Sexting offences increasing in schools, say senior police officers – The Guardian

‘Senior police officers are seeing an escalation in sexting offences in schools, according to a report submitted to MPs.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th June 2016


Police review revenge porn case against man let off with caution – The Guardian

Posted May 13th, 2016 in cautions, children, harassment, internet, news, police, pornography, telecommunications by tracey

‘Detectives are considering whether to reinterview a man accused of revenge pornography after criticism over their failure to charge him.’

Full story

The Guardian, 13th May 2016


13 ways you might be accidentally breaking the law, according to lawyers – The Independent

‘Various ways in which people may inadvertently break the laws of the UK while at home have been listed by lawyers.’

Full story

The Independent, 10th May 2016


How revenge porn sites rely on legal loopholes and anonymity – The Guardian

Posted May 10th, 2016 in harassment, internet, news, pornography, privacy by sally

‘One of the most difficult things about tackling revenge porn is the sheer number of channels by which it is distributed.’

Full story

The Guardian, 9th May 2016


Preventing Child Sexual Exploitation: a lacuna in the law – Family Law Week

‘Matthew Warmoth, pupil barrister at Fourteen, finds that the court can do little to protect children from CSE when the exploiter is not a party to proceedings and there has been no police caution or conviction for a sexual or violent offence.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 4th May 2016


Man sentenced for controlling or coercive behaviour – Crown Prosecution Service

‘Sam Williams has been sentenced for offences including controlling or coercive behaviour’

Full press release

Crown Prosecution Service, 27th April 2016


We have a stalking law – so why don’t the police use it? – The Guardian

Posted April 20th, 2016 in harassment, news, police, prosecutions, stalking by sally

‘Lily Allen’s awful experience – being stalked, then failed by the criminal justice system – is sadly all too common.’

Full story

The Guardian, 19th April 2016


Tiny proportion of stalking cases recorded by police, data suggests – The Guardian

‘Only a tiny proportion of all stalking cases are recorded by police, figures have suggested, leading to calls for more training for police to recognise the crime and provide support to victims.’

Full story

The Guardian, 18th April 2016


Jonas Gutierrez wins discrimination case against Newcastle United – with Alan Pardew criticised – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 15th, 2016 in cancer, disability discrimination, harassment, news, sport by tracey

‘Newcastle United’s catastrophic season has suffered another humiliating defeat after Jonas Gutierrez won his discrimination case against the club following a battle with cancer.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 14th April 2016


Police are inconsistent in tackling online abuse, admits chief constable – The Guardian

Posted April 15th, 2016 in harassment, internet, news, police by tracey

‘The police chief in charge of combating digital crime has admitted that an “inconsistent” approach from police forces to online abuse is undermining the confidence of victims.’

Full story

The Guardian, 14th April 2016


Equality claims and health regulators – Availability of JR does not oust jurisdiction of ET – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Michalak v The General Medical Council & Ors [2016] EWCA Civ 172: This important case deals with the remedies available to individuals who claim to have suffered from discrimination, victimization, harassment or detriment in the treatment they have received from a “qualifications body” under s.53 of the Equality Act 2010 viz. any authority or body which can confer a relevant qualification (e.g. the GMC, ACCA etc.). It also clarifies the understanding of the place of judicial review in the context of internal and statutory appeals in cases of alleged discrimination contrary to the Equality Act 2010.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 11th April 2016


NHS Christian worker loses appeal after ‘giving book to Muslim colleague’ – BBC News

‘A Christian health worker in the NHS has lost her appeal against a ruling which suspended her for giving a religious book to a Muslim colleague.’

Full story

BBC News, 7th April 2016


NHS worker who gave Muslim colleague Christian book loses appeal against suspension – The Independent

‘A Christian NHS worker, who was suspended after giving a religious book to a Muslim colleague, has lost her appeal against a ruling that the decision was lawful.’

Full story

The Independent, 8th April 2016


Fifth of women harassed at work over pregnancy or flexible hours, report finds – The Guardian

‘Three-quarters of pregnant women and new mothers experience discrimination at work and one in nine lose their job as a result, government-commissioned research has found.’

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd March 2016


Boys win appeal over striking out of claim against council over harassment on estate – Local Government Lawyer

‘A High Court judge has ruled that the claims of two boys against a council for negligence in failing to protect them from harassment from neighbours on the estate where they lived were wrongly struck out.’

Full story

Local Government Lawyer, 18th March 2016


Judges overturn practice of double conviction for aggravated offences – The Guardian

‘A long-established legal practice of imposing double convictions for racially or religiously aggravated offences has been overturned by a high court ruling that could influence national crime statistics.’

Full story

The Guardian, 20th March 2016


Universities ‘should update sex crime guidelines’ – BBC News

Posted March 18th, 2016 in harassment, internet, news, sexual offences, universities by tracey

‘Universities should overhaul guidelines on dealing with allegations of sexual assaults and harassment, according to a taskforce set up by the government. Current guidelines were written in 1994 and should be updated to reflect legal changes and the effect of social media, the Universities UK taskforce said.’

Full story

BBC News, 18th March 2016


Boys brought up on tough council estate win right to sue local council over harassment that ruined their lives – Daily Telegraph

‘Two children who say they suffered “harassment and worse” whilst being brought up on a tough council estate have won the right to sue for massive compensation.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th March 2016


Director of Public Prosecutions v Henderson – WLR Daily

Posted March 15th, 2016 in crime, harassment, law reports, racism by sally

Director of Public Prosecutions v Henderson [2016] EWHC 464 (Admin)

‘The defendant was charged with three offences of racially aggravated harassment, contrary to section 31(1)(b) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and, in the alternative, three offences of harassment, contrary to section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986. Both sets of offences were alleged to have been committed against the same victims and arose out of the same set of facts. Following the trial, the defendant was convicted of the three racially aggravated offences but, having heard submissions from the defendant’s representative, the district judge declined to announce a verdict on the section 4A offences (“the underlying offences”) and adjourned the case. The matter came before a different district judge who concluded that the facts of the underlying offences had been proved before the district judge at trial with the result that guilty verdicts should be returned in relation to the three underlying offences, with no separate penalty being imposed. In so doing, the district judge rejected the defendant’s submission that the correct course of action, the aggravated offences having been proved, was to adjourn the underlying offences sine die pursuant to the power in section 10 of the Magistrates’ Court Act 1980. The defendant challenged his conviction on the underlying offences by way of an appeal by case stated.’

WLR Daily, 9th March 2016


Bar Council takes the lead on tackling sexual harassment in the profession – The Bar Council

Posted March 9th, 2016 in barristers, harassment, news, sexual offences by tracey

‘The Bar Council has stepped up its efforts to tackle any residual sexual harassment in the profession, now with a guide to help chambers. This forms part of the response to the Bar Council’s 2015 research, Snapshot: The Experience of Self-Employed Women at the Bar, which highlighted instances of unacceptable behaviour experienced by some barristers.’

Full press release

Full guide

The Bar Council, 7th March 2016
