Covid: Court rejects self-employed mothers’ sexual discrimination case – BBC News

‘The charity Pregnant Then Screwed has lost its legal challenge against the government for indirect sexual discrimination over the amount of support self-employed mothers received.’

Full Story

BBC News, 17th February 2021


DWP uses excessive surveillance on suspected fraudsters, report finds – The Guardian

‘Suspected benefit fraudsters in the UK are being subjected to excessive surveillance techniques such as being tailed by government officers or identified in CCTV footage, according to a report.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th February 2021


Judge hits out at lack of regulated placement for vulnerable, suicidal 16 year old, despite 11 High Court hearings and sending series of judgments to ministers – Local Government Lawyer

‘An exasperated High Court judge has sent a fourth judgment to ministers over the continuing unavailability of a regulated placement for a vulnerable 16 year old with multifaceted difficulties and at a high risk of serious self-harm or suicide.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 12th February 2021


Covid: HSE refuses to close workplaces that are putting employees at risk – The Guardian

‘The government’s health and safety watchdog has failed to shut down any workplaces that put employees at risk of coronavirus even though there have been over 3,500 outbreaks at work since the start of the pandemic, the Observer has discovered.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th February 2021


Ban on bailiff-enforced evictions in England extended to end of March – The Guardian

‘The ban on bailiff-enforced evictions in England is to be extended until the end of March, the government has announced.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th February 2021


Watchdogs to inspect controversial barracks housing asylum seekers after health fears – The Independent

‘The UK’s prison and immigration watchdogs are to carry out an investigation of two controversial military barracks that are housing asylum seekers, amid mounting concern about conditions on the sites.’

Full Story

The Independent, 11th February 2021


UK government accused of ‘dragging heels’ on racism – The Guardian

‘The government is still “dragging its heels” on racism, according to MPs and race equality campaigners critical of its response to a damning parliamentary report on Black people and human rights.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th February 2021


Covid travel rule-breakers could face 10-year jail terms, says Hancock – The Guardian

‘Travellers arriving from coronavirus hotspots could face £10,000 fines and jail sentences of up to 10 years under a package of measures designed to stop new variants entering Britain.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 9th February 2021


Home Office admits 15,000 people deleted from police records – The Guardian

Posted February 9th, 2021 in criminal records, DNA, fingerprints, government departments, news, police by tracey

‘A blunder led to the records of more than 15,000 people being deleted in their entirety from the Police National Computer, the Home Office has admitted. News of the data loss emerged last month, but on Monday the government put numbers on what had been erased.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th February 2021


Peer is asked to investigate the activities of extreme right and left – The Guardian

Posted February 8th, 2021 in government departments, news, political parties, statistics, terrorism by tracey

‘The government has reportedly ordered an investigation into the extreme fringes on both ends of the political spectrum, with a peer tasked with offering recommendations to the prime minister and home secretary. The review will be led by John Woodcock, the former Labour MP who now sits in the upper chamber as Lord Walney and was appointed as the government’s independent adviser on political violence and disruption last November.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 8th February 2021


The new UK subsidy control regime – Brexit Law

Posted February 5th, 2021 in brexit, consultations, EC law, government departments, news, state aids by sally

‘The UK government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (“DBEIS”) announced yesterday [3 February] a consultation on new legislation to establish a domestic subsidy control regime.[i] The proposals are outlined in a consultation document “Subsidy control Designing a new approach for the UK”.[ii] The closing date for responses to the consultation document is 31st March 2021.’

Full Story

Brexit Law, 4th February 2021


Domestic Abuse Bill: calls for data ‘firewall’ to protect migrant women – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The government has been urged to remove ‘blind spots’ in the Domestic Abuse Bill that could deter migrant women from reporting domestic abuse to the police for fear of being deported or enable perpetrators to control their victims.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 3rd February 2021


High Court finds ‘huge delay’ in the Home Office provision of asylum support accommodation – EIN Blog

‘The High Court judgment in R (DMA & Ors) v The Secretary of State for the Home Department [2020] EWHC 3416 (Admin) upheld a significant judicial review challenge against the Secretary of State over systemic delays in the provision of adequate accommodation to destitute, refused asylum seekers.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 1st February 2021


An introduction to the Hong Kong British National (Overseas) visa – Home Office

Posted February 1st, 2021 in China, colonies, government departments, Hong Kong, immigration, press releases, visas by tracey

‘This leaflet provides the key points of the Hong Kong BN(O) visa, including who can apply, how to apply, costs and eligibility requirements.’

Full leaflet

Home Office, 31st January 2021


Home Office put refugees in barracks after fears better housing would ‘undermine confidence’ in system – The Independent

‘The Home Office placed hundreds of asylum seekers in controversial military barracks following fears that better accommodation would “undermine confidence” in the system, internal documents reveal.’

Full Story

The Independent, 31st January 2021


Ministers move to stop backbench revolt over UK courts’ role in genocide rulings – The Guardian

‘The government is seeking to fend off a backbench revolt over China by giving the foreign affairs select committee new powers to investigate whether a country is so clearly breaching human rights that the UK should not agree to a free trade deal with it.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 31st January 2021


Government publishes strategy to tackle child sexual abuse – Family Law

‘The Home Secretary has published a new strategy to protect children from child sexual abuse.’

Full report

Full Story

Family Law, 28th January 2021


Slavery survivors moved ‘without notice, without reason’ in London lockdown – The Guardian

‘Modern slavery survivors with young children were among refugees allegedly forced to move accommodation in London with as little as one day’s notice during coronavirus lockdowns this winter.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 29th January 2021


Inquest finds mother took overdose after removal of disability benefits – The Guardian

Posted January 28th, 2021 in benefits, coroners, government departments, inquests, mental health, news, suicide by sally

‘A severely mentally ill young mother died from a deliberate overdose after the removal of her disability benefits left her destitute, trapped in a months-long state of high anxiety and haunted by suicidal thoughts, an inquest has concluded.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th January 2021


Case Preview: Protect Rural England (Kent) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government – UKSC Blog

Posted January 28th, 2021 in appeals, costs, government departments, local government, news, planning, Supreme Court by sally

‘On 28 January 2021 the Supreme Court will hear the appeal in Campaign to Protect Rural England (Kent) (Appellant) v. Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (Respondent). The case concerns two issues. First, the extent to which a court can make an adverse costs order in favour of more than one defendant or interested party in a planning case, where permission to apply for statutory or judicial review is refused. Second, how the capping mechanism in the Aarhus Convention costs regime properly applies to cases in which permission is refused.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 27th January 2021
