Coronavirus: residential possessions and lease forfeiture proceedings – Becket Chambers

‘The Coronavirus Act 2020 has put a hold on any existing residential possession proceedings for a period of 90 days and extended the notice period required as a precursor for any new residential possession to three months (section 81 of the Act and Practice Direction 51Z) and removed the right of re-entry or forfeiture for business tenancies for non-payment of rent until (at present) the 30th June 2020 (section 82).’

Full Story

Becket Chambers, 3rd April 2020


Changing the locks during lockdown:The Coronavirus Act 2020, Commercial Property and Forfeiture – 3PB

Posted April 14th, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, forfeiture, landlord & tenant, news by sally

‘In recent years the rise of e-commerce has challenged the traditional High Street model as we know it. The high attrition rates on the High Street have been widely reported. For those retailers who have sought to avoid closing their businesses, Company Voluntary Agreements (“CVA’s”) have become popular in order to allow shops to keep trading.’

Full Story

3PB, 9th April 2020


Martha Timbo v The Mayor and Burgess of the London Borough of Lambeth [2019] EWHC 1396 (Ch) – Tanfield Chambers

‘In a claim for relief from forfeiture the High Court refused to order relief where there was no good reason for delay beyond 6 months from re-entry, whether this resulted in a windfall for the landlord was irrelevant to the question of promptness.’

Full Story

Tanfield Chambers, 25th February 2020


Case Comment: The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v Vauxhall Motors Ltd (Formerly General Motors UK Ltd) [2019] UKSC 46 – UKSC Blog

Posted February 24th, 2020 in appeals, canals, forfeiture, leases, news, rent, Supreme Court by sally

‘In this case comment, Michael Cox of CMS comments on the judgment handed down in the matter of The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v Vauxhall Motors Ltd (Formerly General Motors UK Ltd) [2019] UKSC 46. Michael is a senior associate in the Real Estate Dispute team at CMS. Michael advises on all aspects of property law, with a particular emphasis on development advice and dispute resolution.’

Full Story

UKSC Blog, 21st February 2020


Lessons learned from account forfeiture proceedings (NCA v Vlad Luca Filat) – 5 SAH

Posted January 16th, 2020 in bribery, corruption, forfeiture, money laundering, news by sally

‘The Crown Court dismissed Vlad Luca Filat’s appeal against the decision to forfeit £500,000 held in three bank accounts in his name. The court held that the money derived from bribery and corruption offences committed by the appellant’s father, the former prime minister of Moldova, and was obtained by money laundering. The case was the National Crime Agency’s first contested account forfeiture application. James Fletcher, barrister at 5SAH Chambers, who appeared for the National Crime Agency, suggests that these types of applications are likely to be deployed more and more often.’

Full Story

5 SAH, 14th January 2020


Account freezing orders: at what cost? – Doughty Street Chambers

Posted December 10th, 2019 in banking, forfeiture, news, proceeds of crime by sally

‘Last week, the National Crime Agency deployed account freezing orders to secure £190 million held in the UK. Malik Riaz, a property developer and one of the biggest employers in Pakistan, reportedly agreed to pay £190 million in order to conclude an investigation into the funds[1]. The agreement followed the obtaining, in August 2019, of eight account freezing orders at Westminster City Magistrates’ Court in connection with funds held in the UK totalling around £120 million (the final settlement includes a UK property valued at £50 million). The assets are to be returned to the State of Pakistan.’

Full Story

Doughty Street Chambers, 10th December 2019


Relief from the forfeiture of a licence – Guildhall Chambers

Posted November 20th, 2019 in forfeiture, landlord & tenant, leases, news by sally

‘Traditionally it has been supposed that only tenants of leases could obtain relief from forfeiture; Grays’
Elements of Land Law 5th Ed. §4.1.69:
Only a tenant – and not a licensee – may ask for relief against forfeiture.
This has just been reversed by the Supreme Court (23rd October 2019).’

Full Story

Guildhall Chambers, 7th November 2019


Account ForfeitureOrder Notices – The Administrative Method – Drystone Chambers

‘The idea behind Account Forfeiture Order Notices is that it makes it easier for law enforcement to forfeit recoverable property, or property that is to be used in unlawful conduct, without going to court. The powers should only be used where there is no likelihood that the forfeiture will be objected to. Although these seem simple provisions there are a lot of possible issues, such as the length of notice, who and how it is served, if it is reasonable to serve one in the first place, and if forfeiture occurs, if it can be set aside by an aggrieved party at a later date.’

Full Story

Drystone Chambers, October 2019


Golding v Martin [2019] EWCA Civ 446 – Tanfield Chambers

‘The Court of Appeal determined whether the existence of the right to relief from forfeiture amounts to a prospect of “success” at trial when considering an application under CPR r.39.3 to set aside a possession Order.’

