Man dies at hospital after wrongly being fed jelly – BBC News
‘An elderly man with swallowing difficulties died in hospital after he was wrongly fed jelly and choked.’
BBC News, 20th February 2025
‘An elderly man with swallowing difficulties died in hospital after he was wrongly fed jelly and choked.’
BBC News, 20th February 2025
‘The Committee of Advertising Practice’s (CAP) update regarding media restrictions on advertisements for “less healthy” food and drinks products reveals the complexity of the issues to be considered by stakeholders, an expert has said.’, 13th February 2025
‘A special approach has been taken to gastric illness (‘GI’) claims since it was established in the case law in Kempson & Kempson v First Choice Holidays (2007) and Wood v TUI Travel Plc [2017] EWCA Civ 11 that food or drink contaminated with bacteria in sufficient quantity to cause illness cannot be considered to have been “fit for purpose” or of “satisfactory quality” under ss4 and 13 of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982. This is not a “strict liability” regime, as confirmed in Wood v TUI, but it does set GI claims apart from other package travel claims in terms of what a claimant is required to establish. Since 2018, the costs associated with GI claims have also been dealt with distinctly from those in other package claims.’
3 Hare Court, 6th February 2025
‘A shop in Coventry was fined after inspectors discovered a mice and cockroach infestation, a council said.’
BBC News, 3rd February 2025
‘Cider maker Thatchers has succeeded in its appeal against budget supermarket Aldi for trade mark infringement over its cloudy lemon cider.’
Law Society's Gazette, 20th January 2025
‘A former secretary can take legal action over her claims she was penalised for complaining about being served mouldy cheese.’
BBC News, 12th January 2025
‘The new ban has been introduced using powers in the Health and Social Care Act 2022, passed by Boris Johnson’s government, which set the focus on products.’
BBC News, 5th December 2024
‘In a recent ruling a district judge has provided helpful clarity on the role of third party delivery drivers and the question of supply in the provision of late night refreshment under the Licensing Act 2003. Leo Charalambides and James Rankin examine the ruling.’
Local Government Lawyer, 8th November 2024
‘It has been argued that newspaper responses to pro-eating disorder websites, within the United Kingdom (UK), constitute a moral panic. It is feared that moral panics may spur rash legal/policy responses. My analysis indicates that the consideration of pro-eating disorder websites by British newspaper journalists and others does not constitute a moral panic. I argue that the misuse of the moral panic concept exemplifies the dominance of emotivism within contemporary culture and may trivialise potential online harms and serve as an apologia for surveillance/digital capitalism. I contend that pro-eating disorder websites are potentially harmful and assess legal and policy responses, such as the Online Safety Act 2023 and the advancement of the digital commons. I also contend that the increase in the number of people suffering with eating disorders within the UK should be addressed by devoting more resources for research into, and the prevention and treatment of, eating disorders.’
Information & Communications Technology Law, 18th September 2024
‘Restrictions on advertising “less heathy” food and drink on TV and online will start to apply across the UK from 1 October 2025. However, despite a recent government response confirming the draft implementation regulations, important details are still lacking for food suppliers and media companies to prepare properly for the upcoming changes, according to legal experts.’, 7th October 2024
‘Businesses across the UK should examine the Food Standards Agency’s (FSA) 2024 Food Crime Strategic Assessment and factor its key themes and overarching food crime methods into their risk assessments, an expert has said.’, 1st October 2024
‘Staff must be given 100% of tips from customers under a new law which bans businesses from withholding gratuity payments.’
BBC News, 1st October 2024
‘A watchdog has banned yet another advert for food supplement firm Huel for making unsubstantiated claims about the product’s health benefits and cost relative to fruits and vegetables.’
The Independent, 26th September 2024
‘An NHS trust that gave four newborn babies contaminated feed has admitted that it was operating “an entirely unsafe system” at the time they became infected.
The Guardian, 24th September 2024
‘A business has been fined for selling fake Wonka chocolate bars around the UK, which included nuts that were not mentioned on the packaging.’
BBC News, 17th September 2024
‘Junk food TV advertisements are to be banned from airing before the 9pm watershed as part of the government’s drive to improve public health.’
The Guardian, 12th September 2024
‘An advert for the takeaway delivery service Just Eat that featured a McDonald’s burger has been banned for not taking sufficient care to ensure that it was not aimed at children under 16.’
The Guardian, 21st August 2024
‘A coroner has issued a warning after a 93-year-old woman with dementia died after eating toxic laundry capsules she may have mistaken for sweets because of their bright packaging.’
The Guardian, 18th August 2024
‘North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust & Anor v KAG & Ors [2024] EWCOP 38 (T3) is a case confirming the hard-edged nature of s.63 Mental Health Act 1983. It concerned a woman, KAG, who developed severe depression and in consequence was not eating or drinking. For extremely complicated reasons, including potentially crossed wires as to what the Official Solicitor’s position, the case ultimately came before Victoria Butler-Cole KC (sitting as a Deputy Tier 3 judge), who was asked to declare that it was lawful for a PEG to be inserted to provide KAG with clinically assisted nutrition and hydration.’
Mental Capacity Law and Policy, 27th July 2024
‘The High Court has rejected a legal challenge brought by a group of parents on behalf of their children against a decision by the Mayor of London to extend his Universal Free School Meals scheme for the academic year 2024-2025, but to continue to confine the scheme to state-funded primary schools.’
Local Government Lawyer, 12th June 2024