Mischief Wrought by Stephen Sedley – London Review of Books
‘The United Kingdom has in recent years been blighted by a compensation culture generated by health and safety legislation and human rights laws and promoted by well-paid legal aid lawyers and credulous judges. We know these to be facts because newspapers and electronic media have exposed them fearlessly. David Cameron, when he was prime minister, was so concerned about the situation that he appointed the veteran Tory politician and entrepreneur Lord Young to report on the state of health and safety legislation and “the rise of the compensation culture over the last decade”. Young reported that the problem, fuelled as it was by media stories, was “one of perception rather than reality”. Nothing daunted, the prime minister wrote in his foreword to the report: “A damaging compensation culture has arisen …”‘
London Review of Books, 4th March 2021
Source: www.lrb.co.uk