Coronavirus and Civil Liberties in the UK – Blackstone Chambers

‘On 26 March 2020 the four countries of the United Kingdom became subject to regulations setting out the most severe restrictions on liberty ever imposed. Those restrictions are vitally necessary for fighting the coronavirus. This article analyses the range of legal issues that the restrictions give rise to, investigating what further refinements and reinforcement are required to ensure they are placed on a more secure legal footing.’

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Blackstone Chambers, 6th April 2020


Coronavirus: Police fine three Londoners over 250-mile camping trip to Wales during lockdown – The Independent

Posted April 20th, 2020 in coronavirus, emergency powers, enforcement, fines, freedom of movement, news by tracey

‘Police in Wales have fined a group of Londoners who were caught camping around 250 miles from the capital during the lockdown.’

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The Independent, 19th April 2020


Coronavirus Restrictions: local authority enforcement powers – narrower than you might think – Francis Taylor Building

‘Those venturing to their local park over the weekend probably witnessed an increased presence of police constables, out to enforce the new restrictions on movement and public gatherings. Those restrictions, as well as rules forcing the closure of certain businesses and premises, were introduced on 26 March 2020 by the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020.’

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Francis Taylor Building, 9th April 2020


Lifting The Lockdown: Is A Phone App The Answer? – Each Other

‘With the UK’s coronavirus lockdown extended for three more weeks, some people are looking towards a planned NHS phone app as “holding the key” to easing restrictions. But how realistic is this expectation and could there be unexpected consequences? EachOther examines.’

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Each Other, 16th April 2020


Driving to take a walk is lawful during England lockdown, police told – The Guardian

‘Driving to the countryside and walking – where more time is spent doing the latter than the former – is among a list of reasonable excuses for Britons leaving their home during the coronavirus lockdown, according to advice issued to police.’

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The Guardian, 16th April 2020


Tom Hickman: Eight ways to reinforce and revise the lockdown law – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 and the counterpart regulations in Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, impose the most drastic restrictions on liberty ever seen in the United Kingdom. On 16 April 2020 they reach their first review point and it is a clear that they will be continued, probably initially for a further period of three weeks and thereafter quite likely for a much longer period either in their current form or in modified form.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 16th April 2020


Government changes how outdoor exercise guidance applies to people with specific health needs – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Government has changed its leaving home guidance to permit people with specific health needs to exercise outside more than once a day and to travel to do so where necessary, following the threat of a judicial review challenge.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 14th April 2020


Leviathan unshackled? – UK Human Rights Blog

‘The response to the Covid-19 pandemic by governments across the world has thrown into sharp relief the fact that at a time of crisis the institutions and functions of Nation States are still the key structures responsible for the most basic duty of protecting their citizens’ lives. In the United Kingdom, the recent weeks have seen interventions by the Government in the economy and in the freedom of movement that are commonly seen as unparalleled in the post 1945 era.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 10th April 2020


Revealed: surge in domestic violence during Covid-19 crisis – The Guardian

‘Shocking statistics revealed that domestic violence has surged since the start of the coronavirus lockdown, as the home secretary, Priti Patel, insisted that help for all victims of abuse was available.’

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The Guardian, 12th April 2020


UK domestic abuse helplines report surge in calls during lockdown – The Guardian

‘A helpline for perpetrators of domestic abuse who are seeking help to change their behaviour has received 25% more calls as the Covid-19 lockdown continues, fresh figures show.’

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The Guardian, 9th April 2020


Coronavirus: Walsall dad fined for son flouting lockdown – BBC News

‘A father has been fined by police after his son persistently flouted the coronavirus lockdown rules.’

