Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court – BBC News

‘The ex-English Defence League leader was found guilty last week of interfering with the trial of a sexual grooming gang at Leeds Crown Court in May 2018.’

Full Story

BBC News, 11th July 2019


NDAs: Millionaire given secrecy order over sex assault claims – BBC News

‘A senior British establishment figure was given anonymity after accusations of sexual harassment and assault in an employment case, it has been reported.’

Full Story

BBC News, 6th July 2019


Tribunal rejects paralegal’s disability discrimination claim – Legal Futures

‘An employment tribunal has comprehensively rejected a disability discrimination claim brought by a paralegal who worked for well-known personal injury firm Ralli.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 5th July 2019


Revenge porn and ‘cyber-flashing’ laws go under review – The Guardian

‘Victims of revenge porn may be given automatic anonymity in court under a government-initiated review of online harassment that could recommend criminalising “cyber-flashing” and “deepfake” images.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th June 2019


Bias still hindering women targeting partnership at big firms – Legal Futures

Posted June 25th, 2019 in bias, bullying, diversity, harassment, law firms, news, partnerships, women by sally

‘Only 33% of new partners at Europe’s biggest law firms are women with bias from both male colleagues and male clients the main reason for gender imbalance, a report has found.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 25th June 2019


Obtaining Injunction – Panopticon

‘Birmingham City Council v Afsar and Others (2019) EWHC 1560 (QB) is a case about a protest which has been carried on outside a primary school. Warby J granted interim injunctions, on the basis that the Council was likely to succeed at trial in showing that restraint on the way that protests were being conducted was justified.’

Full Story

Panopticon, 20th June 2019


NHS workers including nurses and cleaners raped and groped at work, finds new report – The Independent

‘NHS workers including nurses and cleaners have suffered “serious” sexual harassment in the workplace, including groping and rape, a new report has found.’

Full Story

The Independent, 20th June 2019


Bullied bisexual prison officer unlikely to work again, tribunal finds – The Guardian

‘A bisexual prison officer is unlikely to ever work again because the harassment and discrimination he suffered at work has permanently damaged his health, an employment tribunal has found.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 19th June 2019


Universities urged to hire staff to investigate sexual harassment – The Guardian

‘Universities should hire specialist staff to investigate hate crimes and sexual harassment against their students, according to a report commissioned by the higher education regulator for England.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 12th June 2019


Lawyers “confused by boundaries in wake of #MeToo” – Legal Futures

‘Lawyers and regulators are uncertain where the boundaries lie on misconduct in the wake of the #MeToo revelations, experts have warned.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 10th June 2019


Supreme Court gives new guidance on liability of local authorities – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Poole Borough Council v GN and another [2019] UKSC 25. The Supreme Court has found that Poole Borough Council did not owe a duty of care to two children, CN and GN, who it failed to re-house, despite the fact that they were suffering abuse from their neighbours. However, the court overruled previous authority and found that in some situations a duty of care might arise.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 7th June 2019


Couple jailed for harassing judge after birthday card sent to her home – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 31st, 2019 in family courts, harassment, judges, news, sentencing by tracey

‘A couple involved in contentious litigation sent a birthday card to the home address of the family judge hearing their case, telling her to “keep up the good work stealing for profit”, it has emerged. The incident was one of five highlighted in a High Court judgment handed down last month.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 30th May 2019


Minstrel singer Brian Davies wins race case appeal – BBC News

Posted May 30th, 2019 in appeals, harassment, news, racism by tracey

‘A man who dressed as a black and white minstrel and directed a “racist” song at a black colleague has had his racial harassment conviction quashed.’

Full Story

BBC News, 30th May 2019


High Court rejects appeal by couple jailed for harassing judge – Legal Futures

Posted May 29th, 2019 in appeals, family courts, harassment, judgments, news, sentencing by tracey

‘The High Court has rejected an appeal by a couple jailed for harassing the family judge who heard their “long and contentious litigation” over an adoption.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 29th May 2019


Officials altered records in bisexual prison officer case, judge says – The Guardian

‘An investigation is under way after government officials altered and redacted documents in an employment tribunal case involving a bisexual prison officer, the Guardian has learned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th May 2019


Us Too? Bullying and Harassment in the Legal Profession – International Bar Association

‘The legal profession has a problem. In 2018, the International Bar Association (IBA) and market research company Acritas conducted the largest-ever global survey on bullying and sexual harassment in the profession. Nearly 7,000 individuals from 135 countries responded to the survey, from across the spectrum of legal workplaces: law firms, in-house, barristers’ chambers, government and the judiciary. The results provide empirical confirmation that bullying and sexual harassment are rife in the legal profession.’

Full press release

International Bar Association, 15th May 2019


Bullying and sexual harassment rife among lawyers, global survey finds – The Guardian

‘Bullying and sexual harassment are rife in the legal profession, according to a global survey that identifies Britain as somewhere such behaviour is prevalent.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th May 2019


Employment lawyers acknowledge place for further regulation of confidentiality agreements but express concern over lack of regulatory clarity – Local Government Lawyer

‘There is a place for further review and regulation of confidentiality agreements (or NDAs), particularly in settlement agreements, to reduce the risk that such agreements prevent proper reporting of sexual misconduct at work, the Employment Lawyers Association (ELA) has said.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 9th May 2019


Written pupillage agreements to reduce “inappropriate behaviour” – Legal Futures

‘Making written pupillage agreements compulsory could reduce the risk of pupil barristers being subjected to “inappropriate behaviour”, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) has said.
It signalled the move in an informal consultation that also proposes to make it compulsory for chambers and other training providers to bring their pupillage recruitment timetables into line with the Pupillage Gateway.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 9th May 2019


Abuse of MPs hitting unprecedented levels, says Met police chief – The Guardian

Posted May 9th, 2019 in brexit, harassment, news, parliament, police, statistics by tracey

‘Criminal abuse and harassment of MPs are running at unprecedented levels, reflecting “polarised opinions” in the aftermath of the Brexit vote, Britain’s most powerful police officer told a parliamentary committee on Wednesday. The warning from Cressida Dick, the Metropolitan police chief, was accompanied by official statistics showing that the number of crimes committed against MPs had more than doubled to 342 in 2018 from 151 the year before.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th May 2019