Full Story

Tanfield Chambers, 29th October 2019


For this relief, much thanks – Nearly Legal

Posted October 30th, 2019 in appeals, equity, forfeiture, leases, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘Just a quick note to record that the Supreme Court has held that the equitable remedy of relief from forfeiture is not restricted to those with a proprietary interest (lease/tenancy, mortgage etc) but can also extend to licensees with possessory rights (ie a right to occupy or use the land). The whole thing is fascinating, but this is not the place to get into the details of the history of equitable relief.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 29th October 2019


When is a Bank Account not a Bank Account Under Account Freezing and Forfeiture Orders? – Drystone Chambers

Posted October 29th, 2019 in banking, forfeiture, news, proceeds of crime by sally

‘As part of my series on AFO’s I am going to discuss what accounts can be frozen by Account Freezing Orders (‘AFO’s). Although the requirements under section 303Z5 setting out what a bank is seem straightforward, it can be hard in practice to determine when a bank account is not a bank account. It has, in my experience, caused a number of AFO’s to be discharged; this is where orders have frozen Forex trading accounts, ISA fund accounts, or other accounts which contain money but do not.’

Full Story

Drystone Chambers, October 2019


Woman who accompanied her husband to Dignitas will inherit his £1.8 million estate, judge rules in test case – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 22nd, 2019 in assisted suicide, forfeiture, married persons, news, wills by tracey

‘A woman who accompanied her husband to Dignitas can claim his £1.8 million estate, a High Court judge has ruled in a test case.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 21st February 2019


No order for costs following withdrawn forfeiture application – UK Police Law Blog

Posted January 28th, 2019 in appeals, costs, drug offences, forfeiture, news, police, proceeds of crime by sally

‘In Bennett v Chief Constable of Merseyside [2018] EWHC 3591 (Admin), the High Court confirmed that a district judge was correct to make no order for costs against the police after it withdrew its Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA’) s.298 application for cash forfeiture. In considering the decision of the district judge, the High Court reaffirmed three points: the starting point is that no order for costs should be made provided that the public authority has acted reasonably and properly; in determining whether the police acted reasonably and properly, the court should scrutinise the behaviour of the police with care; and it may be justifiable to award costs against the police, particularly where the successful private party would suffer substantial hardship if no order for costs were made in their favour.’

Full Story

UK Police Law Blog, 27th January 2019


Lord Briggs at the Denning Society Annual Lecture, Lincoln’s Inn – Supreme Court

Posted November 16th, 2018 in equity, estoppel, fiduciary duty, forfeiture, lectures, rectification, solicitors by tracey

‘Lord Briggs at the Denning Society Annual Lecture, Lincoln’s Inn.’

Full speech

Supreme Court, 8th November 2018


Asset Seizures – An Overview of the New POCA Powers Brought in Under Criminal Finance Act 2017 – Drystone Chambers

Posted August 9th, 2018 in forfeiture, news, proceeds of crime by sally

‘The last tranche of the Criminal Finance Act 2017 (‘CFA’) was enacted on the 17th of April 2018, which put in place the laws in relation to the forfeiture of movable property. For the ease of purpose, I have called this asset seizure, to bring it into its rightful place along with account and cash seizures.’

Full Story

Drystone Chambers, July 2018


Court of Appeal clarifies right to relief from forfeiture –

Posted May 29th, 2018 in canals, forfeiture, licensing, news, water by sally

‘The High Court was entitled to use its discretion to grant Vauxhall Motors relief from forfeiture of its licence to discharge surface water into the Manchester Ship Canal, the Court of Appeal has ruled.’

Full Story, 25th May 2018


Lawfulness of search warrant and detention irrelevant to forfeiture of cash – UK Police Law Blog

Posted August 11th, 2017 in forfeiture, money laundering, news, proceeds of crime, search & seizure, warrants by tracey

‘In Campbell v Bromley Magistrates’ Court [2017] EWCA Civ 1161 the Court of Appeal has confirmed that that there are no “fruits of the forbidden tree” consequences when it comes to the forfeiture of cash seized in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (“POCA”).’

Full Story

UK Police Law Blog, 10th August 2017


Changes to the Seizure Provisions Under the Criminal Finance Act 2017 – Drystone Chambers

‘On the 27th April 2017 the Criminal Finance Act (‘CFA 2017’) received Royal Assent. The Criminal Finance Act 2017 ushers in wide-ranging reforms to the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA 2002’). This article is part of a series of short comment pieces highlighting some of the main changes the CFA 2017 makes. It also covers issues related to Barnaby’s previous piece which set out some of the changes the Criminal Finance Bill enacted.’

Full Story

Drystone Chambers, 30th May 2017


Short term lets, long term consequences – Nearly Legal

Posted April 10th, 2017 in forfeiture, housing, injunctions, leases, news by sally

‘A couple of county court cases on Airbnb/short let use by leaseholders. One was reported in the newspapers, the other has not been reported anywhere before. Both show the potentially serious consequences of leaseholders letting out on short lets, where lease clauses arguably prevent it. We have seen the clause ‘use only as a private residence’ in the Upper Tribunal Nemcova, and subletting without consent, “otherwise than as a private residence for occupation by a single household” and carrying out a trade, business or profession from the Property in the FTT in LON/00AY/LBC/2015/0021. In both these cases, other lease clauses were involved, so there is an extension of the kind of clause catching Airbnb/short let use.’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 7th April 2017


Forfeiture Act 1982: Nothing to do with Section 146 or peaceable re-entry this time – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted February 22nd, 2017 in forfeiture, legislation, mental health, news by sally

‘Imagine receiving instructions from a client that his mother has died intestate but that a sibling had taken the property (the principal asset of the estate) and was not prepared to sell the property and share the proceeds of sale 50 / 50.’

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 17th February 2017
