Parliament war protester jailed over £600 fine – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 23rd, 2007 in demonstrations, fines, news by sally

“The first person to be convicted of organising a demonstration within an exclusion zone around Parliament Square has been jailed for refusing to pay his fine.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 23rd August 2007


Police issue on-the-spot penalty fines once every three minutes – The Times

Posted August 13th, 2007 in fines, news, police by sally

“On-the-spot fines for crimes such as being drunk and disorderly, destroying property and shoplifting are being issued at a rate of one every three minutes, according to latest police figures.”

Full story

The Times, 13th August 2007


Absent fathers face automatic fines and mandatory fees – The Times

Posted June 6th, 2007 in child support, fines, news by sally

“Errant fathers will be fined automatically if their child maintenance case ends up with the commission that replaces the Child Support Agency next year.”

Full story

The Times, 6th June 2007


Magistrates quit over government demand to impose charges – The Guardian

Posted April 16th, 2007 in fines, magistrates, news by sally

“Three senior magistrates have resigned over surcharges on fines for offenders in what could be the start of a wave of revolts against the scheme. Other magistrates are angry about the Home Office-inspired initiative, which they say interferes with their discretion to make the punishment fit the crime and turns them into unofficial tax collectors.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th April 2007


£185,000 in fines for householders who put rubbish out at wrong time – The Times

Posted April 13th, 2007 in environmental health, fines, news by sally

“Thousands of people across the country have been fined for putting out their rubbish on the wrong day. More than a dozen councils have levied fines since the introduction of legislation a year ago enabling local authorities to pursue residents, a Times investigation has found.”

Full story

The Times, 13th April 2007
