Arctic cruise passengers to sue over glacier injuries – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 3rd, 2010 in class actions, holidays, news, personal injuries, ships by sally

“An Arctic cruise company is being sued by a senior banker and other passengers who were injured when chunks of glacier ice smashed onto the deck of their luxury liner.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 3rd September 2010


Cruise line pays out over Legionnaires’ disease death – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 17th, 2010 in compensation, doctors, holidays, news, ships by sally

“The widow of a British man who died after contracting Legionnaires’ disease during a Fred Olsen cruise has been awarded a £70,000 financial settlement.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th March 2010


Christmas Break

Posted December 21st, 2009 in holidays, news by sally

 There will be no posts during the Inner Temple Library’s Christmas closed period which starts at 1pm on 21st December. We will resume posting on 4th January 2010.

Couple’s cruise payout challenged – BBC News

Posted December 4th, 2009 in damages, holidays, news by sally

“A cruise company has started an appeal to reduce £22,000 in damages awarded to a North Yorkshire couple who claim their dream holiday was ruined.”

Full story

BBC News, 3rd December 2009


Couple sue in ‘holiday nightmare’ – BBC News

Posted August 26th, 2009 in holidays, news by sally

“A Dorset couple is taking legal action against a travel firm after suffering a ‘holiday nightmare’ while staying at a South American resort.”

Full story

BBC News, 25th August 2009


‘Honeymoon from hell’ victim wins £300,000 payout – The Guardian

Posted August 13th, 2009 in compensation, holidays, news by sally

“A man whose honeymoon was ruined when he contracted a potentially fatal illness has been awarded nearly £300,000 compensation from a holiday company.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th August 2009


Businessman left in wheelchair by skiing accident sues tour operators – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 8th, 2008 in holidays, negligence, news, personal injuries, skiing by sally

“A British businessman left in a wheelchair after he collided with a tree during a skiing holiday is suing his tour operators for millions of pounds.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 7th October 2008


Thomas Cook workers will face trial over children’s gas deaths – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 9th, 2008 in holidays, negligence, news, personal injuries by sally

“Two Thomas Cook workers are to face trial in Greece over the deaths of two British children killed following a gas leak at a Corfu hotel.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th September 2008


Briton wins compensation after holiday ‘surrounded by Germans’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 31st, 2008 in compensation, holidays, news by sally

“David Barnish, 47, was awarded £750 compensation by a court after his family found their luxury hotel had been booked out by Germans.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st May 2008
