Firm fined £150k over pool injury – BBC News
“A caravan park company has been fined £150,000 after a seven-year-old boy suffered brain injuries in a swimming pool not properly manned by lifeguards.”
BBC News, 9th July 2009
“A caravan park company has been fined £150,000 after a seven-year-old boy suffered brain injuries in a swimming pool not properly manned by lifeguards.”
BBC News, 9th July 2009
“Directors will be legally forced to ensure good health and safety management and gangmaster licensing will be extended to the construction industry as the centrepiece of a hard-hitting government inquiry into the high number of fatalities on Britain’s building sites published today.”
The Guardian, 8th July 2009
“A police inspector left unable to work for five months after being trampled by a herd of cattle has received more than £10,000 from the landowner.”
Daily Telegraph, 29th July 2009
Baker and Others v Quantum Clothing and Others
Court of Appeal
“Whether a work place was in fact made and kept safe was to be judged objectively without reference to what might have earlier been thought to be good practice.”
The Times, 18th June 2009
Baker and Others v Quantum Clothing and Others
Court of Appeal
Whether a work place was in fact made and kept safe was to be judged objectively without reference to what might have earlier been thought to be good practice.
The Times, 17th June 2009
“A secondary school teacher is suing the Environment Agency for up to £300,000 after she was left unable to work by a falling branch from a tree, it was disclosed today.”
The Independent, 15th June 2009
“A campaign to reduce injuries caused by scalding in the bath has brought about a change to building regulations.”
BBC News, 11th June 2009
“A public school is being sued by a former pupil who was permanently disabled following a drunken fall from a window.”
The Times, 12th June 2009
“A car parts company has been fined almost £6,000 after a worker was crushed in an accident in a workshop.”
BBC News, 28th May 2009
Smith v Northamptonshire County Council [2009] UKHL 27; [2009] WLR (D) 165
“A care worker who was injured when using a defective wheelchair ramp at a client’s home had not been using equipment ‘used by an employee at work’ so as to make her local authority employer, who was aware of the ramp but did not own it, strictly liable under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.”
WLR Daily, 21st May 2009
Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.
“The creator of an inflatable artwork which blew away in a County Durham park killing two women will be sentenced later for health and safety breaches.”
BBC News, 26th March 2009
“A waste company in Sunderland has been fined £15,000 after one of its workers was killed when he was hit by a 20-tonne dumper truck.”
BBC News, 23rd March 2009
“The High Court has ruled that oil company Total is liable for damages caused by the explosion at the Buncefield oil depot in Hertfordshire.”
BBC News, 20th March 2009
“The artist who created an inflatable artwork which blew away in a high wind, killing two people, will not face a retrial on manslaughter charges, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) announced this morning.”
The Guardian, 6th March 2009
“A company director has been fined more than £7,000 at Nottingham Crown Court for health and safety breaches after an apprentice died at his workshop.”
BBC News, 2nd March 2009
Craner v Dorset County Council
Court of Appeal
“It was no defence for a county council which left paving slabs uneven, causing injuries to a school caretaker, to say that what had occurred was a freak accident which could not have been prevented or guarded against.”
The Times, 27th February 2009
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 from the date of publication.
“A council will be in court later over the death of a boy who drowned on a school caving trip.”
BBC News, 27th February 2009
“The jury in the trial of an artist accused of killing two women when his inflatable sculpture blew away failed to reach verdicts today (25 February).”
The Guardian, 25th February 2009
“An artist has been found guilty of breaching health and safety rules after his inflatable sculpture blew away in a County Durham park, killing two women.”
BBC News, 24th February 2009
Egan v Central Manchester and Manchester Children’s University Hospitals NHS Trust
Court of Appeal
“Where a hospital employee was injured using a mechanical hoist to move a patient, the burden was on the employer to prove that it had taken appropriate steps to reduce any risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level.”
The Times, 3rd February 2009
Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.