High court rejects bid to extend UK’s EU settlement scheme – The Guardian

‘The high court has rejected a legal bid for an extension to the EU settlement scheme (EUSS), dismissing campaigners’ concerns that those EU residents who fail to apply to remain in the UK before July could face “devastating” consequences, similar to those experienced by the Windrush generation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th March 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Councils and other public bodies to be put under legal duty to share data and intelligence in cases of serious violence – Local Government Lawyer

‘A new legal duty is to be imposed on local authorities, the police, criminal justice agencies, health and fire and rescue services to share data and intelligence in cases concerning serious violence.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 11th March 2021

Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk

Tough new rules aim to make electrical goods last longer – The Guardian

‘Tougher rules are being introduced to make appliances such as fridges, washing machines and TVs cheaper to run and last longer, the government has said.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 10th March 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Daniella Lock: The Shamima Begum Case: Difficulties with ‘democratic accountability’ as a justification for judicial deference in the national security context – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘No doubt much will be written on the Supreme Court’s Shamima Begum ruling handed down on 26 February. The ruling has a number of notable features. In particular, a high level of deference was afforded to the executive which seems to contrast with the Supreme Court’s approach in high profile constitutional cases of recent years (such as, for example, in the Miller cases). A key feature of this deference is that it is offered in a national security context, where judicial deference has often played a role. This deference is partly justified by the Court on the grounds that Ministers are democratically accountable for national security decisions. However, as this post argues, the extent to which democratic accountability is a legitimate ground for judicial deference to national security decisions is questionable in light of current UK practice. This post raises three difficulties with relying on democratic accountability as a ground for deference in the UK national security context.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 9th March 2021

Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org

Shamima Begum and The Humpty Dumpty Supreme Court – Oxford Human Rights Hub

‘On 26 February 2021, the Supreme Court refused permission for Shamima Begum to return to the UK. The Supreme Court judgment in the high-profile case of the British woman who left the UK as a 15-year-old girl to travel to Syria to join the so-called Islamic State, however, resulted in the Court effectively washing its hands of the case staying it until a full hearing can occur in future—a remote possibility. In the judgment, Lord Reed held the Court of Appeal was in error by substituting its own view of the balance to be struck between national security and the applicant’s rights. In so doing, the Court of Appeal did not give the Secretary of State’s assessment due respect. In this brief post, I wish to focus on a principal aspect of the Supreme Court’s judgment: the concept of deference.’

Full Story

Oxford Human Rights Hub, 8th March 2021

Source: ohrh.law.ox.ac.uk

Shamima Begum: SSHD strikes back in Supreme Court – EIN Blog

‘Ms Shamima Begum was born and raised in the UK. She was a British citizen at birth and at age 15 she travelled to Syria with two friends and soon afterwards she married an ISIS fighter and is currently detained in poor conditions in the Al-Roj camp run by the Syrian Democratic Forces. She now wishes to return home to the UK to have a fair and effective appeal. She was deprived of her British citizenship on 19 February 2019 because the SSHD believed that her return would present a risk to national security. She applied for leave to enter (LTE) the UK so that she could pursue an appeal against the deprivation decision. The Court of Appeal unanimously held that the only way Ms Begum, can have a fair and effective appeal is to be permitted to come into the UK to pursue her appeal. King, Flaux and Singh LJJ found that fairness and justice must – on the facts of her case – outweigh any national security concerns. But in a twist of fate, the Supreme Court unanimously held in favour of the SSHD and found that the right to a fair hearing does not trump everything else, such as the public’s safety. The court took the view that if a vital public interest makes it impossible for a case to be fairly heard, then the courts cannot ordinarily hear it. Therefore, her deprivation appeal should be stayed until she can play an effective part in it without compromising the public’s safety.’

Full Story

EIN Blog, 7th March 2021

Source: www.ein.org.uk

Steven Chaplin: Review of Parliaments and the Pandemic – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘As the pandemic moves into its second year, the effects on Parliaments, not only as legislating and accountability bodies but as institutions, are becoming more apparent. What began as a series of emergency measures imposed by government, generally supported by all parties, has given way to longer term concerns regarding government accountability and the sidelining of Parliament, along with some consideration and re-imagining of post-pandemic Parliaments.’

Full Story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 8th March 2021

Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org

£130.5 million to tackle serious violence, murder and knife crime – Home Office

‘Package includes £30 million for police to surge activity in serious violence hotspots and new money to steer young people away from crime.’

