Stalker who sent Harry Styles 8,000 cards is jailed – BBC News
‘A woman who stalked Harry Styles has been jailed and banned from seeing him perform.’
BBC News, 19th April 2024
‘A woman who stalked Harry Styles has been jailed and banned from seeing him perform.’
BBC News, 19th April 2024
‘Benjamin Scott-Thrale, 32, of Chester, Cheshire, launched a campaign of harassment against Samantha Dixon MP, in June 2023 until January, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said.’
BBC News, 7th April 2024
‘Victims will no longer be prevented from accessing support or legal advice under plans to crack down on the misuse of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).’
Ministry of Justice, 28th March 2024
‘Victims will no longer be prevented from accessing support or legal advice under plans to crack down on the misuse of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs).’
Ministry of Justice, 28th March 2024
‘Multiple cases of abuse and exploitation have been documented, but many staff feel “powerless to complain” for fear of losing the right to work in the country.’
The Guardian, 12th March 2024
‘Questions are being raised about the role of the law in dealing with issues associated with the menopause in the workplace following the recent publication by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) of the Guidance on the Menopause for Employers. The Guidance refers to the possibility of using discrimination law, in particular the disability provisions, to help women request adjustments in the workplace, and claim harassment if they are subject to unwelcome comments or behaviours because of the symptoms they are experiencing. This blog considers how the current legal framework needs some rethinking and adaptation given the number of workers affected by the menopause and the types of issues that have been raised in the workplace as a result.’
UK Labour Law Blog, 8th March 2024
‘In Omooba v Michael Garrett Associates Ltd (t/a Global Artists) & Anor [2024] EAT 30, Ms Seyi Omooba, an actor, was cast as Celie in a stage production of The Color Purple. Celie is regarded as an iconic lesbian role and the announcement that Ms Omooba was to play it led to a social media storm about an earlier Facebook post in which she had expressed her belief that homosexuality was a sin. As a result, her contracts with the theatre (the second respondent) and her agency (the first respondent) were terminated.’
Law & Religion UK, 7th March 2024
‘Hickmet and Cheerz Express Limited v Dragos (Luton County Court, 19 January 2024). Ms Dragos was the assured shorthold tenant of Cheerz Express, with the tenancy beginning 1 June 2017. A depot of £1,100 was paid. The tenancy became a statutory periodic on 1 June 2018. A further fixed term tenancy began on 1 August 2018, then another statutory periodic on 1 August 2019. A notice seeking possession on grounds 8, 10 and 11 was served in November 2021, and a possession claim was issued in March 2022. Oddly, this was in the name of Mr Hickmet, who was the sole director of Cheerz Express Ltd, with Cheerz being added to the claim at a later stage. Mr Hickmet maintained up to trial that he had a “tenancy by estoppel”. This might be considered an early indicator that things weren’t going to go well for the landlord…’
Nearly Legal, 3rd March 2024
‘The Court of Appeal has rejected two separate attempts by convicted criminals to blame poor performance by lawyers for their convictions.’
Legal Futures, 22nd February 2024
‘The music industry is still a “boys’ club” where sexual harassment and abuse are common, MPs warned in a report. The Women and Equalities Committee said musicians have to sit beside sexual abusers at parties and events, due to a “culture of silence”.’
BBC News, 30th January 2024
‘The Ministry of Defence has been reported to the equalities watchdog after claims from female civil servants that it has failed adequately to address allegations of sexual harassment and assault. The union Prospect wrote to the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) asking for an investigation into whether the MoD was failing in its public sector equalities duty in relation to discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The EHRC will now have to decide whether to take action.’
The Guardian, 14th January 2024
‘A former firearms officer who was forced to strip down to her underwear during training has won over £800,000 in a sex discrimination case against West Midlands Police.’
The Independent, 10th January 2024
‘From the day-one right to request flexible working to the introduction of rolled-up holiday pay, Georgia Roberts runs through the employment law changes HR must prepare for in 2024.’
Kingsley Napley Employment Law Blog, 5th January 2024
‘A hospital doctor who admitted sexually harassing two nurses should not be suspended, a High Court judge has ruled.’
BBC News, 18th December 2023
‘University staff and students can make provocative statements on subjects such as Israel and Gaza as long as they do not break laws on incitement or harassment, under proposals by the government’s campus free speech tsar.’
The Guardian, 14th December 2023
‘One of the British Army’s first Rastafarian guardsmen has won a claim of race discrimination and harassment against the Ministry of Defence.’
BBC News, 13th December 2023