Conversion therapy: Equality watchdog calls for ban – BBC News
‘Britain’s equality watchdog has called on the government to ban “harmful” conversion-therapy practices.’
BBC News, 17th October 2023
‘Britain’s equality watchdog has called on the government to ban “harmful” conversion-therapy practices.’
BBC News, 17th October 2023
‘The demand for young people receiving gender identity development services (“GIDS”) and for adults receiving gender identity disorder services (also, helpfully, “GIDS”) has increased substantially from 2012 to 2017, and the NHS is struggling to meet this demand. In May 2022, young people seen for the first time following a children’s GIDS referral waited on average for 1066 days (i.e. nearly three years), see [32]. The reality is that many trans patients feel forced to have treatment privately, often resorting to “crowdfunding” to cover their private medical expenses. For many young trans people, such long waiting times for treatment have a significant detrimental impact on their mental health and in the process, many undergo irreversible physiological changes.’
QMLR, 18th July 2023
‘Despite what the parties and their supporters hoped, this case (Mermaids v The Charity Commission of England and Wales & LGB Alliance [2023] ULKFTT 563 (GRC)) was not – said the Tribunal – about the rights of gender diverse people (as represented by Mermaids) or the rights of gay, lesbian and bisexual people (represented by the LGB Alliance). On the face of it, the issue decided by the Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber, Charity) on 6 July 2023 was a narrow one: whether Mermaids was entitled to challenge the Charity Commission’s decision to register the LGB Alliance as a charity. But its ruling – that Mermaids could not – was highly significant as a robust affirmation of the value of debate in a democratic society.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 29th July 2023
‘Employment law is one of the main areas where women face systemic barriers to seeking civil legal help and legal aid needs to be expanded as a result, a feminist think tank has urged.’
Legal Futures, 17th July 2023
‘Law firms have been urged to focus on what actually works when it comes to tackling gender inequality, after a survey found most female legal professionals believe measures adopted by their organisations to be ineffective.’
Law Society's Gazette, 14th July 2023
‘Five years have passed since the Government announced its intention to ban conversion therapies. Here is what has happened since.’
The Independent, 3rd July 2023
‘A researcher who lost her job at a thinktank after tweeting that transgender women could not change their biological sex has been awarded more than £100,000 in compensation by an employment tribunal.’
The Guardian, 1st July 2023
‘A gender-critical woman has won a harassment claim against Arts Council England, after hostile comments were made about her beliefs at an internal meeting and on a petition circulated within the organisation.’
The Guardian, 27th June 2023
‘As [ministers] prepare to press ahead with a lengthy and convoluted process, we examine what the reforms would mean for trans people and those advocating for sex-based rights, as well as the motivations behind the move.’
The Guardian, 5th April 2023
‘Ministers will consider advice from the human rights watchdog about amending a legal definition of sex – which would make it easier to exclude transgender people from some groups or services.’
BBC News, 5th April 2023
‘Action announced by the EU and UK highlights the role that sanctions can play in tackling gender inequality globally, an expert has said.’, 10th March 2023
‘Two men are in a relationship and want to have a child. They approach a female friend who is happy to be their surrogate. She has previously had a voluntary sterilisation procedure, so she would need in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) using a donor egg (a procedure known as gestational surrogacy), to help her friends realise their wishes. This is where they all encounter a problem: voluntary sterilisation makes the woman ineligible for publicly funded IVF.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 28th February 2023
‘The Government is under pressure to change the law so that UK sporting bodies can exclude transgender women from female competition.’
Daily Telegraph, 3rd February 2022
‘The Scottish government’s chances of winning a legal challenge over the gender reform row are “very low”, a former Supreme Court judge has said.’
BBC News, 18th January 2023
‘Rishi Sunak has been told he risks “re-toxifying” his government’s record on LGBTQ+ rights and introducing “an effective trans travel ban” after the equalities minister announced a review of countries whose process for changing gender on legal documents is recognised by the UK.’
The Guardian, 10th January 2023
‘Statement made by Brandon Lewis – update on transgender prisoners.’, 11th October 2022
‘Transgender youth support charity Mermaids is under investigation by The Charity Commission over safeguarding concerns.’
BBC News, 29th September 2022
‘A judge will consider an appeal by the trans rights charity Mermaids on Friday against the Charity Commission’s decision to award charitable status to the new gay rights organisation LGB Alliance. It is understood to be the first time one charity has attempted to strip legal status from another.’
The Guardian, 9th September 2022
‘Lawyers leading a claim against a gender identity clinic said there could be as many as 1,000 clients who join the action.’
Law Society's Gazette, 12th August 2022