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BBC News, 7th April 2020


Lockdown: A Response to Professor King — Robert Craig – UK Human Rights Blog

‘This post analyses the legal provisions that accompany some of the restrictions on movement of individuals announced by the Government. The movement restrictions themselves are vital to the protection of life in the current crisis and must be adhered to by all persons. The current Government guidance setting out these and other restrictions can be found here. Legal scrutiny of the associated regulations is warranted but should not be taken to question the undeniable imperative to follow that guidance.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 6th April 2020


The Coronavirus Act 2020: When Legislation Goes Viral (Part One) – UK Human Rights Blog

‘At this point, it is almost trite to say that we are living through unprecedented events. The global spread of the Coronavirus pandemic poses serious challenges to society. So far, the global death-toll has exceeded 21,000 and life as we know it in the UK has changed dramatically. In response to this crisis the Government has announced drastic measures in order to curb the spread of the virus and to support those who may be affected. Indeed, it seems that Cicero’s famous injunction to let the welfare of the people be the highest law has gained a new relevance in the age of COVID-19.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 2nd April 2020


Domestic abuse cases soar as lockdown takes its toll – The Guardian

‘More than 25 organisations helping domestic violence victims have reported an increase in their caseload since the start of the UK’s coronavirus epidemic.’

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The Guardian, 4th April 2020


Criminal Powers in response to Covid-19 – stay indoors instructions – 5 SAH

‘On 23 March 2020, the Prime Minister instructed everyone to remain in their homes in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. The overwhelming majority of individuals and businesses have taken steps to comply with that instruction. However, concerns remained about the large number of people continuing to use London Underground, groups of people congregating in public places and a small number of people steadfastly refusing to comply. From the off, law enforcement officials were asking to be furnished with powers to enforce compliance.’

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5 SAH, 30th March 2020


Families of disabled children threaten legal challenge over government limit on outdoor exercise – Local Government Lawyer

‘A pre-action protocol letter has been sent to the Government calling on it to reconsider the policy that all citizens are only permitted to leave the house for exercise once per day.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 1st April 2020


Jeff King: The Lockdown is Lawful: Part II – UK Constitutional Law Associaiton

‘In the post published yesterday, I explained that under Part 2A of the Public Health (Control of Diseases) Act 1984, UK and Welsh ministers can make regulations to protect public health that can impose ‘special restrictions’ on persons, things and premises. They can impose such restrictions in the same way that Justices of the Peace may do against individuals and groups. However, there are four exceptions to that general rule (section 45D(3)). The general regulation-making powers cannot be used to force a person to (a) submit to medical examination; be (b) removed to or (c) detained in a hospital or similar establishment, or, and mostly notably, (d) ‘be kept in isolation or quarantine.’ The rationale for the exclusions seems to be that these highly invasive things must be done on a case-by-case (i.e. person or group) instead of community-wide basis.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 2nd April 2020


Jeff King: The Lockdown is Lawful – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 (Reg 6) and the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (Wales) Regulations 2020 (Reg 8) both provide in identical wording that ‘During the emergency period, no person may leave the place where they are living without reasonable excuse.’ Both also enumerate thirteen exceptions (‘reasonable excuses’) to the rule. These are the restrictions widely referred to as the ‘lockdown.’ There is a question at the moment about whether they are so invasive as to be unlawful. This two-part post briefly reviews the legal basis for the confinement. I argue that the lockdown is lawful.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 1st April 2020


Criminal Powers in response to Covid-19 – stay indoors instructions – 5SAH

‘On 23 March 2020, the Prime Minister instructed everyone to remain in their homes in order to limit the spread of COVID-19. The overwhelming majority of individuals and businesses have taken steps to comply with that instruction. However, concerns remained about the large number of people continuing to use London Underground, groups of people congregating in public places and a small number of people steadfastly refusing to comply. From the off, law enforcement officials were asking to be furnished with powers to enforce compliance.’

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5SAH, 30th March 2020


UK police warned against ‘overreach’ in use of virus lockdown powers – The Guardian

‘Police chiefs are drawing up new guidance warning forces not to overreach their lockdown enforcement powers after withering criticism of controversial tactics to stop the spread of coronavirus, the Guardian has learned.’

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The Guardian, 30th March 2020