Full Story

Home Office, 8th March 2021

Source: www.gov.uk

UK to depart from GDPR – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 8th, 2021 in brexit, data protection, EC law, government departments, news, privacy by tracey

‘The government has sent a first signal of its intention for UK data protection laws to part company with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. In a Financial Times article last week, culture secretary Oliver Dowden said he would use the appointment of a new information commissioner to focus not just on privacy but on the use of data for “economic and social goals”.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 8th March 2021

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Low Pay Commission to review minimum wage exemption for domestic staff – The Guardian

‘The government has asked the Low Pay Commission to review a rule exempting live-in domestic workers from minimum wage regulations. It comes after an employment tribunal in December found that the exemption was discriminatory against women. The tribunal heard extensive evidence that women are far more likely to be employed as family workers than men.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 7th March 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

Lacuna in leave to remain policy arising from delays in identification of victims of trafficking – Garden Court Chambers

‘In EOG v SSHD [2020] EWHC 3310 (Admin) the Court considered a challenge to the Home Office’s policy not to grant victims of trafficking a right to work or leave to remain whilst they are within the National Referral Mechanism. Mostyn J found in the Claimant’s favour and declared the Home Office’s policy unlawful as it failed to implement the obligation in Article 10.2 of ECAT to protect potential victims of trafficking from removal pending the conclusion of the process. He held that “[s]uffering such persons to remain as overstayers, or as illegal immigrants, does not fulfil the obligation” (§48). He left the issue of how the policy should be reformulated to the Home Office to determine. As regards the right to work, the Judge held that “Someone in the position of the claimant, who has a time-limited right to work, should not have the arbitrary adverse consequence of a removal of that right meted out to her simply by virtue of the delays that she is likely to face” (§48).’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 26th February 2021

Source: www.gardencourtchambers.co.uk

UK broke law by ‘systematically and persistently’ breaching air pollution limits, top court rules – The Independent

Posted March 5th, 2021 in brexit, EC law, environmental health, government departments, news, pollution by tracey

‘The EU’s top court court has ruled that the UK broke the law by “systematically and persistently” breaching air pollution limits.’

Full Story

The Independent, 4th March 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Priti Patel bullying case dropped after civil servant receives undisclosed settlement – The Independent

‘Home secretary Priti Patel is coming under intense pressure to reveal how much taxpayers’ money was spent on settling a bullying claim from her former top civil servant, who dropped an employment tribunal case after receiving a sum believed to run into six figures.’

Full Story

The Independent, 4th March 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Errol Graham: Starved man’s family loses High Court benefits case – BBC News

‘The family of a man who starved to death after his benefits were stopped has lost a High Court challenge against the government.’

Full Story

BBC News, 3rd March 2021

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

UK failed to inform EU countries about almost 200 killers and rapists – The Guardian

‘The conviction of 109 killers, 81 rapists and a man found guilty of both crimes in UK courts was not passed on to the criminals’ home EU countries due to a massive computer failure and subsequent cover-up, the Guardian can reveal.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd March 2021

Source: www.theguardian.com

New Acts – legislation.gov.uk

Ministerial and other Maternity Allowances Act 2021

Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal Conduct) Act 2021

Source: www.legislation.gov.uk

High Court: Covid self-employed support scheme does not unlawfully discriminate against women – UK Human Rights Blog

‘R (The Motherhood Plan and Anor) v HM Treasury [2021] EWHC 309 (Admin). In a judgment handed down on 17 February 2021, the High Court has ruled that the Self Employment Income Support Scheme (“the Scheme”) introduced during the coronavirus pandemic does not indirectly discriminate against self-employed women who have taken a period of leave relating to maternity or pregnancy in the last three tax years.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 26th February 2021

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Unhappy judges not as dissatisfied as they were, research shows – Litigation Futures

Posted March 1st, 2021 in government departments, judges, judiciary, news, statistics by tracey

‘Judges are a bit happier in their jobs than they were five years ago but feel seriously undervalued by the government, the latest judicial attitude survey has revealed.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 1st March 2021

Source: www.litigationfutures.com

New laws to protect victims added to Domestic Abuse Bill – Home Office

‘A raft of new amendments to the Domestic Abuse Bill will be presented, providing greater protections for victims and further clamping down on perpetrators.’

Full press release

Home Office, 1st March 2021

Source: www.gov.uk/home-office

High court dismisses case on ‘failure to give guidance on prioritising patients’ – The Independent

‘A legal challenge to the government’s alleged failure to issue national guidance on how to prioritise patients during the Covid-19 pandemic has been dismissed by the High Court.’

Full Story

The Independent, 28th February 2021

Source: www.independent.co.uk