Trust fined over scalding death – BBC News
“A healthcare trust has been ordered to pay £20,000 following the death of a man who was scalded in a bath.”
BBC News, 15th October 2008
“A healthcare trust has been ordered to pay £20,000 following the death of a man who was scalded in a bath.”
BBC News, 15th October 2008
“A council has been fined a maximum £45,000 after a teacher fell down a lift shaft backstage at a theatre while preparing for the Urdd eisteddfod.”
BBC News, 9th October 2008
“NHS Trusts can comply with the new Corporate Manslaughter Act by ensuring they have effective processes in place for managing health and safety at work, Maria Eagle the Justice Minister will tell NHS leaders today.”
Ministry of Justice, 30th September 2008
“A High Court challenge has been launched to stop a French aircraft carrier being broken up in Britain after it was deemed too toxic to be taken apart in India.”
Daily Telegraph, 3rd Septemeber 2008
“A toy company has been fined more than £5,000 after a nine-year-old boy suffered a ‘blast injury’ in his eye from a joke exploding pen.”
Daily Telegraph, 13th August 2008
“A group of pensioners have had to abandon their weekly game of cards after being charged £250 to cover the cost of health and safety.”
Daily Telegraph, 13th August 2008
“A service station in Wiltshire has been fined £8,000 and ordered to pay £3,700, for a breach in health and safety.”
BBC News, 17th July 2008
“A woman who lives on the edge of farm fields in Sussex has accused the government of failing to protect people from pesticides. Georgina Downs claims the government’s method of assessing the health risk of chemicals sprayed on crops does not address long-term rural residents. She is asking the High Court to rule the government’s approach breaches UK and European law.”
BBC News, 15th July 2008
“An engineer has received £2,000 in compensation from an Essex hospital where he was hit by dirty needles which flew out of a drain he was unblocking.”
BBC News, 11th July 2008
Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
“The fact that a particular risk was a part of everyday life would go the issue whether a member of the public had been exposed to the risk in the conduct of an undertaking.”
The Times, 9th July 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
Spencer-Franks v Kellogg Brown and Root Ltd and Another
“A door-closing device which ensured that the door of the control room on an oil rig was closed was ‘work equipment’ within regulation 2 of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (SI 1998 No 2306) and, consequently, a mechanic who was injured while repairing such a device was entitled to bring proceedings under those regulations against his employer and/or the oil rig operator.”
The Times, 3rd July 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
“A mental health trust has been fined £25,000 after the death of an elderly man who was scalded in a bath filled with 95C water at a respite home.”
BBC News, 30th June 2008
“A school caretaker has successfully sued Hampshire County Council after he was injured falling off a stepladder.”
BBC News, 27th June 2008
“Activists have urged the UK government to take action on child labour after clothing firm Primark fired three of its Indian suppliers who used children.”
BBC News, 22nd June 2008
“Homeowners face having to pay a specialist to inspect their trees under a safety regime drawn up by one of Britain’s most respected watchdogs.”
The Times, 20th June 2008
“A school caretaker who was injured falling off a six-foot stepladder is suing his employer for £50,000 claiming he was not trained how to use it properly.”
Daily Telegraph, 16th June 2008
“A mother was told she could not breast-feed her baby in a doctor’s surgery, because it was in breach of health and safety rules.”
Daily Telegraph, 10th June 2008
“Two companies have been fined a total of more than £52,000 after a giant TV screen put up to show World Cup games in the centre of Birmingham collapsed.”
BBC News, 5th June 2008
Mason v Satelcom Ltd and Another
Court of Appeal
“The owner of a room in which a workman fell from a ladder which he happened to find there was not liable to contribute to his damages even though the ladder was under the owner’s control.”
The Times, 4th June 2008
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.
R v Porter; [2008] WLR (D) 167
“There was no obligation upon an employer in the conduct of his undertaking to guard against those risks which were merely fanciful. The fact that risk was part of everyday life went to the issue whether an injured person had been exposed to real risk by the conduct of the operation in question. There was no objective standard which applied in every case but there would be important factors which would indicate one way or the other whether there was such a risk.”
WLR Daily, 23rd May 2008
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.