamed man was awarded £7500 in compensation under the Equality Act.’

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Daily Telegraph, 29th October 2015


Fake monk Damon Kelly spread gay hate leaflets – BBC News

Posted October 26th, 2015 in community service, freedom of expression, harassment, homosexuality, news by sally

‘A fake monk who distributed leaflets condemning homosexuality and other “works of darkness” has been banned from doing so for five years.’

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BBC News, 24th October 2015


Gay escort jailed after blackmailing a married businessman – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 5th, 2015 in blackmail, homosexuality, married persons, news, prostitution by sally

‘John Walker, 29, sent the victim’s wife a picture of her husband on a hotel bed wearing a pair of knickers.’

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Daily Telegraph, 4th October 2015
