Coleman v Attridge Law (a Firm) and Another Case C-303/06 – Times Law Reports

Posted July 29th, 2008 in children, disability discrimination, EC law, harassment, law reports by sally

Coleman v Attridge Law (a Firm) and Another Case C-303/06

Court of Justice of the European Communities

“The prohibition of direct discrimination against and harassment of disabled people in employment, provided for in the Community disability directive, was not limited to employees who were themselves disabled but extended to unequal treatment and harassment of a non-disabled employee for reasons connected with the disability of his child.”

The Times, 29th July 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Coleman v Attridge Law and another – WLR Daily

Posted July 28th, 2008 in children, disability discrimination, EC law, harassment, law reports by sally

Coleman v Attridge Law and another (Case C-303/06); [2008] WLR (D) 257

The person whose disability gave rise to direct discrimination against an employee, so as to constitute an infringement of Directive 2000/78 on equal treatment and occupation, could in principle be a disabled child of the employee, and was not limited to the employee himself, and the same was true of harassment of the employee.”

WLR Daily, 25th July 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Judge breached restraining order against ex-wife and her boyfriend – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 22nd, 2008 in harassment, judges, news, restraining orders, sentencing by sally

“A judge has been sentenced to 50 hours community service after he admitted breaching a restraining order imposed following a campaign of harassment against his ex-wife and her boyfriend.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 21st July 2008


Waitress awarded £60,000 over breast-groping boss – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 10th, 2008 in harassment, news, sex discrimination by sally

“A waitress has been awarded nearly £60,000 in compensation after taking her drunken boss to a employment tribunal for groping her breasts.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th July 2008


Huge rise in number of racist attacks – The Independent

Posted July 9th, 2008 in harassment, news, racism by sally

“Record numbers of racist incidents – from verbal abuse to stabbings – are being reported to police, fuelling fears that levels of Islamophobia are rising.”

Full story

The Independent, 9th July 2008


Hate crimes: one in five gay people suffer homophobic attacks – The Guardian

Posted June 26th, 2008 in assault, harassment, hate crime, homosexuality, news by sally

“One in five lesbian and gay people have been victims of homophobic aggression over the past three years, a survey of hate crime revealed today. ”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2008


Wimbledon 2008: Eleven tennis stalkers banned – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 24th, 2008 in harassment, news, sport by sally

“Eleven stalkers known to target players such as Maria Sharapova and the Williams sisters have been banned from Wimbledon and warned to stay away from the area.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th June 2008


Woman jailed for gay couple abuse – BBC News

Posted April 25th, 2008 in harassment, homosexuality, news, sentencing by sally

“A mother has been jailed and her daughter given a community order after being found guilty of harassing a gay couple in Kent.”

Full story

BBC News, 24th April 2008


Colleagues jailed for race abuse – BBC News

Posted April 18th, 2008 in harassment, news, racism, sentencing by sally

“Three men have been jailed for three years for a campaign of racial harassment against a Muslim colleague.”

Full story

BBC News, 17th April 2008


Lawyer Gill Switalski seeks £19m after losing her job in sex bias ordeal – The Times

Posted April 18th, 2008 in harassment, news, sex discrimination by sally

“A top City lawyer who won a claim for sex discrimination after being driven from her job in an 18-month campaign of bullying is seeking £19 million in compensation.”

Full story

The Times, 18th April 2008


Pallion Housing company agree record payout to Gentoo Group – The Times

Posted April 4th, 2008 in defamation, harassment, internet, news by sally

“An online campaign of harassment against a housing group and its chief executive has ended with a record payout for defamation on the internet.”

Full story

The Times, 4th April 2008


Lauren Holden, who invented an evil stalker named Casanova, is spared jail – The Times

Posted April 1st, 2008 in harassment, news, police by sally

“A fantasist who wasted 235 hours of police time when she invented a sinister stalker named Casanova has been given a suspended prison sentence.”

Full story

The Times, 1st April 2008


New sexual harassment law to protect staff from customers – The Guardian

Posted March 31st, 2008 in employment, harassment, news by sally

“Employers will be duty-bound from next week to protect their staff from sexual harassment by customers, suppliers and others they encounter in the course of their work. Workers are already protected from harassment by colleagues, but under new rules which come into force on April 6, they will be able to seek damages from employers who fail to take reasonable steps to protect them from harassment by a third party, if bosses knew that at least two incidents had already taken place.”

Full story

The Guardian, 31st March 2008


Harassed lawyer to get record £13m award – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 12th, 2008 in bullying, harassment, news, sex discrimination by sally

“A City lawyer who was left too ill to work after alleged bullying and harassment at her office is in line for record sex discrimination compensation of more than £13 million, it has been disclosed.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th March 2008


Man faces trial over Facebook harassment – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 5th, 2008 in computer crime, harassment, internet, news by sally

“A man will become the first person in the UK to stand trial next month accused of harassing a woman on Facebook.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th March 2008


S v Director of Public Prosecutions – WLR Daily

Posted February 15th, 2008 in harassment, law reports, public order by sally

S v Director of Public Prosecutions

The offence under section 4A(1)(b) of the Public Order Act 1986 of displaying, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, a visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress, may be established even where the harassment, alarm or distress crystallises only at the date several months after the act of displaying and at the instance of action by a police officer.”

WLR Daily, 14th February 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Barrister who harassed his wife is named – The Times

Posted February 11th, 2008 in anonymity, harassment, news by sally

“An eminent barrister and judge whose conviction for harassing his ex-wife and her new partner was kept secret by a gagging order can be named, the High Court ruled yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 9th February 2008

Stalking by patients is a real menace for psychiatrists – The Times

Posted January 25th, 2008 in doctors, harassment, news by sally

“More than one in ten psychiatrists has been stalked by patients or their associates, a survey suggests. A report commissioned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists has found that 10.7 per cent of its members have been victims of stalking, while one in three had suffered harassment under legal and academic definitions of the term.”

Full story

The Times, 25th January 2008


‘Neighbour from hell’ is banned by court from living in his own home – The Times

Posted January 10th, 2008 in harassment, news, restraining orders by sally

“A homeowner who terrorised his next-door neighbours for five years has been banned from living and sleeping in his own house in what could be a legal first.”

Full story

The Times, 10th January 2008


McClintock v Department of Constitutional Affairs – Times Law Reports

Posted December 5th, 2007 in harassment, law reports, magistrates, religious discrimination by sally

McClintock v Department of Constitutional Affairs

Employment Appeal Tribunal

“To allow judges to opt out of hearing cases where they disapproved of the law would be an abdication of their responsibilities.”

The Times, 5th December 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.