Trial over theme park ride death – BBC News
“A Pembrokeshire theme park accused of a fatal health and safety breach which allegedly caused the death of a teenager is to stand trial at crown court.”
BBC News, 22nd May 2008
“A Pembrokeshire theme park accused of a fatal health and safety breach which allegedly caused the death of a teenager is to stand trial at crown court.”
BBC News, 22nd May 2008
“A builder whose work caused the death of a man through carbon monoxide poisoning has been jailed for three and a half years.”
BBC News, 21st May 2008
“A police force has admitted it is powerless to break up illegal raves – because it is too dark when they are in full swing.”
Daily Telegraph, 9th May 2008
“A college has been fined £14,000 after it failed to ensure the safety of a lecturer who suffered severe burns when an acid mix exploded over him.”
BBC News, 4th April 2008
“A new era of health and safety regulation for businesses, which could face considerable penalties if they are found guilty of the offence, is being ushered in on 6 April when the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act comes into force.”
BBC News, 31st March 2008
Smith (Jean) v Northamptonshire County Council
Court of Appeal
“A council which had no control over a ramp not on its property was not strictly liable to an employee who was injured on it.”
The Times, 24th March 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
Smith v Northamptonshire County Council [2008] EWCA Civ 181; WLR (D) 83
“An employer had no responsibility to maintain a ramp on which its employee was injured which was installed by a third party on premises of a third party and over which it had no control.”
WLR Daily, 12th March 2008
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“The mother of a five-year-old boy who died during an E.coli outbreak has told an inquiry of the anger she felt towards the butcher who supplied the contaminated meat.”
Daily Telegraph, 7th March 2008
Allison v London Underground Ltd
Court of Appeal
“The statutory requirement for an employer to provide adequate training for its employees imposed a higher duty than the common law duty which incorporated reasonable foreseeability; the statutory test was what training was needed in the light of what the employer ought to have known about the risks from the activities of its business.”
The Times, 29th February 2008
Pleae note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
“A farmer whose 12-year-old son died in a tractor accident has been fined for breaching agricultural regulations.”
Daily Telegraph, 29th February 2008
“The health and safety of prisoners is being jeopardised by putting them in ill-equipped cells at police stations and courts, doctors’ leaders have said.”
BBC News, 20th February 2008
Allison v London Underground Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 71; [2008] WLR (D) 45
“The test to determine whether the training an employer was required to provide for his employees was adequate for the purposes of reg 9 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 was what training was needed in the light of what the employer ought to have known about the risks from the activities of his business. The statutory requirement imposed a higher duty than at common law.”
WLR Daily, 15th February 2008
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“The creator of an inflatable sculpture that killed two people after breaking free of its moorings was charged with manslaughter yesterday.”
The Times, 14th February 2008
“Business owners are being urged to review their health and safety procedures ahead of the corporate manslaughter legislation, which is due to come into effect from April 6.”
Financial Times, 18th January 2008
“A children’s TV actor who claimed that he injured himself in a ‘faulty’ animatronic suit and suffered homophobic abuse lost his case for unfair dismissal yesterday.”
The Times, 18th January 2008
“A village pantomime troupe is considering rewriting its script to comply with health and safety rules which have led to police registering two plastic cutlasses and a toy gun which flicks out a flag saying ‘Bang!'”
The Guardian, 18th January 2008
“The family of a 10-month-old baby who died when a water tank burst above her head in a council house is to take legal action against the authority.”
BBC News, 16th January 2008
“A national clampdown on school crossing lollipop wardens using fancy dress claimed another victim yesterday when a veteran in Sheffield was suspended for wearing a Santa outfit. Ray Vallance, 54, has been told not to return to duty for the new term in Sheffield after failing to give a commitment not to carry out the seasonal prank again next Christmas.”
The Guardian, 16th January 2008
“An actor who worked inside a robotic suit for a top children’s television programme has taken the production company to an industrial tribunal.”
BBC News, 14th January 2008
“An inquest jury has blamed government failures for the death of a baby who was scalded when a water tank burst above her cot.”
BBC News, 10th January 2008